Intuitive, Indigo, Crystal and Highly Sensitive Children helped with BioShield

Intuitive, Indigo, Crystal and Highly Sensitive Children helped with BioShield

Intuitive, Indigo, Crystal, and Highly Sensitive Intuitive Children Many highly sensitive children on Earth right now have very special gifts. Handling these gifts and learning to thrive can sometimes confuse the child and/or the parent. Here are some stories of how energy protection can help them.

They go by many names: Crystal Children, Indigo Children, and Intuitive Children…regardless of what term you use, they are highly sensitive and tuned in to the world around them differently than others. Often, children are misdiagnosed or unfairly labeled. For more information, look at other articles in our highly sensitive and Neurodiversity blogs.

As a parent, I’m sure you have noticed that your child is much more aware of many energies. This can include being tuned into the emotional state of others or being overwhelmed by the intensity of energy (crowds, schools, noise).

We have developed an HSP / Empath quiz to help you gain insight into 4 specific areas of sensitivity. We follow it up with coping tips that you can use yourself and help your children with.

Take the HSP Quiz for your sensitive child. The BioElectric Shield is tremendously helpful for these sensitive crystal children. The most popular is the Level 2 Shield. Older children may benefit from the silver and gold Level 3 Shields. With the roll-out of 5G, younger kids are also starting to wear Level 3 Shields.

Many girls love wearing our silver heart Shield. For boys, all silver is usually a good choice. The best way to determine what Shield will be best for your child is to take advantage of our EMF risk quiz.

Scroll down the page for stories about: Energy-sensitive children: Kori, Morgan Suicidal Teen - From suicidal to awesome - Shield transforms a teenager’s life!l Cell phones, WiFi, and Children - the Risks

Kori - is an intuitive child who sees auras and reads other’s thoughts - finally can feel normal and happy again. In June of 2009, Cindie M. ordered a 14K Gold Shield for herself. She said she had read our article about Electrosensitivity as an epidemic and wanted to try the Shield before getting them for the rest of the family. When she called me 3 days after her Shield had arrived to order another gold shield, she had quite a story to share.

It seems that her 15-year-old daughter, Kori, had seen auras from birth but behaved in a completely normal way, so no one in the family knew she could do this. At 9, she complained she could see and feel strange energies, specifically the wireless networks that support cell phones and computer technology, among other applications. As time passed, these energies became intrusive to the point where she heard people speaking (presumably other people’s calls) and found it difficult to be in crowds, malls, or even a public school. By this time, her mother knew she could see auras.

Kori could finally enjoy being alive. When Cindie put her new gold Shield on, something amazing happened. Her daughter, Kori, looked at her and said, “Mom, the radiation around you is gone - I can see that it is protecting you - may I please try it on?”. Kori put it on and felt relief immediately. The uncomfortable feeling from the wireless network disappeared, the voices stopped, and finally, she could feel “normal” again. She asked her Mom if she could keep wearing it because she could finally enjoy being alive. She told her it was the first time she had felt happy since she was 9 years old. Needless to say, she was allowed to wear it. By the second night of wearing it, she slept with her back to her door, something she had not done for years. She finally knew that she need not fear anyone coming to “get her or hurt her” because the voices had stopped. It’s been several weeks, and she continues to enjoy the protection and peace of mind of wearing her Shield.

Shortly after I spoke with her mother about this miraculous intervention, she shared that all her other children also see auras. For those children, we are making custom shields. Each of her children will be served by a different type of shield. For Kori, the gold was perfect. The other shields with custom matrices include a satin silver, a polished silver heart, and a polished gold tab. Morgan -  The Shield transformed going to school from an emotional train wreck to a fun place to learn.


In this case, Morgan, 8 years old at the time, found the school environment too stressful to cope with UNTIL she had a Shield. Here is her story, which is very similar to that of many crystal children.

There is a new enlightened generation called Indigo Children or Crystal Children. They are emerging with a higher sense of consciousness. Drawn to helping others, Indigo children are highly intuitive and spiritually aware. These kids boldly make their voices heard from an early age. The bottom line is this —** not only do they act differently, but they ARE also different. And they know it.** One of our Shield wearers is Morgan, an Indigo child.

Here is the story of how the Shield transformed going to school from an emotional train wreck to a fun place to learn, as told by her wonderful Mom.

“My daughter is a very sensitive and intuitive child. Due to her sensitivity, I schooled her at home for two years. Once she started school in second grade, however, the classroom setting quickly overwhelmed her. She was fine with the academics and social interaction, but being closeted in a windowless room with fluorescent lights quickly took its toll. Furthermore, she absorbed the energies of the adults and children in her presence. My daughter would come home from school and release the day’s tension through her tears.

Morgan’s teacher had a health challenge, and Morgan could feel it. Her classmates struggled with stressors such as food allergies, new siblings, divorce, and custody arrangements, but Morgan did not know this firsthand. She acquired this information through her intuition. Only after spending time in the classroom did I determine Morgan had intuited the truth about these individuals. The constant bombardment of energy from her surroundings created a concentration challenge for Morgan in the classroom.

She was always sick and completely overwhelmed, and at just seven years old, School was becoming a problem.


Many educators and counselors attribute this emotional distress to maturity level, stress, and gender. Morgan was not in tears simply because she was a girl; what she felt was real. Fortunately, she could articulate her feelings, leading me to the BioElectric Shield.

Initially, I selected the traditional round shape for Morgan. When the package arrived, I placed it on my daughter’s bed to await her return from school. Even though I hadn’t told her her shield had come, she felt it. When Morgan entered her bedroom, she froze and said, “Something is in here …, and it feels wonderful!” She immediately began to look around while holding her hand to her chest, saying, “I can feel it right here. I can feel it in my heart. It feels wonderful.” I walked to the bed, picked up the BioElectric Shield box, and handed it to her. Morgan replied, “That’s it!”

Until that moment, I thought the BioElectric Shield would be yet another experiment. I had tried empowering my daughter with visualizations, affirmations, and various necklaces, photos, and knickknacks to get her through her school day. None of these had worked. When Morgan reacted so strongly to the BioElectric Shield, I knew this was not just an emotional situation but a physical one. The research data provided on your website was compelling, but there is nothing like seeing the BioElectric Shield in action.

Morgan has since upgraded her shield to a very feminine, heart-shaped Shield. She doesn’t get as many questions about her necklace now as she did with the round shape. The BioElectric Shield has always been the source of much attention. The other children gravitate to it and want to hold it in their hands. Morgan doesn’t explain the significance of her necklace but merely tells the kids, “My mom gave it to me.” She now wears it underneath her clothes or drops it in her pocket to keep it out of curious fingers.

It has been three years since we purchased our first shield. Morgan’s dad, a chiropractor, now wears her original BioElectric Shield. And I can tell you. I immediately know if either of them has forgotten to wear their necklace. It makes such a difference in their day and, ultimately, mine.

Thank you again for your fabulous product, supporting research, and wonderful assistance. The BioElectric Shield has given me my carefree, joyous daughter back. Anyone with a sensitive or intuitive child must have this product!

Gratefully yours, Marsha Calder Founder of IndiGrow, an online support community for intuitive children. (No longer active)

From Suicidal to Awesome - Heart EMF Protection Shield** Transforms this teenager’s life!** There are times that the stories people share bring tears to our eyes. Words just aren’t enough to express what an awesome experience it is to be able to touch and improve lives in such a profound and lasting way. EMF Protection may not seem related to emotional peace of mind - but read this story to see how energy bombardment can make a person suicidal. The Shield provides energy balancing and EMF energy protection, but let’s just get to the story!

Click Here** To read how wearing a BioElectric Shield helped a very sensitive girl go from suicidal to awesome.**

Sensitive Boy Finds Reading Easier with a Shield Many kids today are diagnosed with ADD or learning disorders when their real problem is simply that they are sensitive to EMF and the other energies around them. Once the “static” is gone, they can focus, and frequently behavioral issues improve as well. Here is one of those stories. I’ve met Jess, and he falls into the Indigo or Crystal children’s sensitivity category. This isn’t an unusual case for these crystal children. They are just wide open and affected by everything around them.

Click Here to read the rest of the story.

Click Here to learn about or order a Focusing Shields.

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Take a Quiz to Choose the best level of protection for you or your child.

Take our Quiz for a Shield Recommendation

EMF Quiz assesses your overall exposure and risk from EMF and gives you a Shield recommendation based on your answers.

The HSP / Empath Quiz responds with detailed information on your sensitivity to stress and other people’s energy. Unlike most quizzes, it doesn’t just say, “Yep, you’re sensitive.” It gives you scores in 4 specific areas of sensitivity and provides much information and tips on how this shows up in your life and what you can do about it.

Contact us for a consultation  

Quote from Elmdea B. on Facebook after she took the quiz

“I know that many of my friends here on FB are Highly Sensitive People. AnnaMariah Nau and Ellen Koronet have put together a well-crafted, comprehensive, and helpful quiz to help people discover if they are highly sensitive and in what areas. It confirmed what I’ve known, although one was much stronger than I had thought. (It’s one of those “but isn’t everyone?” things). They also offer solid, concrete suggestions about what you can do to help you work with (and be calm by) the various sensitivities. I’ve known both women for quite a few years, and I respect them, personally and professionally. Please note: this is NOT a dratted FB data mining thing.”

Browse Personal Shields

90-day money-back guarantee, you have no risk and everything to gain.

Note: Some comments about Shield Levels are old before Smart meters, WiFi everywhere, and 5G. We recommend Level 3 Shields where possible. If that’s not in the budget or for a child, go to a level 2 Shield. The lower levels of Shield do protect you from much of the EMF out there but may be subtle, and any changes may be below your level of awareness. An upgrade may be a good idea if you are still experiencing EMF.

What Can You Do to Keep Fear & Chaos from Depleting Your Immune System?

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Customers Wearing all Gold Shields Speak

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