New BioElectric Shield Owners Guide – What to Expect

How To Get The Best Experience Wearing A Shield?

The Shield is a subtle energy device and it takes time for it to blend with your energy field. We’re providing this new BioElectric Shield owners guide to help you focus on these shifts. Your Shield protects you immediately,then rebalances your entire energy field in the first 8 weeks. This is why we suggest you keep your Shield for at least 9 weeks before you decide how it is protecting, strengthening, balancing, and supporting your energy field. Compare it to the slow ripple effect of a tiny pebble in a pond. In time, the waves reach the outside of the pond and then return to you. During the first 4-8 weeks, your Shield is re-balancing your energy field while it is also protecting you from EMF. After this blending period, you should begin to notice how your life is different. Perhaps you will notice that you are not as stressed out as you used to be – you might laugh more – or be less critical of others, and confrontations and interactions may be smoother. You probably will not get the fatigue you used to get from being around computers or particular people. It takes some TIME to accomplish these results, which are cumulative.

How To Know The Shield Is Working

A list of things to pay attention to in the first 9 weeks:

Another approach is to take the Shield off for a few days and see if you notice a difference (make sure you have worn it for at least 6 weeks before you try this.) Pay attention to little things – here are just a few:

  • Are you suddenly more tired?
  • Do you find it harder to focus?
  • Are you having trouble sleeping?
  • Has that pain in your neck, back, head, etc., returned?
  • Is your body tenser?
  • Are you feeling more emotional? More stressed? More irritated?
  • Did you find that altercations or interactions with a challenging person were more difficult again?

These are just a few things that people have been surprised to notice after taking the Shield off.

Check out what other Shield wearers have experienced.

How To Know The Shield Is Working Correctly

  • The Shield does some intensive “energy balancing.” Some people are more sensitive to this than others. Some people may feel very energized in the beginning, and some may not. You may or may not feel (Or be aware) of what is occurring, as you may not be used to tuning into your personal energy field.
  • If the rebalancing starts intensely, it will be beneficial to slow down the acclimation process. To do this, wear your Shield for 2 hours a day initially. Please put it on after you wake up and leave it on for 2 hours. Increase this with time and pay attention to what is happening with your body. Adjust the time as you see fit. This allows the re-balancing to be slow and gentle. Another option is to leave it on your nightstand, next to your bed for the first two weeks while you acclimate to the Shield.
  • Note: The Shield usually works perfectly, but the benefits are below your level of daily awareness. In that case, reread this New Shield Owners Guide or Customer Testimonials and see if you relate to any of the shifts discussed.

A Word of Caution

I can’t tell you how many times someone has been sure the Shield wasn’t working for them, returned it, and before we even recieved their package, they were on the phone asking us to send it back to them. That’s why we suggest giving yourself a few days without it.

Read about to explain why you may not often notice gradual changes.

Many people don’t really notice what the Shield is doing for them and some people never actually feel any difference. The Shield is working regardless of whether you feel it or not. Everyone reacts differently to EMF and stress and many of the effects are below our conscious level of awareness.

  • Are you less tired at the end of the day?
  • Do you handle stress more easily or recover from/let it go more easily or quickly than before?
  • Do your co-workers bother you less than they used to?
  • Can you “roll” with things better than without your Shield?
  • Are you giving yourself the space to care for “you” a little better?
  • Do you have more energy, or feel your energy is more balanced than without the Shield?
  • Do things seem to flow better than they used to?
  • Are others getting the flu or a cold – and you aren’t? Or if you do, are you healing faster than you used to?
  • Are you more focused than you were before you started wearing your Shield?
  • Are you sleeping better?
  • Are you feeling less frustrated, tired, emotional, etc.?
  • Have issues like pain, headaches, spaciness, etc., cleared up.

The Shield is protecting you even if you don’t feel a difference. Toxic energies are cumulative, just like smoking and other types of exposure, so most people don’t notice their effects immediately, sometimes, it takes years to develop symptoms, and we don’t often attribute them to causes like EMF exposure or chronic stress.

Funny Stories About People
Who Thought the Shield Wasn't Working

Here are a couple of the stories which had us laughing and reinforced what we know about the Shield being subtle and sometimes below many people's level of awareness.

Dentist's Staff Said They'd Quit if He Returned His Shield

A dentist called us just before the end of his 90-day period. This is how I remember the conversation, "As you know, I got the Level 3 Shield almost three months ago. I got it just because my wife and office manager ganged up on me and suggested it might be a good idea. I hadn't noticed much difference, so I asked my office manager, Barbara, to pack it and return it. About ten minutes later, Barbara and all our dental hygienists were in my office telling me they'd quit if I returned it. I was baffled and asked why they cared. They each gave me an example of how much easier I am to work with wearing my Shield. I'm less grouchy and more focused, and I remember to write everything down and follow through. I'm still smiling at the end of the day. They love this new version of me. I'm no longer a skeptic. I'm listening when all the women around me tell me the same thing. Thank you."

Woman Returned Level 4 Gold Shield, Paid for FedEx Re-Delivery

We sent a 14k gold Level 4 Shield to a woman in New York who'd been very skeptical but decided to give the Shield a try. A couple of months later, she called breathless and much nicer than before. "I have a confession to make. I bought that Shield so that I could prove that it didn't work. I had no intention of keeping it. I sent it to you a few days ago, and I'm miserable. I'm exhausted and frustrated, and I can't keep my mind on anything. I know you said that the improvements are gradual sometimes, and I may not notice them immediately. Now that I don't have it, I realize how much it was helping. I just hadn't noticed that I wasn't collapsing on the sofa at the end of the day. I've been going out and doing things after work. Will you Please FedEx it back to me overnight? Here's my credit card. I am stunned beyond belief. This little pendant works even better than you'd told me it would. I may have to take down the died in the wool skeptic plaque and put up one that says I believe."

Still Unsure?

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