EMF Radiation Protection for
Electromagnetically Sensitive (ES)

EMF & Personal Energy Protection for
Highly Sensitive People (HSP)

How do you choose which EMF protection is right for you?

In the late 1980’s we observed that our patients who were computer programmers had the most difficulty recovering from illness, stress, or any condition that brought them to our office. We concluded that EMF radiation was the culprit. Committed to a solution, in 1990, the BioElectric Shield Co. was founded by Dr. Charles W. Brown, Chiropractic Neurologist & Virginia Brown, M.S., Occupational Therapist.

Everything on our planet is a form of energy. Some energy helps us (nature) and some types of energy drain us (EMF radiation, stress, other people’s energy).

Our EMF protection BioElectric Shield blocks EMF radiation as well as any energy not compatible with the person wearing the BioShield. Other products provide additional protection (cellphone covers, paint, fabric rinses, etc.)

We have been providing energy protection products since 1990. Since that time, we have provided EMF protection and personal energy shielding for more than 200,000 customers. In recent years, we felt the need to let people determine what level of protection they needed.

We developed 2 quizzes you can take to determine your best personal energy protection from EMF radiation and other people’s energy. Your protection recommendation will be based on your answers about your lifestyle, your exposure, and sensitivity to both issues. More than 12,000 people have taken one of our two professionally developed quizzes.

About BioElectric Shield

Testing the BioElectric Shield

Our “Testing the BioElectric Shield” section includes formal and informal studies. Since 1990 to the present, a wide range of studies has proven the Shield’s strengthening effects on the human energy system.

How the BioElectric Shield Works

EMF RADIATION AND PERSONAL ENERGY PROTECTION: Deflects and neutralizes the impact of EMF radiation from cell phones, WiFi, computer radiation. 3 parts – How it Works, 3 Laws of Physics used in every Shield, and How the Shield was Invented.

EMF Protection & Personal Energy Protection Products

Are you stressed, fatigued and overloaded? Research has shown that EMF exposure can cause: poor focus, sleep issues, fatigue, anxiety, reduced immunity and many more symptoms. Other people’s energy can be exhausting too! A Shield Can Change Your Life.

Energy Protection Benefits

  1. Protect your body
  2. Shield your electronics
  3. Reduce EMF in your home

The BioElectric Shield IS:

  • Unique in its positive health effects as proven through physical and stress testing.
  • Handcrafted by artisans in Montana.
  • Charged in our own Crystal Room prior to shipping (no other process can activate crystal matrix to full power).
  • Designed to work forever with minimal effort on your part. You can keep it at 100% effectiveness by recharging your Shield monthly by hanging it in a window. Natural daylight will recharge the crystals in just six hours.
  • Configured of natural, living crystals that resonate with you, change and grow with you to protect, balance and strengthen your natural energy field.
  • Compatible with other crystals, gems, magnets and other energy balancing devices.
  • Often imitated (our claims are often copied, but unsubstantiated by competitors’ lack of research).

The BioElectric Shield is NOT:

  • Plastic, mass-produced, machine-made or containing a battery or computer chip.
  • Generating any artificially created frequency as computer chips and batteries do.
  • Like other products that “fix” or lock in your energy at just one frequency.
  • Ground-up crystals or just one crystal.
  • A device that needs to be “cleared” or be returned for recharging.

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