Your Body & Soul are Vibrant when Your Sensitive Energy is Supported

Your Body & Soul are Vibrant when Your Sensitive Energy is Supported

When did you last feel the AHHH of being Revitalized and Rejuvenated?

Finding that moment of pure rejuvenation and revitalization can feel like a distant memory amidst the chaos of modern life. The constant barrage of tasks, EMF radiation, technology overload, and constant notifications can leave your energy field feeling constantly jolted, pushing your body and mind into a perpetual “fight-flight-or-freeze” mode.

Originally designed to help you react to immediate danger, your automatic nervous system response now struggles to differentiate between real threats and the onslaught of daily stressors – from beeps and bleeps to the invisible waves of EMF. These stressors seem relentless, persisting day and night, and it’s easy to feel powerless against their onslaught.### But here’s the thing: you’re not alone in this struggle, and there’s hope.

By recognizing the impact these stressors have on your well-being, you’ve already taken the first step towards reclaiming your sense of peace and vitality. Whether through mindfulness practices, setting boundaries with technology, or incorporating protective measures like energy necklaces into your daily routine, there are ways to mitigate the effects of modern life and rediscover that feeling of “Ahhh” – of being truly revitalized and rejuvenated.

It’s time to regain control of your energy and create space for moments of stillness and restoration amidst the chaos. Remember, you can shape your experience and find moments of peace and tranquility, even amid life’s storms.

Are Your Body and Adrenals in Defense Mode 24/7


It’s true—your adrenals and nervous systems are constantly bombarded by the energy emitted from your cell phones, computers, Wi-Fi, and other technology, including satellites, cell towers, powerlines, and so much more. These electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) disrupt the harmony within your, triggering your sympathetic nervous system and prefrontal cortex to perceive them, along with other people’s stress and negativity, as threats.

Our cave-dwelling ancestors’ fight-flight-or-freeze response served them well, helping them evade hungry predators and other immediate dangers. But in today’s world, our bodies are always on high alert, reacting to the constant barrage of stimuli from our modern environment.

Unlike the clear threats of the past – like the guy with the spear or the hungry tiger – today’s dangers are often invisible and intangible. You’re bombarded with news and media hype, constantly being told to fear everything from chemicals in your dry cleaners to bedbugs in hotel rooms. It’s a never-ending cycle of alarm that erodes your trust in the world around you and leaves you constantly on edge.

This state of perpetual alarm takes a toll on you mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. It disrupts your peace of mind, drains your energy, and disconnects you from yourself and others. But there is hope. By recognizing the impact of these modern stressors and taking steps to protect and restore your well-being – whether through mindfulness practices, setting boundaries with technology, or utilizing tools like energy necklaces – you can reclaim your sense of peace and balance in an increasingly chaotic world.### Fight, Flight, or Freeze is Running Rampant Over Your Nerves


*Is this flight and freeze, or fight and freeze?*

The fight, flight, or freeze response is your body’s natural reaction to perceived threats, triggering a cascade of physiological changes to help you prepare for action:

Fight: This response primes you to take direct action to confront and eliminate the danger head-on.

Flight: Alternatively, you may feel the urge to flee or escape from the perceived threat, seeking safety elsewhere.


*The dog on the left is in the fight, while the other is frozen.*

Freeze: In some cases, the freeze response may kick in, causing you to become immobile or disassociative and temporarily unable to respond. During this time, your heart rate may slow, and your muscles may tense as you assess the situation and decide on the best course of action. It’s a moment of intense focus and evaluation, preparing you for action with a clearer plan than simply reacting in panic.

While the fight-or-flight response is a natural and adaptive mechanism designed to keep you safe, an extreme response can lead to panic attacks or cantrigger asthma attacks in those who are prone to asthma.

By understanding how your body reacts to perceived threats, you can learn to manage your responses more effectively and navigate challenging situations with greater resilience.

Your Body’s Constant Defenses aren’t your Friend, but they aren’t your Foe.

It’s true—while originally designed to protect you, your body’s defenses can become overwhelming when activated around the clock. Instead of being your guardian, they start draining your energy nonstop, leaving you feeling depleted and out of sync with the reality of your world.

I’ve heard the same sentiments echoed by friends, customers, and strangers in everyday settings like the grocery store. People are exhausted and struggling to find relief despite their efforts to eat well, exercise, meditate, and manage stress. Anxiety levels are high, energy levels are low, and the simple joys of life seem elusive.

So, what do the experts have to say about all this?


Sadly, it’s a complicated puzzle with no clear definition yet. Different schools of thought in Easternand Western medicine offer valuable insights, but none provide a complete solution. It’s as if we’re piecing together a puzzle, with each theory offering a fragment of the picture but leaving us with more questions than answers.

I’ve had the privilege of speaking with thousands of individuals and exploring various modalities and theories since 1994, when I got my first BioElectric Shield. I was so impressed I started working for the company. While I wouldn’t claim to be an expert, I’ve formed tentative conclusions based on these conversations and studies.

But here’s the thing – my conclusions are still tentative. There’s conflicting information, and while some pieces of the puzzle fit together nicely, others leave gaps in our understanding. We’ll only uncover the true picture when Western and Eastern practitioners work together to delve deeper into what works and what doesn’t in each system.

In the meantime, it’s essential to approach our well-being with an open mind and a willingness to explore different avenues for healing and restoration. By embracing a holistic approach that honors both ancient wisdom and modern science, we may find the answers we seek.

The Secret No One Has Told You Until Now - Your Stress Isn’t All Under Your Control!


You’ve followed all the expert advice – streamlined your life, practicing meditation, exercising regularly, eating well, and prioritizing your sleep – yet you still feel worse than ever. Why? Because there’s a missing piece of the puzzle that few are talking about: the external stressors of EMF from all the technology around you and the pervasive influence of everyone else’s anxiety and fear.

Our article about fear delves into the deep layers of negativity, anxiety, and pain that encircle the Earth, invisible yet palpable in your energy field. These frequencies trigger physical and emotional responses like a racing heart, immune system activation, anxiety, depression, restlessness, and fatigue.

It’s a universal experience, but the more sensitive you are, the greater the impact. This constant assault makes it challenging to focus and make clear decisions.


So, did the lights go on in your head? I hope so.

Once you grasp the reality of these layers of frequencies constantly impacting you, you can take action:

Reduce EMF exposure: Minimize your exposure to electromagnetic frequencies from technology. Minimize draining influences: Identify and mitigate the impact of people and circumstances that drain your energy. Take our HSP Quiz: Discover more about your sensitivity and explore tips and techniques to help you navigate these challenges.

With this understanding, you can reclaim your energy and well-being in a world of unseen stressors.

Who Are You, and What Do You Need?


Past experiences and trauma often shape one’s responses to present challenges. Practices like meditation, energy work, and emotional learning can help release stuck energy and automatic responses, paving the way for healing and growth. In my journey, I’ve found that reducing external influences such as EMF and other people’s energy by wearing a BioElectric Shield provides a much-needed respite from constant bombardment, allowing space to explore different ways of supporting oneself in managing past and present stressors.

In the meantime, it’s crucial to tune into your body, ask questions, and remain open to solutions that may address different aspects of the puzzle. Becoming your own researcher and advocate can be empowering, as many practices and systems contain partial truths. What works best for you may differ significantly from what works for others.

Listening to yourself and honoring your inner guidance is key. The BioElectric Shield shines by reducing the impact of external energies, allowing you to reconnect with your authentic self and discern your true needs. By creating space for self-discovery and self-care, you can embark on a journey of healing and empowerment guided by your inner wisdom.


###Meridians and the Tripple Warmer in Overdrive

In her Book “Energy Medicine,” Donna Eden talks about the Triple Warmer and how it activates multiple organs to fully fight, fight, or freeze to deal with these threats. If you visit her website or YouTube channel, you’ll find many techniques to calm the triple warmer and others designed to revitalize other areas of your energy field. I’ve discovered processes like her Daily Energy Routine to be extremely helpful in starting my day off with robust energy. I also like Prune Harris’s calm demeanor and slightly different take on Donna’s work, focusing on Radiant Circuits.

I found an excellent article from The Kaplan Center for Integrative Medicine with simple, easy-to-follow information that can help when you’re overloaded, especially before sleep, “Calming the Triple Warmer for Sleep.”

Adrenal Fatigue - Does it Exist?


The conflicting information surrounding adrenal fatigue can indeed be baffling and frustrating for those experiencing mysterious symptoms. While many individuals and alternative medicine practitioners have embraced the concept of adrenal fatigue as an explanation for symptoms like fatigue, stress intolerance, and hormonal imbalances, the medical community, including endocrinologists, largely denies its existence.

According to Dr. Ben-Shlomo, as quoted in WebMD September 18, 2023, in “Adrenal Fatigue: Is it Real?”, adrenal fatigue is not recognized as an actual disease. Instead, the adrenal glands are said to respond to stress by producing the necessary hormones, such as cortisol, to cope with the demands placed on the body.

This perspective may relieve some, suggesting that the body’s natural mechanisms can manage stress without needing a distinct diagnosis like adrenal fatigue. However, for others who have found solace and validation in the concept of adrenal fatigue, this denial may leave them feeling dismissed and uncertain about the true cause of their symptoms.

Ultimately, the discrepancy highlights the complexity of health and wellness and the ongoing debate between conventional and alternative approaches to medicine. It underscores the importance of seeking individualized care and exploring various perspectives to find the answers and support that resonate most with your own experience and needs.

Is this good news, or does it once again leave you baffled about what’s going on and why you have all these mysterious symptoms?

If it’s not Adrenal Fatigue, what is it?

The symptoms associated with conditions like Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS), Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), and other hard-to-diagnose issues often overlap, making it challenging to pinpoint the exact cause. EHS, in particular, has been increasingly recognized as a potential contributor to various health concerns.

Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity, or Electrosensitivity, is thought to stem from exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) emitted by modern technologies such as cell phones, Wi-Fi routers, and other wireless devices. While not officially recognized as a medical condition by all health authorities, many individuals report experiencing symptoms like headaches, fatigue, insomnia, and cognitive difficulties when exposed to EMFs.

Give your adrenals a much-needed break from constant guard duty with a BioShield.


The BioElectric Shield protects against the barrage of incompatible frequencies from modern technology, creating a protective vortex around you. This allows your adrenals – your body’s natural defense mechanism – to relax. By neutralizing and deflecting these harmful energies, BioShield reduces the need for constant defense, promoting relaxation and balance on all levels.

Picture yourself experiencing the happiness and peace that have eluded you for so long, supported by a pendant that nurtures your entire energy field. With the BioShield Pendant, you can reclaim clarity, enhance decision-making abilities, and cultivate overall well-being. Say goodbye to constant stress and hello to a newfound sense of tranquility and vitality.

The Mission of the BioElectric Shield is to Support the Frequency of Love and Light


Original BioElectric Shield logo

The mission of the BioElectric Shield is rooted in supporting the frequency of love and light, a concept that has been at the core of our work for over three decades. While initially hesitant to openly discuss vibrations and the energetic nature of our world, we’ve realized the importance of embracing these concepts in today’s evolving landscape.

As discussions around being a Highly Sensitive Person or Empath become more mainstream, people are gaining a deeper understanding of the impact of external energies on their well-being. After 31 years, Virginia Brown, Co-founder of BioElectric Shield, recently revealed the true secret behind the Shield in a revealing video.

What sets the BioElectric Shield apart in the market is its unique ability to refract electromagnetic radiation and other people’s stress and negativity. It’s unmatched in its prowess to provide this crucial protection.

But its benefits extend beyond mere physical protection. Developed under the guidance of esteemed consultants with a scientific background and from a family with genetically different rods and cones in their eyes, the BioElectric Shield has been meticulously designed to resonate at the perfectly balanced human frequency band. This ensures that anyone who wears it experiences a more balanced energy field across the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual realms.

The Shield acts as a cocoon of energy, refracting any energy incompatible with your own, including electromagnetic radiation and other discordant frequencies. The BioElectric Shield embodies the vibration of love and light, offering a constant source of support in a world fraught with discord and disharmony.

In times of strife and division, we need more than ever the heart – love, compassion, and understanding.

The BioElectric Shield is a beacon of love and light, helping you stay open-hearted, awake, and radiant amidst life’s challenges.

Customer Reviews

A big shift has occurred! I’m so happy.

I recently purchased the level 3 BioElectric Shield. It felt like it was made for me when I put it on. Wearing the shield the day after it arrived in the mail was like a miracle. I was doing the same job with my demanding, stressed-out supervisor, and the usual nervousness was gone! I felt relaxed, even joked with him, and the work flowed. I feel protected and confident even in situations with strangers or other people I call energy vampires. I am happy and energized.

Even on the NY Subway, I feel calm.

On the New York subways, where everyone has their cell phone on and you’re bombarded with radiation, I feel calmer and less irritable now. Besides that, people comment on its beauty. It is beautiful, and it works! Thank you! Nani


I reconnected with Source, and My Heart is Open for the first time in 30 years with a Level 4 Shield.

When I was thirty, I knew something was wrong; I always sensed other people’s painful energy. It escalated to physical pain. Many times, I would be incapacitated for months at a time. No matter what I did or tried spiritually, psychologically, and organically, I was forced to disconnect from most people and live in isolation most of the time because life was just too painful.

Within weeks of getting a Level 3 BioElectric Shield, I felt tremendously better in all areas and am soooo grateful. My frequency has risen, and my body is recovering. Much of the painful energy from people, EMFs, and chemicals has subsided drastically.

I quickly upgraded to a Level 4 Shield because, as an extremely sensitive empath, the choice was a no-brainer and the wisest investment I could make in myself. My heart is open again, and I’m reconnecting with myself and others. Now, my life unfolds daily. I have energy and clarity, and my creativity is returning.

At 64, this is the first time I have experienced hope! I can live again!  I’m even considering finding a way of teaching again to help sensitive kids and their parents so they don’t go through the pain that I have.

Cindy B, a retired teacher


The high vibration of the Shield produces a deep sense of peace and protection.

I want to mention that I am very impressed with the customer service I received with the shield a year later. Traveling is less tiring, and the very high vibration of the Shield produces a deep sense of peace and protection. It addresses whole energy dynamics. I thank you all in the BioElectric Shield Company.”

With Lots of Gratitude

Geva Alon, International Energy, and Yoga Teacher

And look for product reviews below each product

Some of my Research Sources:

 Psychology Today: Vagus Nerve - The vagus nerve must orchestrate bodily responses to keep you safe or warn you about danger before you even have a chance to think about it. Without your awareness, the brain scans the environment for cues of danger, pitching you into high alert to fight or flee or, in extreme situations, shutting you down. It also scans for safety cues, which allows you enough calm to open you up to engage with others socially.

Medical News Today: What is the fight, flight, or freeze response?

Energy Medicine: Balancing Your Body’s Energies for Optimal Health, Joy, and Vitality — Donna Eden — If you want to infuse your life with more joy, the Radiant Circuits hold the key! Unlock the secrets of these powerful techniques, including the Triple Warmer Smoothie, and experience a profound transformation.

WebMD July 21, 2024: Adrenal Fatigue: Myths, Symptoms, Disorders, and Treatment

The Physics Fact Book  reports worldwide use of cellphones in 1999 and shows the growth since then. Fifteen Years of Wi-Fi by Fon

The History of ADHD and Its Treatments from Additude Magazine - In the 1990s, diagnoses of ADHD begin to increase. It’s impossible to know if this is a change in the number of children with the condition or a change in awareness that leads to increased diagnosis 3. By 1991, methylphenidate prescriptions reach 4 million, and amphetamine prescriptions reach 1.3 million.

NIH, Pub Med Central: Electrohypersensitivity as a Newly Identified and Characterized Neurologic Pathological Disorder: How to Diagnose, Treat, and Prevent It 

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