
32" Italian Leather Cord

If you want something a little more stylish than the satin cord, this may be a nice choice.

Don't let your cord get thin, you run the risk of losing your Shield.
Order replacements now and protect your investment  We recommend replacement as soon as cord shows sign of wear - for most people this is about 3-6 months. 

HOW TO TIE THE BUTTERFLY KNOT ON YOUR SHIELD: If you use this type of knot, always check to make sure both ends are tight before you put your Shield back on. The alternative is to use 2 to 3 tightly pulled square knots. The square knot is MORE secure than the butterfly knot, but it is not adjustable.

Important - tighten the knot everytime you put your Shield on.

We are not responsible for loss of your Shield if cords come untied or break. If you consistently tighten the cord and check for wear it will be extremely secure.

Instructions on optional methods of tying your cord

CORDS VS CHAINS: You might also want to consider one of our silver chains for strength, security and durability .

NOTE:  Please check cord for wear. If it is worn or frayed, do not use it. We'd hate to have you lose your Shield.