Environmental Sensitivity Awareness - Information and Coping Tips Environmental Sensitivity Awareness means you are extremely sensitive to your environment and everything around you. You are hyperaware of the colors, textures, noises, lights, odors, and food textures....
Discover the Top Crystals for Empathic Grounding and Energy Balance
If you're struggling with feeling balanced and grounded the BioElectric Shield is a big help as it strengthens and grounds your energy, while at the same time deflecting and naturalizing EMF and other people's stress and negativity. Crystals can also assist with...
EMFs & Empaths – Everything You Need to Know
EMFs & Empaths - Everything You Need to Know How does EMF Affect an Empath or HSP? EMFs & Empaths are an important subject that isn't talked about much. EMF can affect Empaths or HSPs more than most. If you are an Empath or HSP Highly Sensitive Person, you...
Book of Stones Author Reviews the BioElectric Shield
Book of Stones Author Reviews the BioElectric Shield Do you want to know how and why the BioElectric Shield works, and what proof we have that it does? As the co-author of the renowned Book of Stones, we felt Naisha Ahsian, (now known as Samaya K Aster), a gem...
Feeling off? Cattywampus? Tilted? Does life seem strange?
So what’s happening? Social distancing and so many other things have disrupted your lives leaving you feeling off-balance and cattywampus. Your normal coping behaviors and things you do to get back in balance, like a dinner out with friends have all been interfered...
Are you depleted by technology or other people’s stress and fear?
Does this sound like you? Do you feel off-balanced and drained? You’re doing all the right things…eating well (fresh, non-GMO, etc), exercising, meditating, following doctor’s advice, etc, and yet you feel strangely off-balance and unsettled, easily irritated,...
Are you EMFing or just Ungrounded and Off-Center?
Are you feeling unbalanced, emotional, spacy, or unfocused even more than usual? How can you tell if it's coming from EMF, Wifi, and our technology, or if you're ungrounded or off-center? Is EMFing an Expletive? A long-time customer reported feeling especially spacy,...
Improve your Happiness by being Grounded & Present in your body
Improve your Happiness by being Grounded & Present in your body Does your world feel a bit crazy, out of control, even chaotic? You can improve your happiness by getting grounded! You're not alone, this seems to be a common state of being these days. Sadly, not...
Is Your Smart Phone Distracting You?
Is Your Smart Phone Distracting You? Do you have a Sense of Wholeness and Life Satisfaction? Everyone I know loves the idea of “peace of mind”. And even better, a feeling of wholeness as we go through our busy days. But it's possible technology is disrupting that and...
Do you have a hard time being here on earth?
Do you have a hard time being on earth? If you have a hard time being here on Earth - you can feel more love and connection when you're grounded Do you have a hard time living here on Earth, feeling at home or living in the world? Are there days when you feel that you...
Reconnect with Yourself and Your Abilities or Gifts
Do you ever feel like you're not truly connecting with your unique abilities and gifts? Does daily life just seem to overwhelm that energy? You're not alone. This is a common problem for many energy-sensitive people. It's time to reconnect with yourself and your...
Standing Your Ground – Staying in Your Center
I just got off the phone with a woman who is in a verbally abusive marriage and is having a hard time standing her ground and remaining in her center with her husband, or anywhere else in her life. This reminded me of a blog post I wrote many years ago after returning...