Improve your Happiness by being Grounded & Present in your body

Does your world feel a bit crazy, out of control, even chaotic? You can improve your happiness by getting grounded!

You’re not alone, this seems to be a common state of being these days. Sadly, not being grounded and feeling spaced out makes dealing with the current situation even more difficult, leaving you sad, stressed, depressed, hopeless, unsure of what to do next.

Grounding can make a huge difference

Psychology today reports that being grounded brings  “… a deeper connection to the authentic self. Groundedness is associated “with an experience of clarity, wholeness, ‘rightness’ and harmony.”

What’s wrong with not being grounded?

We’re seeing, feeling, experiencing much that makes us want to leave or distance ourselves. Making us tend to be even more ungrounded, unfocused, spacy than usual.

The sad part about this is that when you’re not grounded, you not only don’t feel the bad/sad/uncomfortable as much, but you also miss out on feeling the love and compassion that you so dearly need to maintain your strength and hope.

Why does everything seem so overwhelming?

One by one you could probably cope, but when you combine any of these things, it’s simply too much.

  1. Constant input, news, emails, text messages, social media, videos, and a continual barrage of “updates” causes your nervous system to be always on alert. And there are a lot of all of these coming at you for some pretty major issues right now.

  2. Fear and anxiety coming from the collective consciousness as well as your own issues.

  3.  5G, EMF, WiFi, RF, smart meters, etc, are constantly impacting your energy field disrupting your body’s natural rhythms, affecting your nervous system and ability to think and respond. Click here to read more about some of the symptoms of exposure

  4. Your to-do list maybe a mile long – you know there is no way to get it all done. Starting off your day knowing you’ll never get to the end of the list may bring feelings of failure and desperation.

  5. You take on feelings, pains, anxieties, and thoughts of others. You may be an empath or HSP (highly sensitive person) and not have the “tools” to tell the difference.(If you’re not sure, take our HSP quiz.)

What does all this have to do with being grounded and present in your body?

When your nervous system is triggered, you may instinctively react by disconnecting your energy from your body as a coping mechanism, or by being numb, distracted or out of body. Your primitive brain takes over regardless of whether the threat is physical or emotional. A reaction originally meant to keep you safe, often does just the opposite in our modern world, creating even more mental, emotional, and physical stress.

When you’re grounded you are

What can you do to ground and center yourself?


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