Earth Resonance Technology™

What is
Earth Resonance Technology™

Earth Resonance Technology™ uses frequencies to affect biological systems. All physical matter has a frequency associated with its physical properties, and so does biological matter. A frequency is associated with a biological effect when it affects the cell or biological system (such as a human or animal) that uses that frequency to balance function.

Shield Matrix
tuned to Schumann Resonance.

For example, the BioElectric Shield® uses Earth Resonance Technology™ in the crystal matrix inside each Shield. This frequency is always tuned to the Schumann resonance frequency and creates a perfectly balanced band of a human energy field. All human frequencies fall within this band.

Balances Your Entire Energy Field.

The Shield balances all four aspects of your human energy field: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. This is because the Schumann resonance frequency is, in fact, the fundamental frequency of the earth's electromagnetic energy field, sometimes referred to as the "seven hertz of the earth." Thus, when you initially wear a BioElectric Shield®, the crystal matrix will go into perfect resonance with the frequency of a unique individual. It will restore balance to your energy field once it is in perfect sympathetic resonance with you.

Because the BioElectric Shield® vibrates at a perfect human energy band, it helps your own energy field gradually move into greater balance. This process of restoring balance to your energy field is repeated every time you wear a BioElectric Shield®. This action was verified in the study "Effects of EMF Protection BioElectric Shield on Human Energy Systems as Measured by Computerized Acupuncture." The BioElectric Shield® uses Earth Resonance Technology™ to restore balance within the human energy field. This will allow the human biofield to move in sympathetic resonance with the natural frequencies of the environment.

Reduce Negative Effects of EMF and Other People's Energy

Moreover, it will allow you to be less susceptible (or even unsusceptible) to the negative effects of EMFs and other people's energy if it is incompatible with them. The oscillations that are necessary to restore balance are stimulated by the movement of ions in and out of the body's cells, which is how cellular respiration works.

Improve Cellular Function

For example, when an aerobic cell, like a muscle cell, takes in oxygen, it uses that oxygen to oxidize glucose to carbon dioxide and water. Carbon dioxide and water are the resulting byproducts of this process. During cellular respiration, the ionic gradient between the inside and outside of a cell creates the electrical potential difference across the cell membrane. This potential difference allows electricity to flow through the cells of our bodies. It is well known that EMF radiation can disrupt cellular function.

Reflects and Redirects any Electromagnetic Energy

The BioElectric Shield® is designed to work with this electrical potential difference and oscillate at the same frequency as a healthy human energy field. This will help restore and maintain balance. Because Earth Resonance Technology™ resonates at your exact frequency, it has an Innate Intelligence to redirect any energies incompatible with that frequency. Using principles of Nobel Prize-winning physics, this technology reflects and redirects any electromagnetic energy. This includes Electrosmog, Electromagnetic Radiation, and energy from other people, places, or things not resonating with your unique energy field.

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