Electromagnetic Sensitivity - The Silent Epidemic

Does your doctor know about Electromagnetic Sensitivity? aka EMS or Electrohypersensitivity?
Electromagnetic Sensitivity aka EMF Hypersensitivity or EMS is not well-known by most doctors which is why so many call Electromagnetic Sensitivity - the Silent Epidemic - they may offer you anti-anxiety medication, thinking you are just stressed out.
The World Health Organization recently recommended that Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity be included in the International Classification of Diseases. (ICD). EMF Sensitivity has been classified as a disease in the US and Europe.
Prolonged exposure to EMF can have detrimental cumulative effects.
Get Relief from Electromagnetic Sensitivity - The Silent Epidemic Are you doing everything you can to be healthy and still feeling ill? It may not be your fault - it may be our technology. Cell phones, Wi-Fi, computers, technology, smart meters, even your new smart car, put out electromagnetic radiation.
In the BioInitiative Report, 29 researchers find a link between EMF radiation, cancer, and other health problems.
Once your body is electromagnetically sensitive you may become more sensitive to other toxins. Prevention is very important.
Prevention includes protecting your entire body from EMF. It’s good to put EMF protection on your phone, but this only handles a small part of your EMF exposure.
EMF comes from WiFi, Smart Meters, Tablets, Phones, Battery Operated devices. It is everywhere!
In 2019, the World Health Organization created a medical diagnostic category for Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity, acknowledging the fact that these symptoms are not made up or emotionally based!
Overview article: How to Limit Exposure to EMF and Radon at Home
Does your doctor know about EMS?
EMF Hypersensitivity is not well-known by most doctors - they may offer you anti-anxiety medication, thinking you are just stressed out.
The World Health Organization recently recommended that Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity be included in the International Classification of Diseases. (ICD). EMF Sensitivity has been classified as a disease in the US and Europe. Read Report
Prolonged exposure to EMF can have detrimental cumulative effects.
EMF is worse than second-hand smoke and its effects are cumulative. EMF will affect you even if you are not using any electronics. Sources of EMF include:
All electronics or WiFi near you.
Anything that plugs in or has a battery
Cell towers, WiFi from your neighbors, stores, coffee shops, schools
Smart Meters and Smart Cars
5g networks
Exposure to EMF has produced physiological stress in cells after just 1.5 years, and even short-term EMF exposure can cause headaches, irritation, and concentration difficulties in school. Do you have any of these symptoms?*
Malaise - “general feeling of being unwell”
Mood swings
Tearfulness and eye pain
Poor concentration
Numbness and tingling
Alteration in appetite
Visual disturbance
Changes in respiration
Heart rate changes or palpitations
High Blood Pressure
Pupil dilatation
Muscular weakness
Insomnia or trouble sleeping
Burning Skin
Speech difficulties
electrical currents in the body
Loss of consciousness
Difficulty focusing
Inflamed lymph nodes
CFS -Chronic Fatigue syndrome
Fuzzy vision
Noise sensitivity
If you answered yes to any of these problems, you may have electromagnetic sensitivity (EMS). I’m certainly not an expert, and I won’t pretend to be. I do have some experience with the subject though. Ies, I am sensitive to EMF, although I couldn’t have ever explained that to you until I was no longer being affected. For most of my life, I was extremely sensitive to fluorescent lighting, headaches, dizziness, eyes hurt. My doctor prescribed glasses with a filter to lessen the effect, and that helped somewhat.
When I got a computer my symptoms worsened - migraines, extreme irritability, and exhaustion after sitting in front of the computer for several hours. I changed my diet. I took expensive supplements. I exercised. In short, I did everything I should have done…and nothing worked.
Get Relief from Electromagnetic Sensitivity
While I cannot say that 100% of the people who try the BioElectric Shield get relief. I can say that the majority of them do. The key is to match your sensitivity to the level of protection you will need. In 2016, our company worked with a diagnostic quiz designer to help you make the correct decision. This quiz has proven to be extremely accurate. (Scroll down to read more about the Quiz.)
In my case, after I started wearing the Shield, I could then work under fluorescent lighting with no problem and all my other symptoms disappeared as well. It felt like magic! Of course, this was in 1994 before we had cellphones and Wifi and 5F, since then things have changed dramatically, but with my Shield I’m symptom-free. A day without my Shield is exhausting, I’m tired, irritable, and feel like I want to go back to bed. Then I put on my Shield and all is right with the world.
I know what it is to be EMS and what it can do to your life. The effects are a lot of little, and sometimes large, often mysterious complaints - but they don’t point to a specific problem. Unless you know there might be a connection, you’d probably never guess that it’s your lighting, your computer, the cordless phone, the TV on in the other room or even your neighbors’ WiFi or the new Smart Meter or 5G network or router that’s making you sick.
EMF Sensitivity is cumulative, it’s usually not dramatic or obvious
I’m serious here. EMF exposure tends to be a day in day out gradual kind of thing. Most of us don’t have an experience of “gee I was fine, then I turned on the TV and felt bad”. It’s seldom that dramatic. Although it has happened that way for some people. There may have been a ** Trigger Event** that kicked things off. Mostly it’s just a mystery. At least until now.
Does your doctor know about EMS? EMF Hypersensitivity is not well-known by most doctors. They may offer you anti-anxiety medication, thinking you are just stressed out. The World Health Organization recently recommended that Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity be included in the International Classification of Diseases. (ICD). EMF Sensitivity has been classified as a disease in the US and Europe. Prolonged exposure to EMF can have detrimental cumulative effects.
Get Personal Energy Protection and Balance - Order a BioElectric Shield today!
Already have a Shield? If you have a Level 1 or 2 Shield, you might consider upgrading to a Higher Level for more balance and protection to deal with 5G Upgrade How to Protect Yourself We developed an EMF Exposure Quiz in 2016 in conjunction with a consultant who spent decades working in the pharmaceutical industry. The quiz is scientifically based and individualized to your EMF exposure and risk. It will give you a personalized recommendation of how you can best protect yourself. If you are sensitive to other people’s energy, you’ll find another quiz that addresses this issue in greater detail. This page also explains how to provide 3 layers of protection for yourself, your electronics, and your home.
Are you an HSP or Empath? Since 2016 information from our quiz shows that 52% of HSPs and empaths (highly sensitive people) experience mysterious symptoms and other issues shown above. When you go to the quiz page, scroll down and you can either take both quizzes or take the one designed for highly sensitive people, often known as empaths or HSPs.
If you want to know more about some of the research being done, here’s a PDF with some of the latest from the medical community about the effects of EMF
The article was written by AnnaMariah Nau, BioElectric Shield Company with a lot of help from a lot of great researchers.
What do we Know that Your Doctor Probably Doesn’t?](/blog/what-do-we-know-that-your-doctor-probably-doesnt)
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