Effects of EMF Protection BioElectric Shield on Human Energy Systems

Dr. Charles W. Brown tested 6 six subjects in a pilot study. Fifty (50) different acupuncture points were measured using the Interro, a Computerized Acupuncture diagnostic device.

Three measurements were taken:

  1. Baseline acupuncture scores were established.

  2. Subjects wore the Shield for three weeks.

  3. The same points were retested.

Discussion: Acupuncture point measurement is one measurement of a person’s health. In this study, the acupuncture readings showed greater strength and balance in the energy flow through the acupuncture points, indicating better health. Specifically, improvements were seen in the functioning of the immune system, kidney, liver, gall bladder, allergy points, , and stomach points, in summary, all the body organs and systems. Dr. Brown retired from practice in 2000. Listed below are credentials and memberships active at the time research studies were conducted: Diplomate of the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners; Diplomate of the American Board of Chiropractic Neurologists. Certified in Applied Kineseology; Impairment Evaluator in Montana. Membership: Montana Chiropractic Association; Yellowstone Chiropractic Association; American Chiropractic Association; American Chiropractic Association Council on Neurology; Member of the International College of Applied Kineseology. Original Study with Data

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