Lose something? Try this crazy idea! Really

Lose something? Try this crazy idea! Really

Suspend Disbelief and Prepare to Be Surprised!

If you’ve ever turned everything upside down looking for something important you’ve lost, take a few minutes to read these stories. Next time, try this suggestion and see what happens.

How much time do you spend trying to find things?

If you’re like many of us, you probably take more time than you want to think about or admit. Looking for lost items seems to be a continually frustrating part of life. It can be devastating if the lost item is something you value. You can’t believe it’s gone, but you’ve looked everywhere: in drawers, pockets, under the bed, and even moved the furniture. But it’s still missing, and you are beside yourself.

Imagine Losing your BioShield!

If you have a BioElectric Shield, imagine your panic if you can’t find it. Doesn’t the thought make your heart pound? Do you feel a sinking feeling in your gut? People who despair over a lost Shield, ring, or other personal item call me frequently. I’m sure they don’t think I can help, but they know I will understand how upset they are.

I do feel their despair, but it doesn’t stop there. I share my secret to finding even the most stubbornly lost Shield or other items.

My Crazy Secret Method for Finding Things

I’m frequently met with disbelief, even laughter, when I suggest they call on the Angel of Lost Articles and then pay attention to any idea about where to look. I laugh with them and say, “I agree. It does sound unbelievable. But take it with a grain of salt and try it anyway. This method works about 75% of the time. Okay, I haven’t kept track of actual statistics, but it often works. What have you got to lose? Just try it.”

I Found It!!

I often get a call back in an hour or a day or two, with the person on the line laughing and telling me how they found the Shield or other item they’d been searching for.

“Thank you! I can’t believe I found it using your crazy idea. But I was desperate, so I suspended my skepticism and tried it. I called on the Angel of Lost Articles. It didn’t happen immediately, but I remembered what you said about paying attention to any ideas that popped into my head, even if I’d already looked there a dozen times.”

“I stood in the middle of the room and called, ‘Dear Angel of Lost Articles, can you help me find my missing Shield?’ When I didn’t get an immediate picture or idea of where to look, I sat down for a few minutes and just let my mind drift off. A minute later, I thought about where it might be, and even though I’d looked there an hour before, I went back. I couldn’t believe my eyes when it was right there. I know I didn’t just overlook it the first six times, but there it was. It’s almost like magic! I’m stunned! Thank you!”

It Showed Up Where I’d Already Searched a Dozen Times

The places people looked and found the lost items are varied, but the story almost always involves looking in the same places as before: a closet (it’s hanging right there in plain sight), a pocket (the Shield is in a pair of pants, not worn in days), under the bed (it often shows up just under the edge in plain sight), and under the toe kick of a cabinet, all places that someone had already searched.

Sometimes, an idea that seems completely unfathomable pops in, like finding it in the bathroom trash or a bottom drawer, the cat box, or the bottom of a knitting basket. The list is long and often funny. But that lost Shield showed up in a place that had been well-searched multiple times.


Three-Day Missing Gold Shield Found in Ten Minutes

The latest call was from Chris, a long-time customer in her 70s who upgraded to a 14k Gold Custom Shield that had changed her life. She is extremely EMF-sensitive to the point of being debilitated. With that Shield, she felt like her brain was 20 years younger, with no more brain fog, forgetfulness, or fear of Alzheimer’s.

Since losing the Shield three days earlier, her brain felt completely addled, and she could barely put words together to make a sentence, nearly incoherent, and said she’d been like that for days.

When I told her to call the Angel of Lost Articles, she laughed but agreed to trust me since we’ve had many long discussions over the last ten years. Ten minutes later, she called me in tears, she had the Shield around her neck.


What Did Chris Do?

Chris stood in the middle of her bedroom and called the Angel of Lost Articles for help. She suddenly wanted to open the closet door again for about the tenth time. Chris walked to the closet with trepidation, trying to suspend her disbelief, and opened the door. The Shield was hanging on a hook in plain sight!

Chris was also now talking completely normal and coherently, sounding like her old self. I was so thrilled for her that I emailed Timothy, our Company Owner, and told him about the Angel of Lost Articles.

The Angel of Lost Articles Helped a Package Back from Oblivion

This morning, I got this text from Timothy:

“I wanted to tell you I tried this last night as one of our customers had no scans or updates on the progress of his package for five days and was getting super rowdy and angry. In desperation, I called on the Angel of Lost Articles for help. Well, this morning, it was delivered…”

In the last year, this has happened more often than in the past: packages go dark in transit, there are no progress updates, and it seems the package has vanished. Once the carrier picks it up, there’s nothing we can do, which is upsetting for everyone. From now on, we’ll call on the Angel of Lost Articles. Technically, it’s not lost, but it sure feels that way. It can’t hurt to give it a little nudge.### My Earring, Missing for Weeks, Showed up in Plain Sight an Hour After Calling the Angel

The first time I tried this, I’d lost one of my favorite new earrings. I always take them off and put them together on the dresser in the same place, but one was missing (I didn’t have children or cats).

We searched the room, moved the dresser and the bookshelf, removed the bedding, and moved the bed. Nothing; it was just gone. I called on the Angel of Lost Articles. About an hour later, I walked into the bedroom, and my earring was in plain sight, just under the edge of the bed.

I have no explanation. We’d been looking for weeks, no way had it been there. Where did it come from? Did the Angel materialize the earring out of nothing? Retrieve it from the ETs who took it? I don’t care, but I’ve been a fan of the Angel of Lost Articles ever since, and I’m still amazed and thrilled each time.

How Does the Angel of Lost Articles Work?

If you’re missing something and are about to give up, try it.

Put your tongue in your cheek if necessary.

Dispel your disbelief.

Call on the Angel of Lost Articles.

Pay attention to every thought, feeling, idea, or picture of where to look.

Look there, no matter how sure you are that it couldn’t possibly be there.

I suspect the Angel opens up your Third Eye so you “see” the object of your search or maybe she brings the article back. I have seen it work repeatedly in even the most hopeless circumstances. Don’t wait until you’re frantic. Call on the Angel immediately. I’m unsure if she can retrieve something that’s gone out in the trash, picked up, and taken to the dump, so call her before that happens.### The Angel of Lost Articles Is Waiting for Your Call

Don’t put off calling because you don’t want to be a bother or because what’s missing isn’t expensive. The missing article doesn’t have to be valuable; it just needs something you don’t want to lose. The Angel of Lost Articles loves helping out, so call whenever the whereabouts of something are eluding your best efforts.

What If You’ve Lost Your Shield, and It Hasn’t Shown Up?

First, Call the Angel and then pay attention and act on any crazy idea that comes up. If it still isn’t showing up, call me, and we’ll call the angel together. She/he and I have a strong connection, and there’s power in numbers. 

Need Assistance?

Contact us at 541-201-8878, Mon ~ Fri, or visit our contact form. If you don’t have a Shield yet, take our Quiz and get a personal assessment of your overall exposure and risk, along with a recommendation for the best Shield Level for your needs. This quiz has been proven effective since 2016.

Please Help Me Gather Some Statistics

When your missing article shows up, thank the Angel, then email me at [email protected]. I’ll keep a running list and add it to this blog post. Maybe we’ll start a new trend.

Customer Comments

The Angel of Lost Articles and “Tony”

When I read about the Angel of Lost Articles, I had a big, knowing grin on my face and a tenderness towards you for sharing this with the BioElectric Community.

“Many years ago, I was in a relationship with a sweet soul who had a very Catholic upbringing. One day, when we were visiting his parents, his mom was walking around their home and talking out loud, and it sounded like she was asking someone named Tony for help. I figured she had been drinking and was talking to someone who wasn’t there!!! When I asked my partner about this, he said.. ‘Oh… Mom is asking Tony to help her find something.’ I asked…… ???TONY??? who? why? He explained that because she is always losing things, she prays to St Anthony, the finder of lost objects, and she has such a long relationship with him, she had taken to calling him by the shortened term of endearment for Anthony and she now calls him ‘Tony.’ I just shook my head in disbelief, took a deep breath, and moved on…”

“A while later, when I lost my car keys and searched everywhere, I thought about calling Tony. Although I did not originally come from a tradition that had saints in their worldview, I had come to know and love Archangel Michael, Ste Germaine, Gabriel, St Francis, etc. So I called Tony, and within a minute, I found my keys. ‘HMMM!!! This is just a coincidence,’ I thought.”

“And the next time I misplaced something and could not find it, I called on St Anthony, and sure enough, it showed up very quickly…. So, that has been my ongoing strategy for many years, and it always works. Now I know that I have been calling on the Angel of Lost Articles, who, in Catholicism, is known by some as St Anthony. From your sharing, I realize it can be as nebulous as ANGEL OF LOST ARTICLES.”

Love your shares, AnnaMariah. Thank you! PG

The Angel of Lost Articles is Speedy

“Dear AnnaMariah, This morning it really happened. First, I couldn’t find my little purple wallet and looked everywhere, retracing my steps repeatedly. I didn’t have time before an appointment to call upon this Angel but did so upon returning home. At my desk, I called upon the Angel of Lost Articles at 11:22. At 11:24 I had the idea to put down the screen of my laptop. It was right in front of me, lying at the foot of my large monitor. Thanks for writing that blog. Hugs, YK, Oregon.”

Asking the Universe

“I rely on the Universe to help me find lost stuff. I have dark vinyl flooring over hard concrete and poor lighting in my space. I frequently drop things that bounce (or break!) on my hard floor. 99% of the time, it flies out of sight and is lost somewhere, which is very frustrating. If I can’t find it, instead of giving up, I ask the Universe to help me find the item. I name the item and then I wait and listen for answers that come into my mind. Within a day, I usually get answers to look here, and I find the item I lost. Sometimes, it takes up to a month but I find most of the things I’ve lost. But I’ve never misplaced my Shield!” - JAYE R.

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