How to Recharge & Care for YOUR BioElectric Shield
If you imagine your Shield as a vehicle, then think of the sun as fuel. Without fuel, your Shield will fade in effectiveness – and eventually, stop working. At the beginning of each new month, it’s time to recharge your Shield. This is the most critical part of owning a Shield – it is ESSENTIAL to charge your Shield monthly. It will last for years when you do this.
Wearing Your Shield
General Instructions include how to wear, how to re-tie the cord, showers, washing machines, etc.
Caring for the Shield
Recharge Your Shield
Gifting the Shield
Want to give the Shield to someone else? Here’s what you need to know about recharging and energy clearing
Wearing Your BioElectric Shield
Wherever you choose to wear your Shield, it is best if you are consistent about the location. The Shield creates a vortex of energy around you, and the center will be determined by where you wear it. If you move it from a heart location into a pocket, the Shield has to recreate the vortex with a different center point each time you move it. The Shield WILL do this but you might want to recharge it a bit more often if you change locations frequently.
One exception is the wristband style, which easily accommodates the movement of your wrist to maintain the protective vortex.
Many people enjoy wearing the Shield over the heart, using our cord, a chain, or a beaded necklace. Alternately, you can carry your Shield in a pocket or belt pouch, or loop it around a bra strap or belt loop.
Wear your Shield during the day or all the time. We recommend that you take it off at bedtime and place it on your bedside table or hang it near you. As long as it is within 2-3 feet of you, it is still working with your energy field.
Occasionally it is good to leave it farther away at night. It allows your energy field to remember the pattern the Shield is providing during the day, reinforcing the pattern.
PLEASE DO NOT YANK THE CORD OVER YOUR HEAD TO TAKE OFF YOUR SHIELD. Pulling hard on the cord will eventually cause your top loop to bend away from the back of the shield – and YOUR SHIELD WILL EVENTUALLY FALL OFF THE CORD.
You can wear it under or over your clothing with equal effectiveness.
Tying The Cord
About the Knot
The Shield can be very secure on the cord with a little care and attention. The most important thing is to TIGHTEN THE CORD EVERY TIME YOU PUT IT ON.
We recommend a Secure, Non-adjustable knot.
If you want to wear the Shield at about your heart all the time and don’t plan on changing the length, there’s a very simple knot you can do. Hold both ends in one hand, make a loop around your fingers, then pull the ends through the loop…don’t tighten it until you have the length you want – you can slide the loop up and down to adjust to length – when you have at the right length pull tightly. I normally then pull the cords just under the not as well, so it’s really tight. Do this every time you put your Shield on.
How to tie an adjustable, sliding knot in Your Black Cord
It seems complicated at first, but once you get it, it’s really simple. You can tie it as shown with two wraps around, or just do one if you want a simpler know.
You can do this with either a leather or satin cord or any other material you have.
Here is a video showing our favorite sliding knot.
Avoid Losing Your Shield by Checking Your Knot
Customers have called us up after losing their Shield off their cord. They just figured that if they tied the knot once, it would hold forever. Not true. This is why we’re making a big deal about checking your cord knot.
Please check for wear – as in fraying or thinning. If your cord is worn, please don’t use it! You can get replacement cords from us for only $2, or go to a craft store, and they usually have similar cords. For greater security, using a chain is best. Please view our selection of chains.
Is Your Cord Wearing Thin or Fraying Around the Edges?
If your cord is starting to fray or show signs of wear, replace it immediately. You don’t want to lose it and we don’t want you to either!
The Shower – Washing Machines – Swimming
The Shower
Your Shield is soldered together at 1400 degrees Fahrenheit! It’s waterproof. You can wear it in the shower, or in the ocean or a lake. Chlorinated pools will tarnish a silver shield in minutes!
Swimming in a Pool
Chlorinated water can cause your Shield to tarnish or darken. Just polish it using the instructions below.
Swimming in the Ocean
Saltwater and sand can damage your jewelry. Seawater is corrosive and may leave a residue that needs to be removed. Suggest carefully washing under running water before polishing to remove any grit.
Washing Machines
If your Shield goes through the washer, simply recharge it the next day. The crystal matrix is embedded in a holding material that cushions it and makes it resistant to high heat or extreme cold. Running the Shield through a dryer isn’t a great idea, though and can be hard on the finish.
Polishing Your BioElectric Shield
When to polish
We recommend that you polish your Shield occasionally. Tarnishing doesn’t affect the performance of the Shield, but naturally, it looks nicer when it’s not tarnished. The most important thing you can do is recharge your Shield regularly.
What kind of polishing cloth should you use?
The cloth we carry came recommended by the largest jeweler supplier in this country. We agree after trying a few others. It does leave a residue on your hands but can quickly polish your Shield, and any other jewelry you have. Most people order 2 kits at a time. They are not washable since the cleaning compound is part of the cloth.
You can use ordinary silver polish
If you prefer, you can use ordinary silver polish or natural methods for removing tarnish from silver. To obtain the mirror finish on polished Shields you can use a dip, but we recommend a cream polish or polishing cloth instead as they leave a protective finish behind.
Silver Tarnish Dips
These work great to almost instantly remove any tarnish. If using this wash in warm water and dry fully. We recommend following with a light polish with a polishing cloth to remove water spots, residue, and to give it a nice finish. This works for either the polished or satin finishes.
How do I polish a satin finish shield?
To restore the satin finish, you will need to get our Polishing Kit. The kit contains the buffing pad that will restore the satin, textured finish of your Shield after you have used the cloth to remove tarnish. You can use other abrasive pads, but they may make your Shield look gray. If you don’t use the matte buffing pad, your Shield will gradually get shinier over time which is also a good look.
Brass Shields
Use our polishing kit or Brasso (available at most grocery stores) Tarnish – Does the Shield Tarnish? Why does my Shield tarnish so rapidly?
Brass and silver Shields do tarnish and can be cleaned with our Sunshine polishing cloths which are the best available. The rate of tarnish is affected by many things. Lotions, perfumes, and even your body’s PH level can cause the Shield to tarnish more quickly. Humidity and heat also greatly affect tarnish rates. Another, possibly surprising, factor is your stress level and the amount of balancing the Shield is doing – many people find that during times of initial balancing, or during times of stress that their Shields tarnish more quickly – this may be because the Shield is working so hard, or perhaps it’s just that stress affects the PH balance of your skin. The tarnish doesn’t affect the way the Shield works. You can use the mentioned polishing cloths, or use commercial silver or brass polish.
Recharging Your BioElectric Shield At Home
To Keep Your Shield Recharge 100% Hang It In Daylight Monthly
Outdoor charging is ideal if you have a secure place (see below)
- 3 hours if it’s sunny
- 6 hours if it is cloudy
Indoor charging – You can hang from a nail or hook above the window, a suction cup with a hook on the window, or put the stand in the window.
- 6 hours if it’s sunny
- 8 hours if it is cloudy
You can charge it more often if you feel you have been around a large amount of EMF or have experienced a lot of stress.
- You can charge it more often if you feel you have been around a large amount of EMF or have experienced a lot of stress.
- Note: If you have 5G in your area or very high EMF exposure you may want to recharge more frequently.
The Energy of the sun will come through the clouds so you don’t have to wait for a sunny day, but full sun is optimal.
Hang it outside. hang your Shield where it is continuously exposed to natural light. If it’s sunny, hang it outside for 3 hours, if it’s cloudy charge for 6 hours. If you are lucky enough to have a secure outdoor space, hanging it outside is ideal. Be sure to Secure Shield by tying or looping it around something: squirrels and birds have been known to take unsecured Shields.
Hang in Window : If necessary, install a hook in your window so the Shield can dangle freely inside your window, not flat against the window or on a window sill. We recommend 8 hours if recharging in a window.
or Charging after a long period in storage
Gifting your Shield - If you want to pass on a Shield you are no longer using (you upgraded, or any other reason), you need to clear the Shield of the energy of the person who has worn it, follow the instructions below.
Once this has been done, you have both cleared and recharged the Shield. It is ready to be given to the next person who will wear it.
If your Shield hasn’t been regularly charged - or if it’s been 10-12 months since it’s last charge. It’s probably very depleted, follow the instructions here.
Super Charge Instructions
To do this, follow the recharge instructions above, but do it for 6 days in a row.
When to send in to Recharge in our powerful crystal circle
If you have charged your Shield in the sun for six days, and find it still feels less powerful than it used to or you’re concerned about it, please send it to us for a full, deep recharge in our crystal circle. We’ll even polish it for you.
- Reiki does not recharge the Shield
- A laser pen does not recharge the Shield
- A full spectrum light does not recharge the Shield
- Other crystals do not recharge your Shield
- All the other very inventive ways you think of to charge your Shield don’t work, regardless of what anyone tells you.
- Charging it more often is fine!
- Keep your Shield at 100% power for the rest of your life by regularly charging it in the sun.
- The Shield cannot be charged with grow light, full-spectrum lights, pyramids, any type of crystals, energy devices, or saltwater. Your Shield does not absorb negative energy, so it never needs to be cleared or cleansed – only recharged by exposure to natural daylight. It doesn’t have to be a sunny day. It charges even when cloudy.
Recharge Questions
Is charging the shield for 2 hours each for 3 days have the same effect as one 6 hour charge?
It’s best to do it for 3 continuous hours if it’s sunny – and 6 continuous hours if it’s cloudy.
Does the Shield benefit from random charging….hour here, an hour there?
Answer: Yes, now you can wear it outside your clothing and charge it. We still recommend hanging it outside for several hours at a time once a month.
Gifting The Shield
Instructions for Clearing and Recharging a Shield Before you give it to someone else
If you want to pass on a Shield you are no longer using (you upgraded, or any other reason), you need to clear the Shield of the energy of the person who has worn it. To do this, follow the recharge instructions above, but do it for 6 days in a row. Please make sure you bring the Shield before dark to avoid the moonlight shining on it. Once this has been done, you have both cleared and recharged the Shield. It is ready to be given to the next person who will wear it.
Does The Shield Keep Up With The Changing Earth Frequency? The Schumann Resonance?
The earth’s frequency, sometimes called the Schumann Resonant frequency, is said to be changing based on the consciousness of the inhabitants of this earth. As the consciousness of the people goes up, the consciousness of the planet goes up.
The quartz in the crystal matrix of the Shield is connected to the crystal matrix of quartz all over the planet. They vibrate in harmony with one another, so any changes that affect any of the crystals, will affect all of them in the network, and this includes those in the Shield. They all adapt to the new polarity and then the ones in the Shield, bring the aspects of this new polarity into harmony in your body. (Did you know your body has the same minerals in it as quartz?) This feature is one of the most amazing things about BioElectric Shields – they are always precisely in tune with the earth’s polarity, and, because they get recharged by the energy of the sun, they are also in sync with the relationship between the sun’s magnetic field and the earth’s magnetic field.
This quote below from the article is a great description of how the energies change. The Shield changes right along with all of these field shifts.
“Every 11 years, the strength of this magnetic field gradually decreases to zero, then emerges in the opposite direction, as part of the solar cycle. It’s as if, here on Earth, compasses pointed towards the Arctic as “North” for 11 years, then briefly wavered, then pointed towards Antarctica as “North” for the next 11 years (in fact, the Earth’s magnetic field does reverse as well, but it occurs with much less regularity and takes a few hundred thousand years to do so).”
Is there any other way to recharge my Shield other than hanging it outside or in a window?
Can I charge it with saltwater or full-spectrum lights? No. Does the EMF Protection Shield have to be cleansed? Does it pick up negative energy? When you are wearing a Shield, it is focused on balancing and protecting your energy. It does not pick-up negative energy – it deflects it away from you. This takes energy which is why your Shield needs to be recharged, but not “cleansed”Symbols and markings on your Shield
Each Shield is lovingly handcrafted. Our Shield Makers sign with work by stamping their unique symbol on the back of the Shield opposite the top loop. The .925 stamp signifies pure sterling silver, and the 14k or .585 symbolizes pure 14k gold. The ADD/Focus Shield has an A on the back; custom shields have a C. Shields, not for North America will also have a number which tells us which region/country it’s for. The BES is our manufacturer’s stamps and shows that we made it. Note The metal designation, made in USA and Manufacturer’s stamp as all legal requirements.