Quick Guide to EMF and Personal Energy Protection

Are you wondering how to protect yourself from EMF radiation and other people’s energy?
Personal Energy Protection is needed more and more as more sources of EMF, WiFi, and 5g are added to our world. This Guide to EMF Protection can help you pinpoint ways to best protect yourself, your family and your pets.
EMF is a by-product of WiFi, cellular phones, computers, laptops, monitors, smart meters, cell towers, appliances, and electronics. Other people’s energy, moods, and negativity can be equally or more draining than EMF for Highly Sensitive People (Empaths).
There are three types of energy shielding to consider, in this order:
Shield Your BodyThe BioElectric Shield personal energy protection. balances your energy field and deflects and neutralizes EMF and other people’s energy, allowing you to be at your best. It can be worn or carried in a pocket during the day and then placed by your bed at night offering energy protection 24/7.
Learn How it works using applied physics. **Read testimonials **from customers - click on specific products for more reviews.
Take our quizto get a personalized recommendation for protection based on your exposure, risk, and sensitivity.
We always recommend full-body protection first, and then the addition of protection for your cellular phone and other EMF generating devices. Depending on your situation and needs you may decide to start with the devices and then gradually decide to get full-body protection. This EMF Protection Guide can help you pinpoint areas most in need of protection for you based on how you use your devices and your exposure.
Cellular Phones, Smart Phones, Tablets – use EMF protection on your devices
Shielding your electronics is especially important if you spend most of your time with a smart phone, tablet or other device on your person, or within 6 - 12 inches of your body.
We love the SYB Cellphone pouch and earbuds:
Deflects up to 99.9% of 5G and Radio and Microwave EMF Radiation from your phone Pouch does not interfere with phone function or battery life. Protects Your phone from Damage from dropping or scratches. If you carry your phone near your waistline, it provides protection in your pelvic area: for men (testicles sperm), women (uterus or fetus). Breast Cancer protection - for those of you who used to put your phone in your bra, we invite you to carry your phone in this pouch, in a pocket, or purse. phone pouches. When using the screen, you can place the pouch under the phone, still protecting your hand and body from EMF.
Tablets - Laptops- TV’s - Monitors
EMF Protection for iPads, Tablets, and Laptops
The SYB laptop and tablet pads for EMF protection are extremely effective! By placing your Ipad in the case, you’ve eliminated the majority of EMF from the pad. By placing the hard EMF blocker pad under your laptop, you’re effectively stopped radiation from going into your pelvis. I’ve personally used the EMF blocker pad for the past 5 years!
The SYB Neck gaiter EMF protection for head and neck
Flexible, High-Performance EMF Head and Neck Gear
Are you tired of ugly, low-quality EMF protection apparel and headgear? Shield your body from harmful EMF protection in style, with our super high-performance SYB Neck Gaiter.
Handling EMF caused by Dirty Electricity - from your electronics and appliances
What is dirty electricity?
When more electricity than is needed to power anything that is run on electricity, you get a surge in the power. Surges mean a huge amount of electricity if traveling through the wiring. The big surge also includes a big electromagnetic field - known as EMF. There are 2 sources of dirty electricity - and each product addresses ONE of those sources: dirty electricity that comes in from your utility company as it enters your home via your breaker box. To solve this issue, read about the Satic products. The second source is from all your electronics or appliances. Read about the Stetzer filers to solve this type of dirty electricity.
Satic EMF Eliminators - Handles Dirty Electricity from your Home Wiring
When it comes into your home via your power pole, it’s called dirty electricity. These surges travel all throughout your home, creating EMF all over your home. There are 2 solutions to this.
If you own your own home, the Whole Home Unit is ideal because it is installed next to your breaker box. All electricity from the power pole will be filtered through this line conditioner, flattening all spikes and surges in the electricity, and eliminating the EMF before it even goes to your breaker box.
If you rent, live in a condo or apartment, you can choose the very convenient portable version of this solution. Simply by a pair of their EMF Eliminator Plug-In Units and make sure one is plugged into the A circuitry and one onto the B circuitry. They will continuously flatten spikes as electricity flows past wherever they are plugged in.
EMF Protection for your Auto, Home, Clothing, Pets
Dog and Cat EMF Protection
If you have a dog or cat you want to protect, you can get a **Room Shield **to protect them. The pet Shield is worn 24/7 and will provide ongoing EMF protection. This is very helpful for sensitive dogs and/or older dogs who need more help as they age. You may have noticed that cancer is far more common in both cats and dogs than it used to be. We think EMF has something to do with this statistic.
A Room Shield is another option for a pet who doesn’t’ wear a collar. If your pet spends time in one location for many hours a day, simply put a Room Shield close to wear s/he likes to be. If they come into the bedroom at night, simply keep a Room Shield in the bedroom. It will greatly lower the EMF in the bedroom at night. Rest and repair are the two functions the body (human or pet) performs at night. It is very difficult for the body to do this if it is bombarded by EMF all night long.### EMF Protection from Electronics in all Vehicles
Most vehicles have a huge array of electronics inside the vehicle, including blue-tooth WiFi. Hybrids also have additional EMF from the battery, despite claims that the amount is very small. In both cases, we recommend hanging the Auto Shield (which is a Room Shield used in your vehicle) from the rear-view mirror. It will continuously break up the EMF generated by anything in the vehicle, including anyone using a cellular phone.
EMF Protection for Your Home Office
The easiest way to reduce EMF in your home office is to place a ** Room Shield** somewhere inside the office. It has a range of 30 feet in every direction from wherever it is sitting or hanging.
Shield your Cellphone
Great for anyone carrying their cellular phone in a pocket.
Do you work in a hospital or any building with WiFi that is on all the time? Do you carry your cellphone or have it within 6 - 12 inches of you most of the day? We recommend that you wear a BioElectric Shield, but additional shielding on your phone or tablet is also advised.
Still Unsure What to Do Next? Get personalized recommendations
Protection is vital to your overall health and well-being if you are experiencing any of the electrosensitivity issues listed here.
Take the Quiz** for an assessment of your overall exposure and risk, followed by a recommendation for the most effective level of EMF and Personal Energy Protection.**
Talk to us - call 541-201-8878 or send us a message,
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