Why are you suddenly an emotional wreck, irritable, angry, unfocused and did I say angry?

Has this ever happened to you? Suddenly, just an emotional wreck?
Last week was just awful. I was irritable, angry, and unfocused. Did I say angry? Everything sent me over the edge. I mean every tiny little thing. I was beside myself because none of it made sense, the things I was upset about would never normally bother me at all, or if they did it would have been a fleeting flash and gone, not an all-day burn.
So What Was Going on? Why was I feeling so irritable and angry?
I tried tuning in to what I was so upset about and what was causing all this. Nothing. Everything seemed fine. But then the phone would ring, I’d get an email asking a question, my husband would ask me a question, the software I was installing wouldn’t work right, and the package I was expecting showed up with the most important piece on backorder. Normally, these can be annoyances, but last week, everything was HUGE, and I couldn’t seem to let it go or shake it off.
After 4 or 5 days of complete meltdown, it hit me. When was the last time I recharged my Shield? Oh, I’m embarrassed to say it was a very long time, probably about a year.
We all know about the cobbler’s children and how they go without shoes. Well, this is one of those stories.
Recharge Your Shield - Let it do its job fully.
I talk to customers all the time and remind them to recharge their Shields at least four times a year. I know we say once a month, but not everyone is that contentious. Recharging your Shield four times a year for 8-10 hours can certainly help keep it charged.
I send out newsletters reminding you all to recharge your Shields. I even tell you that if you’re worried about forgetting it overnight, then you should charge it during the new moon when there won’t be any moonlight to drain your Shield.
I know that charging your Shield is important. But did I do it? Nope.
There’s a happy ending. I hung my Shield outside on my deck, tethered to the handle on our grill. It was in full sunlight all day and safe and secure. I did this for two solid days. After all, my Shield was in serious need of help.
Why did my Shield being run down have such a huge effect on me?
It wasn’t balancing my energy as well as it should.
All the EMf in the Washington, DC, area seemed to flood into me, reducing my focus and resistance.
This is the important one. As an empath and Highly Sensitive Person, I felt not only my emotions but the emotions of everyone around me and even the emotions of anger, fear, and upset of our world in general. Yes, picking up on feelings and fear blanketing the planet is possible.
Wow, what a difference! After a few days in the sun for my Shield, I’m back to my happy, normal self. Those little annoyances are just that, little annoyances. My life is back on track, and I feel focused and even better.
If you’re feeling irritable, angry, unfocused, and cattywampus, try recharging or even upgrading your Shield.
If you’re having a series of bad days feeling angry, emotional, spacy, anxious, fearful, depressed, etc., basically anything unusual for you, and you can’t figure out what’s up, give your Shield and yourself a boost. Hang your Shield out to recharge for a day or two (if it’s not secure outside, hang in a window for a longer period). See if that makes as much of a difference for you as it did for me.Read more about caring for your Shield. Occasionally, you might even want to send it to us for a full recharge and repolish.
What if recharging doesn’t work, and you still feel irritable, angry, unfocused, ungrounded, and off?
It may be time to get a Stronger Shield or Upgrade
Take our** EMF Risk Quiz** for a recommendation.
We have an upgrade plan for Shields in good condition under 3 years old (a little leeway in time is possible). You can trade in your Shield for the next level up - the difference can be huge..
Charge your Shield and have a happy, peaceful, focused life.
Testimonials from a few customers who upgraded
Living Happily Ever After - My Shield has been a miracle.
Improving my relationships in my home and everywhere. My fiancee’s life, especially, has changed. If you are the diagnosing type, he perhaps has ADD/ADHD. It’s just an abundance of energy and nowhere to put it. This Shield has helped draw it in and help him focus it. He had so much energy that I, as a sensitive intuitive, could hardly stand to be nearby as I could feel his energy all over me, driving me to the same state of perpetual anxiety as he was. Lol. The Bio Shield solved both our issues, and we plan to live happily ever after. Christal Terry
I reconnected with Source, and My Heart is Open for the first time in 30 years with a Level 4 Shield
When I was thirty, I knew something was wrong; I was sensing other people’s painful energy all the time. It escalated to physical pain. Many times, I would be incapacitated for months at a time. No matter what I did or tried spiritually, psychologically, and organically, I was forced to disconnect from most people and live in isolation most of the time because life was just too painful.
Within weeks of getting a Level 3 BioElectric Shield, I felt tremendously better in all areas, and I am soooo grateful. My frequency has risen, and my body is recovering. Much of the painful energy from people, EMFs, and chemicals has subsided drastically.
I quickly upgraded to a Level 4 Shield because, as an extremely sensitive empath, the choice was a no-brainer and the wisest investment I could make in myself. My heart is open again, and I’m reconnecting with myself and others. Now my life unfolds daily. I have energy and clarity, and my creativity is returning.
At 64, this is the first time I have experienced hope! I can live again! I’m even considering finding a way of teaching again to help sensitive kids and their parents so they don’t go through the pain that I have. Cindy B, a retired teacher
Truly, a Life Saver after a Traumatic Experience Caused PTSD and Intense EMF Sensitivity
“I have purchased and GREATLY benefitted from several of the products available from this exceptional company. Customer Service has always been far above any company I have ever dealt with. I upgraded from a Level 2 to a Level 3 Shield, and even with my high expectations because of the other purchases, I was truly AMAZED.
I got the Level 3 Shield because my renewed heightened sensitivity to electrical and Wi-Fi fields had gotten much worse because of a traumatic experience in Hawaii. The hyper-stimulated Stress Response Condition is what people refer to as PTSD. I got almost immediate relief and calm that I had not felt in over 15 months because of this affliction. The difference between wearing the new Shield and taking it off is dramatic. The excruciating adrenalized symptoms of anxiety and the stress response that people call “Panic Attacks” were 85% reduced, which I did not expect since I had purchased it only because of my flu-like/migraine response to Wi-Fi and electrical fields. I have not taken it off except for showers and dread when I have to recharge the Shield for 3 hours at the end of the first month.
I am SO GRATEFUL to Virginia and Anna Mariah for their care and interest in helping me. The products REALLY WORK. We have a whole-house filter and other EMF filters installed in our home, making my restricted life almost normal. When I hear of other people’s symptoms of migraines, flu-like issues, anxiety, and the like, I always tell them about the Bio ElectricShield Company. I cannot imagine returning to my limited life before discovering these products 5 years ago. Thanks again!” Review posted October 25, 2018 by Roberta L.
Shield behaves like a tuning fork, humming and vibrating in the background, giving me a sense of well-being as I hum and vibrate to its rhythm.
My original Shield was Satin Silver with brass tabs, and I have worn it since 1996. I can’t say I was aware enough to know specifically how it made me feel, at that time, I just knew that I loved the way it looked and had great regard for what its intended purpose was designed to do.
The first time I sent my Shield back to its maker was to change the satin finish to polished and to have it recharged. When it was returned to me I felt a noticeable affinity with it. Once again I didn’t try to put words to it or to convince myself or others of its attributes. My relationship with it was simply personal, much like a friend is.
The second time I sent “my friend” back, I upgraded it to Polished Silver with gold tabs. When I received it back and held it in my hand, I admired the way the gold and silver formed a smooth, silky union, and its reflection gave me a deep sensation of balance and presence. In retrospect, it was during this time that I began to observe that my Bioelectric Shield had been quietly fine-tuning my inner awareness.
When the Focusing Shield was introduced, I upgraded it for the third time. Now, I had a Polished Silver Shield with Gold tabs with the ADD/ADHD focusing elements. When I first received my focusing shield and placed it around my neck, I noticed a significant feeling of being grounded. Of course, after time passed and having moved through “Phase Transition,” I lost the initial, palpable awareness of being more centered but always maintained the feeling of undisturbed, natural calm.
I’ve just returned my Shield for the Fourth time to have the Gold loop repaired. Now that I’m without it again, I am mindful of how the Shield has impacted my life over the years.I repeatedly find myself reaching for it and missing it. Interestingly, I don’t sense that I’m unprotected or vulnerable; I just notice that it’s not around my neck.
In retrospect, I see my Shield behaves like a tuning fork, humming and vibrating in the background, giving me a sense of well-being as I hum and vibrate to its rhythm. The Shield is programmed to conduct energy, increase protection, lower stress, balance, and sharpen mental skills. Over time, and with the Shield’s attributes in mind, I unknowingly began to work interactively with it, simply by appreciating and recognizing its encoding. I noticed that the more I consciously worked following it, the more a continuous adjusting flow of returned and permanent strength became my new normal.
At its highest form, the Shield is an amazing, organic, vibrating, valued object and has been acting as a Quantum Bio-Instrument to remind me that from inside out I remain protected and safe, and I am. Marshelle Joseph, Certified Biofeedback Specialist, Licensed Massage Therapist, review received 09-2015
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