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Blogs and Podcasts

Blogs and Podcasts about EMF, HSP and Your Health

Is your energy being drained by EMF or other people?

Invisible energy drains from EMF include your WiFi, Smart Phone, Tablets, Computers, technology. Other people’s energy, even if they are strangers, can suck your energy dry!

These blogs are geared to inform and provide solutions. Many blogs are also available in podcast form. Visit your favorite category or scroll down this page.

AirPod Radiation May Be Frying Your Brain

AirPod Radiation May Be Frying Your Brain

I'm pretty sure you wouldn't put a microwave next to your head. I am right, aren't I? Well, I hate to be the bearer of more bad news but using an AirPod or any other wireless, Bluetooth headset, or holding the phone to your ear is about the same - or worse, because...

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Using Your Phone as an Alarm Clock can be Dangerous

Using Your Phone as an Alarm Clock can be Dangerous

Using your phone as an alarm clock can be dangerous? Do you keep your cell phone near your bedside at night? Many people do, but using your phone as an alarm clock could pose an inherent danger to your health, even while you sleep. Young people are the most likely to...

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Are You Crazy, or Are You a Highly Sensitive Person?

Are You Crazy, or Are You a Highly Sensitive Person?

Are you sometimes concerned that perhaps you're just a bit crazy because you are so much more highly sensitive to energy than your friends or co-workers? Are you crazy, or is there something else going on? Do you have unexplained mood swings, strange health issues,...

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What do we Know that Your Doctor Probably Doesn’t?

What do we Know that Your Doctor Probably Doesn’t?

What Your Doctor Probably Does Not know about Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity. Your might doctor suggests it's "all in your head" or to get anxiety medication. You go to your doctor for help and she looks at you like she just knows you're lying about all the good...

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Is Your Smart Phone Distracting You?

Is Your Smart Phone Distracting You?

Is Your Smart Phone Distracting You? Do you have a Sense of Wholeness and Life Satisfaction? Everyone I know loves the idea of “peace of mind”. And even better, a feeling of wholeness as we go through our busy days. But it's possible technology is disrupting that and...

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Is Your Fitbit or iWatch Dowsing You with EMF?

Is Your Fitbit or iWatch Dowsing You with EMF?

Fitbits produce EMF - Is that a problem? A customer called us inquiring about Fitbits and EMF. They wanted to know "is this a problem I should be concerned about?" Well, the answer is - that depends. If you have any sensitivity to EMF or otherwise high exposure...

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It’s Possible You have an Unfair Advantage

It’s Possible You have an Unfair Advantage

HSP’s – Do you have an unfair advantage? Being an empath or HSP (Highly Sensitive Person) can give you huge advantages both in business and in life, some people even think it's an unfair advantage. We disagree, believe it or not, your sensitivity could just be a...

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