Protect Your Children from EMF Radiation & WiFi - A Parents' Guide

Protect Your Children from EMF Radiation & WiFi
A Parent’s Guide
Protect your children from EMF Radiation & Wi-Fi because they need even more protection from Wi-Fi EMF radiation than adults. Their developing skulls are thinner and more vulnerable to EMF penetration.
Are you concerned about the potential health risks of electromagnetic radiation (EMF) and want to ensure your children are protected? If so, you’re not alone. Many people are worried about the potential dangers of EMF exposure, and many parents want to take steps to reduce their children’s risk.
Why are parents concerned about EMF protection for their children?
EMF protection can help you and your children concentrate and stay focused, feeling happier, healthier, energized, and more productive.
EMF Radiation affects you and your children silently, below your awareness. The symptoms show up in ways most people don’t associate with the technology we use daily: cell phones, Wi-Fi, tablets, laptops, computers, T.V.s, electronics, gaming systems, Alexa, and Nest systems, and that’s just for starters. The radiation from our beloved technology has been shown to; disrupt focus, cause or exacerbate mood swings, anxiety, tension, behavioral issues, depression, sleeplessness, memory issues, headaches, restlessness, nausea, susceptibility to colds, and infections, and so much more.
Children are More Sensitive to EMF radiation.
Children are far more sensitive to the absorption of EMF radiation than adults. Because their skulls are softer, the radiation penetrates their brain far more deeply than the adult brain. A study in 2011 found the specific absorption rate was 153% higher in a 10-year-old than in an adult. (1) For this research, model heads were used, not living humans! However, the point was that children need more protection from EMF radiation from all sources than adults do.
EMF Radiation Exposure and Damage is Cumulative
Your children have been absorbing radiation since birth. Most people don’t realize the cellular damage from EMF exposure from Wi-Fi, Cellphones, tablets, the dirty electricity in our walls, smart meters, etc., is cumulative. Because we’ve only been using cellphones regularly for twenty to thirty years, all the results aren’t in about long-term effects, but like smoking, asbestos, and so many other toxins, the full impact doesn’t show up often for decades. Help your children stay healthy now and in their future as adults with EMF protection.
The Bioinitiative Report details some of the risks of EMF radiation. Read more of our blogs about children and the issues involved.
Some of the Symptoms Associated with EMF Sensitivity
Anyone, child or adult, who is sensitive to EMF Radiation will show certain symptoms. Over the past several years, a new term to define this sensitivity: EHS, or Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity. Common symptoms include:
Headaches, difficulty focusing, memory issues, feeling like you have the flu, severe fatigue, poor sleep at night, high susceptibility to infection, ringing in the ears, difficulty thinking More symptoms include anxiety and tension, restlessness, behavioral issues, nausea, mood swings, depression, and inability to heal from a viral, bacterial, or parasitic infection.
Steps to Take if You Suspect Your Child (or you, as their teacher or parent) has EHS or to Prevent EHS Symptoms
First and foremost - Order Full Body EMF Protection for your child and yourself
A BioElectric Shield protects from EMF from all the devices you use, plus cell towers, 5G networks, overhead wires, other people’s technology, and all the equipment and electronics we are surrounded by daily. You can take steps to reduce EMF in your environment and on devices you and your children use, but the best protection is a BioShield because it protects you 360 degrees. See below for details on several options: personal Shields that you wear around your neck, in a pocket, on a belt, or even around your wrist. If your children are too young or not responsible enough to trust wearing a Shield, you can opt for aRoom Shield instead.If ADD, ADHD, or Autism Spectrum is an issue, see below for our specialized Shield matrices to help balance and focus energy even more in addition to protection.
Not sure what to order? Order EMF Protection With Confidence—take our quiz for a personalized recommendation.
Since 1991 the Shield has been proven to help in most cases of EHS. Your next step is to get a recommendation via our EMF Quiz. When you complete the quiz, you will see a recommendation for one of the Shield types. We suggest you have the results emailed to you as well. And then take steps to reduce exposure.
ADD/ADHD - Attention Deficit Disorder?
Does your child have ADD/ADHD or ASD issues? We have added specific gems to the standard matrix to assist anyone with these issues. We designed a wristband-style Shield with children in mind (although adults wear them too!). You can get the special ADD/ADHD or ASD matrixes in a wristband style or the classic round or heart Shields.
Children playing Video Games Require EMF Protection.
A growing body of evidence suggests that video gaming can significantly change the brain, some positive and some negative. Video gamers show increased skills in attention, such as sustained attention, selective attention, and visuospatial concepts. However, “In gaming addicts, there are functional and structural alterations in the neural reward system – a group of structures associated with feeling pleasure, learning, and motivation. Exposing video game addicts to game-related cues that cause cravings and monitoring their brain responses highlighted these changes – changes that are also seen in other addictive disorders.” (2)
Wi-Fi radiation is hard to detect, but it has the potential to do a lot of harm. This article will discuss how to protect your children against Wi-Fi radiation. The complication can occur when you have a child who enjoys computer games, but hours of playing these games also increase the amount of radiation.
We have divided Wi-Fi radiation protection into several categories.
Exposure and distance App and game functions Wi-Fi protection for babies and pregnancy
Wi-Fi EMF Protection for Children is based on Exposure Time and Distance from the source of EMF Radiation.
1) Lower Wi-Fi Exposure: Turn off all Wi-Fi signals when not needed - especially at night! Turn off your modem and router. Use an electronic timer to turn your Wi-Fi off at night and turn it back on in the morning. Wi-Fi radiation can interfere with the body’s ability to rest and repair during sleep. Thus, turning it off at night will help your body recover from the day’s stresses. Reduce Wi-Fi impact, put a Room Shield near your Router.
**2) Lower Wi-Fi radiation exposure by only using one WiFi-enabled device at a time. **If your children are playing with their iPads and cell phones, ask them to choose only one device at a time. Multiple items streaming or downloading content from the internet can seriously intensify their radiation exposure. If they must keep a cell phone nearby, keep it at least a foot away. Use EMF Shielding products
3) **Add Wi-Fi EMF protection to your home’s “smart” appliances. **EMF radiation exposure, like smoking, can be a cumulative issue for the human body. It’s great to protect from Wi-Fi radiation from your router, but your appliances emit EMF radiation, too!
Any device with the word “smart” emits radiation, including microwaves, T.V.s, refrigerators, etc. If you want to purchase one of these products, buy a microwave oven with a lead shield around the inside.
We recommend putting a **Room Shield ** in any room with Smart Appliances, Bluetooth or Alexa-type devices,
**4) To Protect Your Children from EMF radiation & Wi-Fi, teach them to put their phones in airplane mode as often as possible. **For example, at school, phones can be in airplane mode most of the day, reducing the amount of radiation they are exposed to. Several Wi-Fi protective products will reduce or virtually eliminate the EMF from your devices. The best Wi-Fi protection for their cell phone is the SYB Anti-radiation Cellphone pouch, which is inexpensive and provides 99.9% protection from EMF radiation when in the pouch.
5) Use Wi-Fi Anti-radiation protection when carrying a phone in a pocket or backpack. One of our favorites is a Wi-Fi EMF 5G protection cellphone pouch that provides 99.9% protection from Wi-Fi radiation and increases protection with radiation-free earbuds. If you do not have this kind of protection, placing all mobile devices in a bag or purse is best. Many people have been diagnosed with tumors on the side of their bodies from where they carry their phones.
6) Don’t let your kids sleep with their phone or any other type of WiFi-connected device in bed, under the pillow, or in the bedroom! If they want to listen to music or audiobooks, etc., put the phone on airplane mode and turn the brightness down to a minimum. Using screens up to 2 hours before bed can interfere with sleep.
If you need an alarm clock, plug-in clocks are inexpensive and will not generate Wi-Fi and EMF radiation.
If you know or suspect your child is sensitive to EMF, explore getting them full-body protection through a **BioElectric Shield. This Wi-Fi EMF protection pendant or wristband-style device offers full-body protection.
8) **If you have a Sensitive, intuitive Chil**d, a BioElectric Shield can help so they aren’t as bombarded by energy, emotions, stress, and negativity from those around them. There are many children right now with special gifts. They go by many names: crystal children, indigo children, intuitive children, empathic children, and the highly sensitive child is a term coined by Elaine Aron….they are highly sensitive and are affected differently by the world around them.
Take our free EMF exposureand risk Quiz. You will receive a specific Wi-Fi radiation protection recommendation for your child based on your answers.
Apps and Games - Wi-Fi EMF Protection for Your Children
1) Please advise your children to avoid downloading apps or games on their phones or Tablets marked as “for Wi-Fi use only .” These are known as Lite Apps and can use Wi-Fi signals even when you are not connected to any network.
**2) Encourage face-to-face social time for your kids instead of just screen time. **Discuss social media and texting, including the downsides.
Anytime your child uses an app, make sure it has time limits. Social media is a black hole that will swallow your child alive. Even Elon Musk is warning us that technology, especially AI, is starting to replace the social skills that make us human. Texting and games where we can be someone else provide hours of EMF radiation exposure and non-human face-to-face interactions.
“A Deadly Wandering” by Matt Richtell explains how prolonged use of games and other screen-driven activities such as texting train your brain to crave the “feel good” neurotransmitter dopamine. These apps trigger dopamine through bells, dings, beeps, and all the typical sounds. This leads to ADD and ADHD in all ages or, at the very least, a strong addiction to being near their cell phones or tablets.
3) Wi-Fi EMF protection includes limiting screen time. Your child is generally not recommended to sit in one spot for hours playing games. This is especially true if they involve Wi-Fi signals. Not only does their brain get sucked into one repetitious activity, but they may not desire to do much else with their life over time. It’s easier for parents to ignore this, but research shows that long-term issues can be concerning.
4) Turn off screens two hours before bed. Studies have found that the blue light from screens can severely disrupt sleep cycles and melatonin. If you absolutely can’t turn the screens off fully, turn the brightness down to a minimum.
5) If you play online games, take a break every hour. Set the alarm on your phone when you know it is time to stop. This will help reduce the radiation you are exposed to and give your brain a break from game addiction.
6) Protect your children from EMF Radiation & Wi-Fi at home: your children will inevitably use tablets or notebooks at school. Since it’s not practical to single your child by sending a Wi-Fi protection laptop pad to school, the other less obvious solution is the EMF Wi-Fi protection BioElectric Shield Level 2 Shield. The wristband is the most practical style for kids and can be ordered with a crystal matrix that addresses issues with ADD/ADHD. However, we recommend the SYB Wi-Fi EMF protection cell phone pouch if this isn’t within your budget. You can have them place their Tablet or notebook on the SYB Wi-Fi protection laptop pad** at home.
**7) Encourage your children to spend time outdoors! **Spending time in nature is one of the best ways to protect against the harmful effects of EMF exposure. The fresh air and natural sunlight can help improve your child’s mood and overall health. As parents, we probably all remember playing outside after school, and it’s a great way to balance the body’s energy.
7) Get EMF Radiation Protection for your iPad or Tablet. Did you know that microwave radiation from that Tablet or iPad is aimed straight at you if you have no EMF radiation protection? If you’re holding it in your lap, the radiation goes down into the pelvic area. What’s the harm in that?
Wi-Fi EMF Protection for Babies and Pregnancy
Some studies suggest that women who used cell phones throughout their pregnancy had more issues with their children. We believe it’s vital for you to know what to do about pregnancy and EMF Protection—protecting yourself and your baby’s health and well-being.
It’s important to look into future EMF protection for yourself and your baby. Studies have shown the use of cell phones resulted in
25% more emotional problems 35% more hyperactivity 49% more behavior issues 34% had greater peer problems than mothers with no cordless phone radiation exposure.
Click to read the full article
Summary of Wi-Fi Radiation Protection
It’s important to protect your child from Wi-Fi radiation. We’ve covered the issues of exposure and distance and the precautions about apps and games.
Last, we’ve highlighted Wi-Fi protection issues for pregnant women and children. To learn more about protection for yourself, we invite you to take the ** EMF Exposure Quiz**, which provides specific suggestions for personal protection from Wi-Fi radiation.
Take a Quiz to Choose the best level of protection for you or your child.
EMF Quiz assesses your overall exposure and risk from EMF and gives you a Shield recommendation based on your answers.
The HSP / Empath Quiz responds with detailed information on how sensitive you are to stress and other people’s energy. Unlike most quizzes, it doesn’t just say, “Yep, you’re sensitive.” It gives you scores in 4 specific areas of sensitivity and provides much information and tips on how this shows up in your life and, best of all, what you can do about it.
Quote from Elmdea B. on Facebook after she took the quiz “I know that a good many of my friends here on FB are Highly Sensitive People. AnnaMariah Nau and Ellen Koronet have put together a well-crafted, comprehensive, and helpful quiz to help people discover if they are highly sensitive and in what areas. For me, it confirmed what I’ve known, although one was much stronger than I had thought. (It’s one of those “but isn’t everyone?” things). They also offer solid, concrete suggestions about what you can do to help you work with (and not be overwhelmed by) the various sensitivities. I’ve known both of these women for quite a few years, and I respect them, personally and professionally. Please note: this is NOT one of those dratted FB data mining things.”
Browse Personal Shields### 90-day money-back guarantee, you have no risk and everything to gain.
Note: Some comments about Shield Levels are old before Smart meters, WiFi everywhere, and 5G. We recommend Level 3 Shields where possible. If that’s not in the budget or for a child, go to a level 2 Shield. The lower levels of Shield protect you from much of the EMF out there but may be subtle, and any changes may be below your level of awareness. An upgrade may be a good idea if you are still experiencing EMF symptoms.
Upgrade Program - within three years of purchase, you can trade your Shield and get most of your purchase price towards a higher level Shield. Read for details
Exposure Limits: The underestimation of absorbed cell phone radiation, especially in children, ** ** Om P. Gandhi,L. Lloyd Morgan,Alvaro Augusto de Salles,Yueh-Ying Han,Ronald B. Herberman &Devra Lee Davis Pages 34-51 | Published online: 14 Oct 2011 How video games affect the brain
Photo Credits
Child with phone on lap - Photo 117684597 © Melpomenem | |
Video gaming Photo 200637371 © Vonghoong | |
Kids playing games Photo 38914768 / Kids Playing Games © Katarzyna Bialasiewicz | |
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