Which Crystals Protect Empaths Most Powerfully?

Which Crystals Protect Empaths Most Powerfully?

I get asked this question regularly: What crystals protect empaths the best? And why do empaths need protection? We can’t cover it all, but this is my best advice.

Empaths need protection from EMF (Electromagnetic Energy) and other people’s stress, negativity, and desires. Learn more in EMFs & Empaths – Everything You Need to Know

They must also protect their energy from **fear and negativity **blanketing our planet.

As an empath and jewelry maker, I love talking about what crystals protect empaths and how you can become your own gemstone expert.

I’ve listed the primary protection stones or crystals to protect empaths for each category. Protect your energy first with a BioElectric Shield  then move on to stones for other purposes. You can’t get the full benefits if you are impacted or drained by outside influences.

Crystals That Protect Empaths from Negative energy, including other people’s stress





Black Tourmaline


Quartz crystal

Combination of Lapis Lazuli and Kyanite

Crystals That Protect Empaths from EMF

  imageBlack Tourmaline





Smoky Quartz

Rose Quartz

Combination of Onyx and Smoky Quartz

I will talk more in-depth about all these stones below and what crystals protect empaths and provide additional qualities.

I use gemstones, crystals, stones, and even rocks interchangeably to describe the gifts of the Earth, Ocean, and even the Stars that you can use to protect, strengthen and balance your energy field.

Empaths can use crystals alone or in specific combinations to protect or enhance their abilities. I always recommend starting with protective crystals and then using specific combinations to enhance your gifts. I’ve included more info about some of the more useful combinations below.

You can use crystals or stones, rough cut, smooth and polished, worn in a pocket or pouch, or made into jewelry.

About the author

I’m AnnaMariah Nau, a gemstone empath. (see more about empath types below) I have been making jewelry for protection and energy enhancement since 2008.

Because of my unique ability to feel how the stones interact with each other and your energy field, my opinions may differ from some popular sources. They may also vary because I primarily work with empaths and HSP (Highly Sensitive Persons).

All Empaths are HSPs, but not all HSPs are Empaths. Read more about the similarities and differences between being an HSP and an Empath. image

How does an empath protect themselves from negative energy?

An empath can protect themselves from negative energy with various stones or combinations of crystals.  Another oft-used method is smudging with sage. All these methods can help, but most empaths need much more assistance in today’s world.

Labradorite is my favorite because it creates a force field to protect and strengthen your energy and prevent spiritual vampires from tapping into it. It also creates a shield around your energy field that protects you from the world’s negativity.

Amethyst is a powerful protective stone. It guards against psychic attack as it transmutes energy into love. It also protects against geopathic and electromagnetic stress and ill intent from others.

Black Tourmaline is considered one of the premier protective stones. It can transmute and purify negative energy, changing it into usable energy. When you’re opening your empathic abilities, it protects against attachments and energetic debris.

Hematite dissolves negativity and protects you from absorbing others’ negativity. Pay attention to how you feel using hematite. It’s very grounding and can feel too restrictive and weighty for others. You’ll hear this often in this article: You are your best authority.

How does an empath protect themselves from EMF, and Why should they protect themselves from EMF?

Electromagnetic radiation, also called EMF, ELF, or EMR, comes from all the electronics we use: 5G, Wi-Fi, smartphones, tablets, computers, smart meters, and image all our electronics, including anything that plugs in or has a battery puts off EMF and/or radio waves.

EMF is everywhere and is constantly getting stronger, resulting in electromagnetic hypersensitivity for many people.

EMF is invisible and can be as toxic as gas, so we can’t walk around in full body protection. Read more in our blog, EMF and Empaths - Everything You Need to Know .

Empaths are usually more sensitive to electromagnetic radiation and frequently report more mysterious symptoms and other issues than non-empaths. Empaths have a double whammy from EMF and other people’s stress and negativity, so they must protect themselves from EMF.

One of the first things you can do is reduce your EMF exposure as much as possible. Simple things like turning off Wi-Fi at night, keeping your phone 2 feet away when not in use, or putting it in a phone case can make a noticeable difference in how you feel.

Do these crystals protect empaths enough?

I’ve muscle-tested all these stones, together and in combination, for myself and others. I haven’t found any strong enough to register a positive outcome above 15%. Muscle testing, also called Applied Kinesiology, is simple to learn and has various methods.

Using a pendulum shows a little more information. In my experience, this is one of the easiest examples of dowsing. You get an answer by degrees, not just a yes or no response.

When I use a pendulum, I get a clear “No,” but when it’s “Yes,” it swings in a circle. The stronger the “Yes,” the wider the circle.  My pendulum swings like a helicopter if the answer is “Heck Yeah!”

When you use a pendulum, you determine your Yes and No look response, so your “Heck Yeah” may differ from mine. image

Single stones or combinations don’t provide the EMF and personal protection needed.

Unfortunately, crystals or even combinations don’t give much protection. Many people feel they are protected and are at risk of developing EMF sensitivity or other issues.

The highest rating I’ve gotten with any of these is about 10-15% protection. I’ve also consulted with other experts who have answers close to mine. This is concerning because you may think you are protected when you aren’t, which could put you at risk.

Orgonite, a combination of crystals and copper, is often used and comes in at about 10% in the abovementioned testing.

Muscle testing (aka applied kinesiology), using a Pendulum, or dowsing are easy to learn but are outside the scope of this post. You can look up many guides and books for help, starting with super simple information and moving up to extremely detailed information. Choose one that works for you and how deeply you want to explore the subject.

One Product Stands Above the Rest - The BioElectric Shield

In the last 28 years, I’ve muscle-tested thousands of people with various EMF protection devices. Hands down, the best protection from EMF and other people’s negativity and stress are the** Level 3 andLevel 4 BioElectric Shields. **


The Shield has a matrix of quartz and other crystals that combine to strengthen and balance your energy field. It creates a cocoon of positive energy around you that deflects and neutralizes the EMF and different draining energies that are not in harmony with you.  We get reports of wearers who feel like they have a permeable bubble around them that lets the good energy in.

The Shield is a case of the whole being much stronger than each of its parts.

The strength and protection come from how the stones interact with each other and your energy field.

Read more about why the crystal matrix in the Shield works in an article by Naisha Ahsian, co-author of The Book of Stones, which I consider the best book on crystals. I love their dual authorship because each author has a unique specialization.

Multiple research studies, a 90-day money-back guarantee, and over 30 years of customer reviews and raves have proven The Shield effective.

The Shield is an investment, but the level of protection and balance it gives you is priceless. People are still wearing the Shield they purchased thirty years ago.

What makes me an authority on Gemstones and Empaths?


My name is AnnaMariah Nau. I call myself a Gemstone Emppath because of my deep affinity for gemstones and rocks, and this affinity is a big part of my work.

My empath abilities cover several different areas. I am also a Heyoka empath, an emotional and physical empath, and a gemstone empath with a deep affinity for gemstones.

My specialty is seeing and feeling how single stones and combinations of stones work with someone’s energy field.

In this practice, I’ve learned the profound impact of crystals and stones and how subtle but profound the benefits can be, especially when using two or more stones in a harmonious combination.

A stone’s cut, color, clarity, treatment, and general look and feel can impact how it works with different people’s energy fields. Below, I’ll discuss this further and how you can become your own authority.

If you want to know how I came to be here and how the BioElectric Shield changed my life, click to read my story.

Take a Quiz - Determine your areas of sensitivity and get coping tips.


2016 I co-wrote a quiz for empaths and HSPs with Ellen Koronet, a qualitative methodologist. To date, over 20,000 people have taken it.

It breaks down five specific sensitivity areas, which can help you quickly identify triggers or areas of weakness, and it follows up with super helpful tips.

We launched an updated 2024 HSP/Empath Quiz focusing on four sensitivity areas.

Discover your HSP Type and learn how to turn it into your SuperPower


Did you know there are different types of empaths?

Defining your type of empath helps when deciding on protection, as this will help you determine the type of protection or enhancement you might need.

The most talked about empath is the Emotional Empath. You feel everyone’s emotions like your own. Being an empath is about feeling, *not just *other people’s emotions. There are many types of empaths, and only two absorb the pain of others. Hence, you can be more than one kind of empath.

Find out Which Type of Empath you Are

I’ve included this as a separate article to keep this post from becoming overwhelmingly long.

Once you understand more about yourself and your sensitivities, you can better protect yourself from toxic energies and EMF.

What are the best crystals for empaths to strengthen their abilities?

Lapis Lazuli and Kyanite are my personal favorites for empaths.  I call this combination Empath’s Bridge of Vision.


(/categories/chains-cords/) Empaths Bridge Beaded Chain

It is a powerful combination that clarifies your vision, helps you remember the truth of who you are, protects your energy field, balances energy patterns, and brings your energy into cohesion and grounding.

HSPs and empaths often struggle to maintain a sense of self. Lapis Lazuli strengthens this sense, moving you toward self-knowledge as you discover and learn to live from your true divine nature.

Experience divine inspiration in your heart as the energies of your soul spiral into your daily consciousness, flooding you with clarity, inspiration, and the courage to live to your highest potential.

Too often, we play small, not stepping into our full truth – Lapis Lazuli calls your soul to step forward into its fullness, manifested here on the Earth plane.

Feel your inner royalty and live from this heightened awareness of yourself as a spirit.

Do you have something you need to say and find it hard to find the words?

Lapis Lazuli opens both the throat and brow chakras – bringing your clear vision and communication together so you can say exactly the right thing as if it were magic.


(/categories/chains-cords/) Focused Manifestation Beaded Chain with Satin Level 3 BioShield

Onyx and Smoky Quartz are a wonderful fusion during chaotic times. Stay focused, clear, and grounded as you creatively manifest your goals.

Together, they merge into energy much more powerful than when they were separate.

This combo profoundly grounds your energy, bringing clarity and focus by connecting your heart and mind. It also helps by reducing some of the brain fog effects of EMF.

The combination of thought and emotion supercharges and strengthens goals and manifestation power.  A vision that comes from your soul rather than your ego will support you in making choices to achieve your highest vision.

Quartz Crystal stimulates positive thoughts and feelings as you connect with your Higher Self and the Universe.

Quartz crystal brings balance, helping you center and increase energy flow through the physical and subtle bodies and experience mental clarity, emotional stability, and focused meditative states.

Deep Healing Balance - Green Tiger-Eye image

Green Tiger Eye and Lapis Lazuli bracelet from [Gemstone Alchemy](https://www.gemstonealchemy.com){:target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"}

As empaths, we need healing and grounding, physically and emotionally. Green-tiger Eye is my go-to stone for this because it is deeply healing physically, going to the area most needing balance first and moving out from there.

Tiger’s eye also helps to balance and ground your entire system, allowing you to be energized and strong mentally, physically, and emotionally.

Wear it or keep it near you whenever you struggle to find the energy to keep going or in a healing crisis. Let its strong, healing power and love permeate your being.

I make some beaded chains **for BioElectric Shield. They can be worn alone and layered with pendants or a BioElectric Shield to provide various energy benefits. I can make customized necklaces for you thru BioElectric Shield and have a small jewelry business, **Gemstone Alchemy, with pendants, bracelets, earrings, and necklaces.

How does an empath experience more positive energy?

imageFirst and foremost is preventing energy or psychic vampires or the energy drains from other people’s negativity and stress, the fear blanketing the planet, and from EMF. You are starting with an advantage when you keep your energy from being constantly drained.

Wear crystals like quartz, carnelian, or agate for energy and zest for a living. Grounding stones can also help you increase your positive energy. When you’re grounded, more of your energy is available for you.

There are so many positive energy stones, and the list is practically endless. I suggest learning to muscle test or dowse (pendulum) to help you choose the best stones for each day or situation. With practice, stones will speak to you when their energy and support are needed.

Trust your Intuition

One of the most important things you do is trust your intuition. If you look at your gemstones or jewelry and one or more seem to stand out, trust that, and it will become second nature.

I can’t tell you specifically how to know when your intuition or gemstone sensitivity is kicking in because everyone experiences their intuition differently. When I look at stones, one or more will stand out, and when it’s strong, they appear to shimmer or pulse. But most often, it’s just a knowing sense that I want to reach for a stone. Others experience heat, vibration, or other sensations.

Learn your cues and let them guide you to becoming your gemstone expert.

How can you be your gemstone authority?


Becoming an authority takes some practice, but it’s not difficult with a little concentration and confidence in yourself. Practice some of these techniques and find what works for you; over time, you’ll become clear and confident in your choices.

You may be surprised to know not all stones of the same type necessarily work the same. Stones are unique, and so are you. Cut, treatment, and purity can greatly affect how a stone aligns with your energy. If you try one, don’t give up. Try a few, and you might find the one for you.

You are unique, and your reaction to a specific stone or combination may not agree with the norm. That’s perfectly fine and normal.

Unless you are very sensitive to stones and the subtle changes they make, you may not be able to determine what’s best immediately. But you can learn how to tune in.

Dowse or use a pendulum to check which stones work best for you. There are plenty of books and videos that teach you more, so I won’t go into detail here.

Use or buy only those stones or combinations that give you a positive result. As I mentioned above, I suggest retesting from time to time, even daily, and what you need to support you can change daily.

Tuning into Gemstones Technique and answers on just about anything

There are techniques you can use to tune into gemstones, make decisions, and so much more. image

Read **Let Your Still Small Voice Take the Agony Out of Decisions **for my technique.

This can give you a lot of clarity. I hate to keep saying it was life-changing, but it was for me when I discovered it. I had been using a simpler version of this technique for almost 20 years, and when I worked with Rose Rosetree, she added the mental portion and fine-tuned it even more.

Imagine making decisions using a technique that gives you clarity!

I have used this same technique to make decisions on many levels over the years. It’s helped me decide where to move, what to eat, and many major or minor choices over the last 30 years. Once you practice, you can move through this in just a couple of minutes, and you will be sure you’ve made the best choice.

Once you’ve learned it, this practice can help you be your best expert on anything.

Using it with gemstones, ask your question about how you want the gemstone to support you. For example, “Will this stone protect me from EMF?” “Will this stone deflect negative energy?” or even “Will this stone help me gain more insight?” The questions can be endless. So have fun with it and trust your answers. image

Stones, Crystals, and People can react very Differently.

I was surprised to learn how different the results can be. When I first learned how to determine what crystals protect empaths and how they react, I believed the books that each stone is always the same. I was doing an in-home show and having women do the technique I shared. We passed around several necklaces and shared reactions, and I watched each person’s energy field.

The results surprised me. Let me share a couple of odd reactions.

One necklace was normally grounding stones; I believe it was jasper and onyx. One woman in a group of eight had the opposite reaction and felt extremely spacey. In fact, instead of grounding her, it opened her energy and expanded it.

One other necklace, made of amethyst and crystal, is normally expansive and works with the crown chakra, but for one of the women, that’s what grounded her.

One possible explanation is that we don’t all ground the same. Most people ground into the Earth, but some ground into the Universe and are more at home in the stars. Another small group grounds in both directions, although they usually have one method that is stronger than the other.

If you ground into the cosmos, stones like hematite will feel limiting and pull you down too much or even make you spacy or sick.

Conclusion - What crystals protect empaths?

The answer isn’t the same for everyone. It’s important to know yourself and how you react to things. image

Empaths are sensitive to many different things. The important part is determining what kind of protection and support you need today.

Learn what triggers you, what drains you, and what energizes you. Take our HSP/Empath Quiz to assess five areas of sensitivity, and you’ll receive coping tips and a recommendation for the best level of BioElectric Shield.

I highly recommend protection from EMFs, negative energy, and stress from others. Both types of energy impact all empaths I’ve met. They often don’t know the problem, writing it off as stress, not enough sleep, age, etc. Discovering there is a solution is an eye-opener.

Gemstones can heighten specific abilities, heal, ground, and balance your energy.

Become your own expert authority. The more you trust yourself, the better you will be at protecting and supporting yourself with the help of your gemstone allies.

Gather your healing stones or allies and keep them where you can easily access the protection you need for the day.

Have fun with the process and pay attention to small, subtle changes as you go. The stones’ healing properties work gradually but profoundly.

Some of my Sources

I’ve taken this information about empath types from various sources and my studies about empaths over the last ten years. My sources include but are not limited to:

Elaine Aron, the pioneer over twenty years ago with The Highly Sensitive Person

Orloff, The Empath’s Survival Guide, *and *Emotional Freedom.

Inspiration and information have been taken from these blog posts:

How Many Types of Empaths Are There? Here Are Our Favorite 14,

15 Surprising Signs You’re a Heyoka Empath and Why It’s So Powerful 

There Are 8 Types of Empaths, and Only 1 Has to Do With Feeling the Emotions of Others

I’ve been writing blogs for over twelve years and have taken information from my own experience and dozens of other sources, too many to mention or remember.

Read more of my Empath and HSP blogs.


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