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BioElectric Shield - Personal Energy Protection

Shouldn’t I Be Able to Protect Myself? Why Do I Need a Shield? – BioElectric Shield

by | Dec 12, 2014 | 0 comments

Umbrella for your Energy Field“Shouldn’t I be able to protect myself? I don’t want to depend on something all the time.”

We hear this a lot. Thirty years ago (1990), protecting yourself was possible, but things have changed so very much since then. Our technology and our lives have changed dramatically in that time – we’ve gone from wired phones and answering machines, to cellphones, laptops and computers, along with Wifi, Video games, and even smart cars and appliances. Our EMF exposure levels have increased dramatically. It’s no longer possible for most people to protect themselves from technology or other people’s stress and negativity – that’s where the BioElectric Shield comes in.

While each person has tremendous untapped potential to protect themselves without a Shield, the ability to fully Shield yourself has been constantly eroded by EMF, WiFi bombardment, and that’s not even getting into the stress and fear so many are experiencing.

Why not take advantage of a natural product that will protect you from unnatural energies?

If you had a choice between flying between San Francisco and New York or walking, most people would use the technology of airplanes, instead of taking months to walk! It can be thought of as a modern convenience just the way we think of phones and cars. They make our lives easier.

Another way to think of it is that the Universe provides us with all kinds of tools. We take vitamins, receive health care treatments like massage, use power tools, use a phone – all of which make our lives easier and more pleasant.

Technology affects your Health and Well-being in ways you don’t even realize.

The world offers us technology that has side effects for our bioenergetic fields. Some people don’t notice much, but their energy systems are using energy to maintain their own natural frequency – one that is VERY different from that wireless signal coming at you 24/7.

Many people who used to be able to protect themselves pretty well are finding that as the bombardment increases with more cell towers, WiFi, even city-wide WiFi, they are less effective. And, yes, they’ve been calling to order Shields as they acknowledge that they need more help.

If it’s Pouring you take your Umbrella – It’s pouring EMF, WiFi, 5G, Wear a BioShield and Protect yourself

Again, why waste your energy doing this? Let the Shield deflect those energies so you can use the energy that your body would have used to do that – to do something more productive, fun – or simply to feel more energized!

Read more about EMFs and the effects of technology

Many people are extremely sensitive to electromagnetic radiation. Are you one of them?


Stop Energy Drains, take the quiz








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Contact us at 541-201-8878, Mon ~ Fri, or visit our contact form. If you don’t have a Shield yet, take our Quiz and get a personal assessment of your overall exposure and risk, along with a recommendation for the best Shield Level for your needs. This quiz has been proven effective since 2016.


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