Electrohypersensitivity and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity are Real Says W.H.O.

W.H.O. says Electrohypersensitivity and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity are Real, no longer “all in your head” - they are real disease conditions, World Health Organization
After years on the fence, the World Health Organization, W.H.O. says Electrohypersensitivity and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity are real, not in your head. W.H.0. called for the recognition of EMS: electrohypersensitivity as well as MCS: multiple chemical sensitivity to be recognized as 2 new REAL diseases worthy of inclusion in the ICD, International Classification of Diseases On September 5, 2015, IN a one-page press release from the World Health Organization
Millions of people worldwide suffer from symptoms that are caused by products and services created by corporations who have denied any ill health effects for consumers. Services include microwave wireless technology used in communication networks, Wi-Fi, microwave ovens, weather geoengineering, smart meters for utility companies, and warfare. Chemicals used in all kinds of products pervade our grocery shelves including the food we eat, and the products used to run our households.
Science-Based Experts with No Industry Affiliation Recommended
Of greatest significance is that WHO has recommended that an international committee that would evaluate the risks of EMFs and chemicals be formed by science-based experts with no industry affiliation.
Industry-paid consultants have assured us that microwave technology is safe simply because they are refusing to recognize the non-thermal adverse health effects from EMFs and RFs. George Carlos, M.D., and the scientists who reviewed more than 1800 studies related to the biological effects of EMF on the www.bioinitiative.org site are exceptions to the rule of silence or deception that has kept normal clinicians in the dark about the true, damaging nature of both the chemicals and the EMFs.
Impressive List of Signatories
Signatories include distinguished PhDs and MDs in the fields of Radiobiology, Oncology, Nuclear Medicine, Physics, Applied Physics and Electromagnetism, Environmental Medicine, Microwave technology from all over the world. Will this call for action be heard?
Read the W.H.O. International Scientific Declaration on EHS & MCS - Press Release, Paris, September 2015, a 5-page summary of this declaration.
World Health Organization - W.H.O. - No Longer on he Fence, Cell Phones Possibly Cancerous
**W.H.O. also reports that Electro-smog is affecting upwards of 30% of people. Many people who are affected have no idea that it’s the EMF that’s making them sick. **
Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) Committee Resolution 1815; World Health Organization’s International Agency on Research on Cancer (IARC) Classifies Radio Frequency EMFs as Possibly Carcinogenic
(This article comes to us courtesy of Oram Miller, a long-time friend of BioElectric Shield. Although we go about protecting people from EMF from different aspects, we have been pioneers in the industry. We started to rewrite his article in our own words, but he says it so well. We trust your eyes will be opened)
God bless the Europeans! They have consistently been ahead of the curve on the EMF issue, way ahead of our own country’s corporate-owned media and industry-influenced regulatory agencies, and they’ve done it again.
The Parliamentary Assembly of the 47-member Council of Europe passed a** resolution on May 27, 2011, recommending sweeping changes to the way cell phones are used, how they are marketed, and how safe exposure limits are determined.**
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Photo by Salvatore Vuono.
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