7 Tips to De-stress & Stay Sane during the Holidays

7 Tips to De-stress & Stay Sane during the Holidays

Simple tips to de-stress, enjoy your holidays, and start the new year easily. It may take some creativity to stay safe and connected this year. A few changes can benefit HSPs, Empaths, and everyone else.

This time of year tends to bring out the best and the worst for many people and can be even more trying for HSPs and Empaths. We can all use a few tips on how to relax and enjoy ourselves a lot more.

The Holidays, weather, politics, planetary changes, reduced light,** EMF radiationfrom our technology, smart meters, Wi-Fi, **other people’s fear, and stress… are all factors that can affect you in myriad ways.

You’re not alone if you’ve been more stressed, spaced out, overwhelmed, experiencing mysterious physical issues, feeling extra emotional, or just out of sorts for the last few months. We need to find new ways to de-stress our holidays.

Because we are all connected, you can often feel the anxiety, depression, or fears of those around you, friends, family, and strangers around the world. Watching the news seems to heighten this.


Tips to de-stress for now and throughout the year

Set realistic goals – do the things that really must be done. Can you let go of some tasks?

Don’t take it all personally

The people around you may also be reacting to the stress. It’s also possible you’ll be dealing with disappointments over the inability to get together with friends and loved ones.

It’s hard to be the one to bow out of celebrations and to withstand the pushing of family members who just don’t seem to understand your need to stay safe or that sometimes getting together can be too stressful.

Are all the emotions you’re feeling yours? 

Take a moment to center and ask if your feelings are yours. Does what you’re feeling make sense in your life? If not, take a deep breath and let it go. Heck, take a deep breath anyway. Frequently just realizing that we are feeling someone else’s emotions is enough to shift your mood.image

Do what you love! Let go of the rest of the “must-do” list where possible.

If you love to bake – bake. If not, that’s what the bakery is for.

If you enjoy shopping – head to the mall.

Shop online, send cards or e-cards, or find another way to celebrate.

** Shop Online - **if the mall is stressful, head to your computer.

I’ve found that even more useful now that the stores are only sometimes well stocked. Nothing is more frustrating than going to several (or more) stores and still not finding what you want.image

Party invitations– Prioritize the ones you just have to go to.image

As for the rest, go to the ones you will enjoy, and be with people you like being with. If you don’t Have to be there and don’t look forward to it, send your regrets.

Do an online Zoom Party - I know people watching movies, playing games, even cooking together as a family.

Here’s a little bonus tip – don’t say “maybe” if you aren’t sure you’ll be going…maybe means you still have to revisit the situation and give your true answer. You can say, “Sorry, I don’t think that will work for me. Is it okay to let you know if something changes?” This is a way of not feeling guilty for just saying NO, and seriously how can someone argue with “it won’t work for me”? Extra bonus – you don’t have to give an explanation or an excuse. Keep it simple.

Take care of yourself– give yourself the gift of time and space needed to de-stress and relax. image

**Bonus Tip – Travel can be exhausting and stressful – **whether you’re driving, flying, or taking the bus or train, you can do things to reduce the stress. Read our Travel Tips for HSPs, Empaths, and Everyone Else image

Bonus Tip - Reduce constant distractions from notifications, beeps, Messages, and texts on your phone and social media. Turn off notifications and beeps, or at least turn off the sound on them. You’ll be surprised how much more you get done. When I’m trying to get things done, those beeps can make me feel pretty crazy.

Bonus Tip - Entrepreneurs, How to clear your mind in times of stress  Stress can appear in many forms, hiding behind an unbearable headache or an irritable mood. So what do you do when you feel it taking over? While paying attention to your mental health is vital, stress doesn’t need to stop you from pursuing your passion. Rather than a blaring red flag, it can serve as a stop sign, gently reminding you to slow down and check in with yourself. Here are simple steps to clear your head in work-related turbulence on the road to success.

Bonus Tip - Get Personal Energy Protection from BioElectric Shield - Protect your energy from EMFs and everyone else’s stress with Personal Energy Protection like the BioElectric Shield. You may be surprised that many Shield wearers find even the mall and Best Buy a lot easier to deal with when their energy is protected.


Take Our Empath / HSP Quiz – get your scores and tips in five sensitivity areas, lots of tips for everyday life and survival, and a recommendation for the best EMF/Personal energy protection for your needs.

Have a happy, healthy, and safe holiday!

And, did I mention….Wear Your Shield if you have one. The BioShield calms your energy, gives you more focus, and deflects other people’s stress and negativity! If you don’t have one, watch for our Holiday Sales.

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