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BioElectric Shield - Personal Energy Protection

Products for People with Electromagnetic Sensitivity – ES – EHS

by | Dec 17, 2016 | 0 comments

Products we Recommend for the Highly Sensitive Person (HSP – empath) or those with Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EMS)


How do you know if you are Electrosensitive?

Products for people with electromagnetic sensitivity can reduce energy drains and the impact of EMF, WiFi and all our technology as well as other people’s energy.

At first, many people just think they might be getting the flu. Or they think the headaches they get in the afternoon relate to stress or fatigue. But in time, many of you recognize that when you use your Smartphone, or laptop or walk into a place with WiFi, you start to feel bad. Or you feel anxious. There is a list of symptoms you might recognize:

  • problems with concentration, memory or even dizziness
  • headache and nausea
  • aches and pains in muscles or joints
  • heart palpitations
  • tingling or prickly sensations in your hands, arms, face or other parts of the body
  • flu-like symptoms
  • dry mucous membranes.

All these symptoms are messages from your body that it’s under extreme stress. The amount of EMR (Electromagnetic Radiation) coming into your own energy field is overwhelming your personal energy field.

Do you have a Smart Meter or 5G?

Many people do not realize they are Electromagnetically Sensitive until a Smart Meter is installed on their home. If you upgrade your WiFi router, did you know that all of the new routers are twice the frequency of your old 2.45 GHz models? This means they are more dangerous since you are getting double the radiation. 2.45 GHZ is the same frequency as your microwave oven uses to cook food – and now your WiFi router is dousing you with higher frequencies for the entire time you have it on.

How do you begin to protect yourself?

Because Electromagnetic Radiation is present everywhere you go, we recommend that you start with personal energy protection for your whole body. It can lessen and even remove symptoms from ES serve to prevent electromagnetic sensitivity as well as prevent ES from developing.

emf protection coccoon

First Step: Get Whole-Body Personal Energy Protection

  • People who are electromagnetically hypersensitive need EMF protection 24/7. The BioElectric Shield places a cocoon of protection around your entire body.
  • We take a medical approach to protection using Nobel Prize-winning physics to protect you. Our research shows the results.
  • Take our Quiz to find out which level of whole-body protection is right for your body and your sensitivity level.
  • Once you know what level of protection you need, Click Here To Visit our Whole Body Protection Page.

Second Step: Use Targeted EMF Protection from Your Electronics:

Click Here To Visit our Targeted protection for electronics product section. You will find products that will lessen and even stop radiation from: 

  • Computer, Laptop, Tablets, TV’s, Remote controls
  • Spray your WiFi Router with an anti-radiation spray
  • Appliances -Refrigerator
  • EMF blankets when using a laptop – great for anyone, but particularly if you are pregnant.
  • Cell and portable phones

Third Step: Purify Your Home and Living Spaces

  • Dirty Electricity flows through your home 24/7. A Satic Whole Home Line Conditioner will flatten the electrical spikes which produce bursts of EMF. If you live in a condo, townhouse or apartment, you can use their plug-in version which covers a smaller area.
  • Smart Meters – If your meter is on an outside wall, hang a Room Shield opposite the meter on the inside of that wall. If the meter is inside your garage or utility room, hang the Room Shield in the same room with it – about 3 feet away.
  • Click Here Visit our Work and Living Space EMF Protection Product Page

What else can you do?

  • Get EMF Protection in your Clothing. Once you get a Shield, you can also add a layer EMF protection in your clothing by adding a special protective rinse when you wash your clothes. Very useful if you work in a hospital or building with universal WiFi, or are traveling often since airports and airplanes are filled with EMF.
  • Turn off your WiFi at night – get a simple lamp timer to do it automatically. Plug your timer into the wall socket where you currently have your WiFi router plugged in. Plug your WiFi Router into the timer. Set the timer to go off at night – say 10 pm – or whenever bedtime is… and not come on until whatever time in the morning you will need your WiFi. Does not interfere with your telephone or TV service if this comes in via cabling (99% of them have hard cabling into your home from the street).
  • Why electronics need to stay out of the bedroom. Your body uses night and sleep for REST AND REPAIR so you don’t want your WiFi bombarding your body at night. If you are SUPER sensitive, also use a Room Shield. It will greatly reduce any EMF in your bedroom.

What if you can’t turn off your WiFi at night?

  • Use a Room Shield in your bedroom. If you have a Smart Meter, we recommend the Premium Room Shield instead of the standard one.
  • EMF is greatly reduced by the Room Shield which breaks up EMF waves, making them far less dangerous.

Where to learn more

Visit our Electrosensitivity Learning Section, where you will find other useful information. (It’s under “THE PROBLEM” tab at the top of each page.) After you take our Quiz, you’ll have a recommendation for EMF protection.

To purchase, visit our Whole Body Protection Product Page now.

Do you have special sensitivity or physical issues? Use our free Photo Analysis process. Our Occupational Therapist will provide specific recommendations for you.


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