No More Foggy Brain - Unscramble Your Brain Get your Focus Back

Are you Suffering from a Foggy Brain, Feeling Like Your Brain is Scrambled?
Is it difficult to think clearly lately? Do you know that feeling when you’re trying to figure out something that just refuses to make sense? Does your brain feel scrambled, like your brain is just a little foggy and isn’t “computing” correctly?
It seems to be going around. Some people describe it as having difficulty focusing, but others say they can focus and concentrate just fine; it just doesn’t feel like things are coming in clearly…almost like the signal is a bit scrambled.
Our world is progressively more complicated and fast-paced; depending on who you’re talking to, it is either increasingly exciting or unbearably frightening. The stress and chaos can cause a foggy brain, leaving you feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, and utterly unable to cope or focus.
The 5G Rollout is causing massive brain fog, focusing, and concentration issues.
We get daily phone calls from worried people who think they’re losing it. They’ve never had focusing issues or ADD before, but suddenly, they can’t remember anything, lose focus in the middle of a thought, and even fear Alzheimer’s. When we ask more questions, it frequently started about x months ago, and yes, they think it was just after 5g went live. Now imagine this: we talk, and they decide to purchase a Level 3 or 4 Shield to get protection from 5G; a week later, they call either laughing or in tears because their brain has returned!
###Brain fog and Feeling Stupid can be signs of Stress and Energy Overload. It’s easy these days to hit that tipping point, and you suddenly feel completely unable to manage it, and your foggy brain isn’t helping. Okay, maybe foggy-brained isn’t a word, but I’ll bet you know what I meant. Research has proven that when stressed out, you become “stupid.” Another name for that is brain fog. Brain fog can dull your performance and enjoyment, sap your strength, and even leave you feeling depressed and out-of-sorts. Brain fog is a symptom of being overwhelmed by your biofield. Brain fog also goes beyond the brain; it tells you that your biology cannot handle everything coming your way.
More and More People are Reporting Suddenly Feeling Completely Overwhelmed
Over the last few years, we’ve seen a huge increase in the number and frequency of calls from people who are doing okay, and suddenly, they find themselves in a physical, mental, or emotional breakdown. Seemingly without warning, randomly, they are spacy, exhausted, emotional, have headaches or other body pain, irritable, not sleeping or depressed, and in general, brain fog, to mention a few.
Brain fog tops the list of issues that get immediate notice.
Brain fog seems to be the most common symptom. Other people find they aren’t sleeping, are more emotional, can’t make decisions, are angry, or are too exhausted to do much. Many of these people realized that the brain fog and other symptoms coincided with a change in their lives: a new cell phone, the installation of a smart meter or a new car, or other electronics in or near their home or work. Others were completely baffled until we started talking about their lives.
Toxic Load is often the Issue - New electronics or new Stressors Can Tip the Scales.
Why would this one little change cause them to go from “fine” to trauma or meltdown so quickly? It’s called a toxic load. Your body is under stress, but it’s maintaining. Then, one new factor tips the scales and overloads the circuits. Unfortunately, a strange thing occurs: removing the tipping factor, the item that caused the breakdown, doesn’t have much of an effect. The problem persists and may even continually get worse.
Once Your Scale is Tipped, it is Doubly Hard to Regain Balance.
How can that be? You would think removing the new pollution source would re-establish the status quo, but that’s not necessarily true. Once your body has gone into overload, it becomes more vulnerable and sensitive to everything. It would be best if you did something to help re-balance and repair your system.
Are you suffering from the dreaded foggy brain? Does your mind feel like Seattle in the springtime, like fog is rolling in and may not lift again until fall? Okay, so it may not be that bad. Still, you may have some of the symptoms and not even realize it: forgetfulness, feeling spacy, an inability to think clearly, mild depression or anxiety, lack of focus or concentration, difficulty thinking clearly or making decisions, and even lack of spatial awareness. No, this does not necessarily come with age.
Stress can be caused or exacerbated by Electromagnetic Pollution.
What causes this, then, if it’s not just age?
Stress is number one on the list.
Chronic fatigue
Food intolerances or sensitivities
Nutritional deficiencies
Metal toxicity
Information overload
Poor oxygenation,
Jb or money stress
Structural misalignment.
Other people’s stress and fear.
Yep, you guessed it: Electromagnetic pollution. This includes all our technology, including Smart Meters, 5G routers, and 5G towers. As our cellular and internet services increase in speed, the problem gets worse. 7G is starting to roll out now, in 2024. We can only imagine the impact this will have on health, focus, and well-being.
When Does Foggy Brain Mean You Need Help from Toxic Load?
Why would this one little change cause them to go from “fine” to trauma or meltdown so quickly? It’s called a toxic load. Your body is under stress, but it’s maintaining. Then, one new factor is added that tips the scales and overloads the circuits. Unfortunately, a strange thing occurs: removing the tipping factor, the item that caused the breakdown, doesn’t have much of an effect. The problem persists and may even continually get worse.
How can that be? You would think removing the new pollution source would re-establish the status quo, but that’s not necessarily true. Once your body has gone into overload, it becomes more vulnerable and sensitive to everything. It would be best if you did something to help re-balance and repair your system.
Mind fog, depression, Alzheimer’s, or EMF?
I have a friend who has been concerned lately about mind fog and depression and a constant feeling of slight confusion and “off-ness.”
She’s a smart cookie, eats well, lives in the country, and spends much of her day outdoors in her garden. She normally doesn’t have problems like this. She was getting scared that there may be something seriously wrong with her brain, possibly even Alzheimer’s.
Because of her lifestyle, I didn’t immediately think, “Aha, EMF.” But I was strongly guided to hand her a Level 3 Shield. As an empath, I can often see or sense energy. Instantly, I could feel her brain rebalancing and the energy moving throughout her body. Within 5 minutes, her brain cleared up and rewired so the connections worked again. She could feel a huge difference within minutes and was nearly in tears of relief and gratitude.
Alzheimer’s, Panic Mode, and the Shield
I have another friend who has been diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer’s. Yes, she had issues but was on a pretty even keel. Suddenly, she was in constant freak out, calling me day and night for help with her computer (we’re in different states, so it’s not always easy to help). She was so rattled and addled sometimes that she made no sense. I wondered what had made such a dramatic change and asked her if she’d charged her Shield recently. That’s when she told me she’d lost it and had been unable to find it for over a month. Yep, the same length of time she’d been so freaked out. She ordered a new Shield, and although she was still forgetful, she wasn’t constantly in panic mode.
Electromagnetic Frequencies (EMF) and your brain
5G networks are everywhere and have caused much of people’s energy and focusing power to go completely haywire. All those gadgets you love - cell phone, WiFi, BlueTooth, tablet, computer, etc are putting out frequencies that are not in harmony with your body. (This also includes the things like Smart Meters that you don’t love.) All this interferes with how your brain works, scrambling and interrupting normal healthy functioning. There are many studies linking it with anxiety, insomnia, ADD, ADHD, Autism, emotional issues, and a host of other often mysterious symptoms.
Your brain is bombarded with ever-increasing levels of radiation from all sources - one of the ways it shows up is in those moments where you can’t seem to think.
Your energy field and brain can’t cope.
Even if you were previously not affected, you may be having unexplained physical, mental, or emotional issues. Your energy field can’t cope with the EMF, stress, and fear coming at you. That’s where the BioShield can make a life-changing difference.
If you are a highly sensitive person or empath, the breakdown can be even worse.
If you are an HSP, empath, energy worker, healer, psychic, or intuitive, you may be more greatly impacted. The very thing that makes you able to sense and “read” energy also makes you more vulnerable to being impacted by these frequencies, and it may be interfering with your “gifts.”
The BioElectric Shield Helps Many People Get Their Brains Back on Track.
EMF—The Shield deflects and neutralizes the effects of electromagnetic radiation. (This radiation comes from computers, cell phones, cordless phones, Wi-Fi, power lines, baby monitors, Blue Tooth, your Smart car or electric or hybrid car, cell towers, television, smart meters….., and the list is endless. If it plugs in or has a battery, it emits EMF (electromagnetic radiation).)
Other people’s stress, negativity, and fear - The Shield deflects these draining energies away from you, allowing you to be in a more centered and balanced place and not get pulled down by your environment.
Stress—When stressed, your energy field becomes out of balance. The Shield gently helps guide it to a more balanced state, reducing mental and physical stress.
Emotional or Spiritual Energetic Shifts – the Shield can help you move gracefully through these shifts as it continually helps bring your energy up to the next highest level. Level 3 and Level 4 Shields are especially attuned to this energy balancing and support type.
If you are experiencing fogginess in any form, you may need a Shield to restore clarity.
How can you find out what you need for your foggy brain?
It’s easy. Take our EMF Quiz and see if energy protection is what you need. The Quiz takes 10 minutes. If you have 5G, you will want to order a Level 3 or 4 Shield to get up to 95% protection even from 5G.
You deserve clarity in your life, so take our quizzes for additional insights.
Take our Quiz for a Shield Recommendation
Customer Reviews
** Never have I been so impressed by such a simple solution to such an impactful complex problem.**
Yesterday, I lost my Shield … after 36 hours without it, I remembered BEFORE the shield instead of AFTER it. First, the constant adrenal fight or flite body exercise that I lived with most of my life (I will be 80 this October) returned. Then, a headache began (I don’t get headaches anymore). Several hours later, all the aches and pains of arthritis, mostly stress-induced, returned—my inability to think clearly and not fog out under stress returned. And most of all, I felt my body under siege.
- I eat organic and mostly gluten-free. I exercise my body and mind every day. But until the Shield came into my life, while all of it had an impact, I still wasn’t my best. The Shield provided the missing foundation. Now, I do recognize through all my research that there are a great many products out there that promise a great deal. Some I’ve even sampled.** But never have I been so impressed by such a simple solution to such an impactful complex problem.** Given the time allowed to experience the Shield and the wonderful customer support, I strongly suggest you try it. And should you do so, please don’t wait as long as I did to share your responses. These are good people selling an extraordinary product in good faith.*
I no longer experience brain fog and have much more energy. What a difference this shield has made!
For the last year, I have dealt with brain fog and fatigue to the point that it was affecting my ability to do my job. I saw a dramatic change after wearing the shield for a few weeks. I’m no longer experiencing the brain fog and have much more energy. What a difference this shield has made! Thank you! Donna
I have the friend I had hoped for in my Level 3 with Focusing Matrix. It is like a loving hand on my shoulder, clearing away interference to help me see what it truly is.
I have so much to say about my experience since I started wearing a BioShield. Reading other people’s reviews was so helpful to me, so I want to offer these details to anyone who might respond to them. Of course, I’ve made other choices to improve my health during the years I’ve had my Shields, but I know from the experience of NOT wearing my BioShield that this little shiny gift is a foundational part of my well-being.
I started with a Level 2. After 4 months, I felt & better, and after 8 months, I began to feel a joy I hadn’t felt since I was a child. My BioShield became my trusted companion, providing a sense of security and comfort everywhere I went. With the shield, I became much more at ease, all anxieties and inner chatter just quieted, and the exhaustion and brain fog lifted. My words were naturally more positive. I was no longer reflecting on the physical, spiritual, and emotional pains I had lived with because those pains were so minimized, including EMF/electricity numbness, aches, and head pain. With the shield, I could be in meetings, stores, and crowds without getting overwhelmed or exhausted. I started feeling re-tuned with more mental space and no longer felt bombarded from within and without. Brightness, smiles, laughs all around!
I jumped at the opportunity to upgrade to Level 3 with the Focusing matrix. I looked forward to more peace, ease, joy, physical health, etc. I knew re-tuning it might take some time, so I gave it six months. I know the transition would have been smoother if I had reached out for support sooner, so do not hesitate to contact BioShield with any questions! What happened: I could not sleep with the new shield, felt no difference when I didn’t wear it, and even after a few months, I didn’t feel synced. I charged it so often, every morning at one point. But it just didn’t feel right, and despite other healthy changes, I began to feel very run down, anxious, EMF-ed, exhausted, and back to the old anxious self.
Here’s where the best part happens. I finally reached out, and the support I received from AnnaMariah and Timothy was exceptional. We did a photo analysis and learned the shield needed a full recharge, so I returned it to them. I am so grateful for the personal communication, care, and advice I received. Do not hesitate to contact AnnaMariah or Timothy if you have ANY issues with your shield! They are there to support you every step of the way.
What was the result when Level 3 with Focusing was returned to me with a full recharge? Grounded, centered, quiet, peaceful, serene. Calm, calm, relaxed, almost TOO calm! I thought at first: this shield is restricting me, deadening or dampening my essence, & and I feel nothing. How wrong I was! The deep calm I feel is what’s there when the noise stops. It is a new way of living I could not have imagined before. I’m re-tuning, learning to BE with deeper, fuller emotions, including joy. I have mental space and peace in my spirit to listen more closely to others. I’m not distracted by my thoughts & and reactions because I’m not in reaction mode.
Physically, I sleep more deeply when it is beside me. I wake up with less achiness or none at all. My home office is a collection of devices, electronics, and our internet/WiFi modem, and I sit on a floor above two smart meters. Wearing the BioShield, I no longer feel buzzy when I sit there, and I’m not exhausted at the end of my work sessions; on the contrary, I feel pleased and ready to move on to family & and personal activities. Wrist, shoulder, and arm pain are minimized. I can visit any client’s office now; I have no EMF reactions afterward. It was a busy weekend with multiple events and long car travel on either end & and no problem! Other people’s energy no longer tangles me up.
With my shield, I can settle into my work; I’m very distractable. Wearing my BioShield, little things stay little, and I can better decide what I want to give my attention to. I can choose my actions instead of feeling swept up in outside events or the hot-button issue of the moment. All that gets tuned out.
Last week, I had a rough day. I felt crabby and dizzy, and I spun out. I reached to my neck to hold my shield & and oops, I had left it by my bed! To test it out, I waited a couple of hours to put it on, but in the meantime, I could not form a sentence and was on the verge of tears despite doing other healthy and soothing things for myself. Before dinner, I put on my shield, and within minutes, my body shook/shifted, like what can happen in an acupuncture session, and I felt my conscious self arise from within while the brain and body fog melted away. What a beautiful confirmation of the powerful effect of this shield!
I have the friend I had hoped for in my Level 3 with Focusing Matrix. Like a loving hand on my shoulder, clearing away interference to help me see what it truly is. A circle of protection from human and EMF energy. A fountain of steady energy. Choosing a BioShield is the best thing I’ve done for my health. Carrie S 11/15/23
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