You may be Electromagnetically HyperSensitive

If you took our Quiz and scored Moderate or High, you may be Electromagnetically HyperSensitive and already be experiencing issues from exposure to EMF (electromagnetic frequency radiation) from all the technology around you. This can manifest physically, mentally, or emotionally.

If you haven’t taken the quiz, click here to take it

Electromagnetic sensitivity is cumulative, and you may go along just fine. Then some “trigger event like the addition of additional exposure or an illness can cause everything to break down. EMF exposure may not be the major contributing factor to many illnesses and symptoms. However, it may be the final straw, the triggering event, that finally overwhelms your system’s ability to maintain. We recommend wearing a BioElectric Shield or taking other steps to reduce exposure. NOTE: If you haven’t already done so, please take our Quizfor more information on your sensitivity types, which will be followed up with tips to help ease your life and a recommendation for energy protection Research shows that only 6% of people are noticeably impacted and can trace symptoms back to this sensitivity. However, it’s estimated that up to 30% of people are having issues but have no idea that the way they are feeling is related to their exposure to EMF, which is constant. The symptoms listed in this part of our HSP Quiz also contribute to many other conditions, illnesses, or syndromes. However, much research still needs to be done on how all these things interact.

Medical researchers are beginning to make more correlations between many of these things. Still, because exposure is cumulative and our use of WiFi and cell phones has been going on for only a couple of decades, it may be years yet before all the evidence is in.

HSP and Health - How EMF May Be Affecting Your Body and Your Mood

Many HSPs are EMF sensitive and have experienced mysterious illnesses or complaints that family, friends, and even doctors write it all off as just your imagination. It is important for your health and well-being to reduce your exposure to Wi-Fi, cell phones, computers, and all forms of EMF created by electrical (plug-in) and battery-operated electronics. If You are an HSP or Empath, You Are Even More Susceptible to Other People’s Fear and Negativity. What is hard for a “regular” person to handle can become completely overwhelming for you, even debilitating. You can feel it on a very deep level, often thinking it’s your fear, which turns into a vicious circle that’s harder and harder to escape. It’s Not Your Fault. It’s just the way you’re wired. Read More about the effects of the Fear Bombarding You

You are Also Very Possibly Extra Sensitive to Electromagnetic Radiation

Many HSPs are also EMSs, Electromagnetically Hypersensitive People, or ElectroMagnetic Sensitivity. Both sensitivities combine to create a sense of overload and overwhelm physically, mentally, and emotionally. It’s no wonder that so many HSPs and EMSs have various issues. Your system just can’t possibly deal with all of the stuff coming at you. Read some of our testimonials- I am sure you will find some you can relate to. Putting on a Shield for the first time can be such a relief that it’s almost as if your whole body sighs. Give the Shield a try.With our guarantee, you have nothing to lose and a whole new life to gain.

Click Here To read more about the symptoms of EMF Sensitivity. Click Here. The BioShield can help with both that and many of your HSP issues. We invite you to take our EMF Protection Quiz (It mostly asks questions about your usage of electronics but does include some HSP questions to give you a generalized HSP score.). At the end of the quiz, you’ll receive a recommendation for the product that matches your energy profile.## The 5 HSP Subtypes When you take the HSP Quiz, you will learn your level of sensitivity overall as well as for the following six subtypes we have identified. Click here to learn more about each subtype: Sensory Sensitivity
Intuitive sensitivity
Highly Reactive
Permeable Boundaries
Emotional Sensitivity (Empath)