Help for ADD/ADHD with BioElectric Focusing Shields - Product Reviews

Help for ADD/ADHD with BioElectric Focusing Shields - Product Reviews
Focusing Shields - ASD Shields Product Information

Help for ADD/ADHD with BioElectric Focusing Shields - Testimonials and Stories

Many parents with children with ADD or ADHD have found Help for ADD/ADHD with BioElectric Focusing Shields Level 2 or 3 versions of the Shield. They report that school is easier for their kids, and some have decreased or eliminated the medication required to focus. Guideline to Choosing a Focusing Shield: Click Here

We also have many adult wearers of this Shield to help their focusing abilities.

BioElectric Focusing Shields for ADD and ADHD

The Story of Two Boys

One day I received a call from the Mother of not one but two ADD/ADHD boys. She wondered if the Shield could help them. School bothered them so much that they had to be heavily medicated to function somewhat normally. They told her they didn’t like how they felt taking Ritalin because it “dulls down everything and makes life feel blah and tired”. At my request, she sent me photos of the boys so I could show them to our energy consultants in Montana, both of whom have the special ability to see energy to the cellular level as their “normal” eyesight.

After this Mother called me, I asked if our energy consultant could develop a Shield matrix to help this issue. The first two boys to wear the ADD/ADHD focusing Shields responded quickly and positively to wearing these Shields.

They loved them and said they found it much easier to focus on their work.

They eventually reduced the amount of medication they took, which helped them feel more normal and alive.

Just the regular Shield is enough for many adults with focusing issues. One of the side effects of EMF is a lack of focus.

Click here to see if you have other signs of ADD/ADHD

Child off Ritalin by using the ADD/ADHD focusing Shield.

Our Son Had Tantrums and was too Difficult to Handle - He is off Ritalin by wearing the ADD/ADHD Shield - Our house is finally calm.

image “For six years, we had reports from the teachers that our son, now almost ten years old, was difficult to handle at school. He required a disproportionate amount of their attention and had a lot of behaviors that looked like ADD or ADHD.

We tried all the non-drug options that I learned about, including therapy. Nothing seemed to be helping, and although I was resistant, his therapist strongly recommended that we try Ritalin. In the meantime, we had an educational consultant observe him at school, and she echoed what the teachers said: Transitions were difficult, and he was often disruptive. He was often at loose ends, easily distracted, uncooperative with even the most basic instructions, among other comments.

He had a reaction to Ritalin so we took him off that and I learned of the Shield. I was intrigued by the ADD/ADHD information on the website. Also, when he was young, he was a very happy baby and toddler. We didn’t watch much TV but when we did, he would have a temper tantrum within 24 hours. So I knew that he was impacted by electromagnetic fields.

I got a Shield for him and one for me. About five weeks after he started wearing the Shield (in the morning, after school, and sleeping with it on his bedside table at night), the educational consultant returned to the school for two more days of observations.

Her report: He does not stand out at all. He has his quirks, but if you look at him in a group of students, he doesn’t stand out in any significant behavioral way.** He is focused, able to complete worksheets, and not out of control. **She felt like our work together was done.

She asked what we had changed and what drugs we were trying, and I was thrilled to explain the Shield.** She may have had her doubts, but her words were, “Whatever you are doing, keep it up. It is helping him.” **

Even he can see and feel the difference, so he has no objections to wearing it, and our home is much calmer, too.

Antoinette, Cambridge, MA

Business Owner - Nursing Student Mom now feels in control, focused, and calm

My superpower shield -that’s what my son calls my shield. Anyway, I’m doing well with it. I have been noticing a lack of anxiety, better sleep, and improved focus. My most challenging circumstances are the hospital clinical, and this past weekend, I felt good, in control, and able to focus. That’s a welcome switch for me! I just feel better.”

Elaina-Rose Williams, Mother, Business Owner, and Nursing Student (all simultaneously!)

My Life Has Changed!

We were in London doing a 10-day show. One day, a young woman bought one of our focusing shields, claiming her job as a teller required huge concentration, and she still made mistakes because she couldn’t stay focused. So, off to work she went with her new focusing Shield. Two days later she returned to tell us that her “whole life had changed because of that Shield!. Wearing the Shield, she stayed focused and received compliments from her manager several times in 2 days. He was amazed, and quite frankly, so was she. It’s amazing how great life felt for someone whose self-esteem had been low because of her ADD issues, and suddenly, she was receiving compliments for her work.

Here is the quote she wanted to give us to share with you, our readers:

“My life has changed! I am so much** more relaxed **at work, in my relationships, and at home.

I am calmer and less stressed out.” Thanks to

Annie Callingham, Guildford, London, UK

Listening instead of being unfocused

Suzy’s testimonial spans several years because she would visit our booth at the Mind, Body, Spirit Expo in London in subsequent years.

Initially, just one day after she had worn her Shield to work at her bank job, she reported that her boss and other staff commented on her change in concentration and efficiency.

Here is her experience of the ADD/ADHD Shield:

“After putting on a BioElectric Shield, I had a great day. **Things were so easy. **In conversations, **I listened instead of being unfocused. My timing is better. **It’s amazing. I moved more efficiently throughout the day and felt a wonderful well-being.”

Suzy Koran, London, UK

Able to Pay Attention

Karen Wight, a mother of 2 boys (age 9 and 12) reports that both boys received ADD/ADHD Shields as Christmas presents.

When they returned to school, both found school much easier to handle. They were able to pay attention more easily. She is so enthusiastic about the results that she has become a distributor.

Karen Wright

An adult with severe ADD gets a focusing Shield - and says, “You gave me back my life…”

Before the Shield: These last few years have been an emotional and spiritual roller coaster for me, resulting in a tremendous spike in sensitivity towards others’ energies/vibes. I used to perform at venues all around my tri-state area. I went from being able to do that to barely tolerating sitting in a restaurant and eating with my family. I was easily over-stimulated in all situations, leading to my being secluded in my room. This seclusion had me researching the laws behind what was happening to me and finding a cure..this research led me to the Bioelectric Shield Company.

I purchased a shield after reading the reviews and thoroughly researching the company. I chose Level 2: Focusing Shield because I have a history of ADHD and have always had issues with focus.

After the Shield: When I first received the mail, I could actually kind of “feel” energy emanating from the box! The first thing I felt when I put it on was this new surge of sharpness. It felt like my perception had been put through a pencil sharpener and my focus was/is more intense (great meditation aid). I realized how protected I was when I had my 3-year-old over with my nephew. I love them both but together they can suck the life force out of But not while having the shield on.

I work in a call center, and I always walk away at the end of the day feeling drained and tired. However, with the shield, I actually last a lot longer before fatigue sets in. When I do get tired, I blame it on other issues; I don’t feel the computer screen beating me up anymore.

I will not pretend to know the ins and outs of the science behind it, but I don’t have to, it works. it is to the point where I will not take it off because without it I feel exposed, naked so to speak. I want to thank the owners of the BioElectric Shield company for changing my life with this product.”

Jason Hoskins

Better School performance for Jess, a ten-year-old - a bright child who had trouble concentrating when sitting in front of a computer

This is an EXCERPT from the Dolphin Empowerment Newsletter (Issue 103) written by one of our distributors -and the parent of a bright child, who had trouble concentrating when sitting in front of a computer


I homeschool my 10-year-old son, Jess. We’ve been doing most of his schoolwork online. He had been struggling with reading. Every time we would sit down in front of the computer to do the school work, he got really distracted, twitchy even.

He was in the living room reading something with no problem whatsoever and I thought, “Why does he have so much trouble online?” Then it occurred to me that maybe he is as sensitive to electromagnetics as I am.

I happened to have a brand new BioElectric Shield still in the box. I put it on my son. The difference is like night and day. Reading has gone fabulously ever since he started wearing the shield. His overall mood - not just school-related - has improved significantly. Even he can’t believe how “well these things work.” I’m kicking myself for not realizing it sooner.

I shared this story with AnnaMariah Nau, the Business Manager, and one of my good friends from the BioElectric Shield Company. This was her reply:

“This is one of those shoemakers’ kids’ stories. Most people don’t think about their kids needing Shields. Although what we keep finding is that even more of them DO and benefit on many levels. Just imagine how different you feel when suddenly all the chatter and noise goes away….putting on a Shield is pretty much like that, the chatter and noise from computers, cell phones, and other people just go away leaving you in this nice space of peace and quiet. Boy, my mood increases a lot when I have my Shield on.”

*“We are not advocating that you take your child off medication without coordinating with your family doctor.

What we are suggesting is that for many children and adults, the ADD/Focusing Shield can be an invaluable, non-drug tool that will help focus attention.

Many children are extremely distracted by electromagnetic radiation or other people’s energy. The Shield directly addresses both these issues.

In some cases, the Shield is enough to remove the need for Ritalin. Sometimes, a dose can be lowered. It’s case-by-case specific if a person is taking a drug to help with focusing or ADHD,” says Virginia Brown, retired pediatric Occupational Therapist and Retired president of BioElectric Shield Co.


Take a Quiz to Choose the best level of protection for you or your child. 

Take our quiz

EMF Quiz assesses your overall exposure and risk from EMF and gives you a Shield recommendation based on your answers.

HSP / Empath Quiz responds with detailed information on how sensitive you are to stress, and other people’s energy. Unlike most quizzes doesn’t just say “Yep, you’re sensitive.” It give you scores in 4 specific areas of sensitivity and much information and tips on how this shows up in your life and best of all, what you can do about it.

Quote from Elmdea B. on Facebook after she took the quiz “I know that a good many of my friends here on FB are Highly Sensitive People. AnnaMariah Nau and Ellen Koronet have put together a well-crafted, comprehensive, and helpful quiz to help people discover if they are highly sensitive and in what areas. For me, it confirmed what I’ve known, although one was much stronger than I had thought. (It’s one of those “but isn’t everyone?” things). They also offer solid, concrete suggestions about what you can do to help you work with (and not be overwhelmed by) the various sensitivities. I’ve known both of these women for quite a few years, and I respect them, personally and professionally. Please note: this is NOT one of those dratted FB data mining things.”

Browse Personal Shields### 90-day money-back guarantee, you have no risk and everything to gain.

Note: Some comments about Shield Levels are old before Smart meters, WiFi everywhere, and 5G. We recommend Level 3 Shields where possible. If that’s not in the budget or for a child, go to a level 2 Shield. The lower levels of Shield do protect you from much of the EMF out there but may be subtle, and any changes may be below your level of awareness. An upgrade may be a good idea if you are still experiencing EMF symptoms.

Contact us for a consultation

Upgrade Program - within three years of purchase you can trade in your Shield and get most of your purchase price towards a higher level Shield. Read for details


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