Easy Back to School Coping Strategies

Easy Back to School Coping Strategies

As a parent, you not only have to worry about getting yourself to work during the school year but now have more schedules than ever to juggle, and your kids need your help as well.

While we certainly don’t have the answers or a magic wand that you can wave and make it all easy and joyous, we do have some ideas that might help make back to school less stressful.

The first stress is the morning rush to get to school. What can you do the night before to prepare or have your child ready to walk out the door?

De-stress Back to School - Start the night before

Lunches - Make and pack lunches the night before, older kids can pack their own. Put all the lunches on the same refrigerator shelf every day. No rummaging to look for things at the last minute. If your kids get school lunches, ensure their money or vouchers are in their backpacks.

Homework - Check to be sure homework is done

Prepack—Make sure that the homework and everything else needed for the coming day are in the backpack (except for lunch, which should be in the refrigerator on a pre-designated shelf).

Showers - Take showers the night before.

Clothing—Lay out clothes, socks, and shoes to eliminate the dreaded “Mom, I can’t find my shirt or shoes….” cry we are all so familiar with.

In the Morning

TV - Don’t turn on the TV in the morning. Television can be very distracting for children. Any free time will be much better spent on more mindful activities like puzzles, coloring or reading, flashcards, or other passive activities, which will also help ease them into the learning mode.

Backpacks & Lunches - Designate a spot to keep backpacks, lunch boxes, and any other school belongings. Don’t forget a place for important notices and information sent home for you.  This can be a bulletin board, box, basket, or other space where all notices and forms go.

Breakfast - Don’t forget a breakfast that includes some protein. Obviously, anything with sugar will get them out the door with a smile on their faces, but an hour later, the brain and body will be tired and not interested in teaching or learning, so be sure to choose foods that are tasty and have some protein as well to keep their brains alert. See more ideas in the article for parents.

Snacks—Energy may lag during the day; a bag of almonds makes a great mid-morning or mid-afternoon snack to keep energy levels up.

Night Time - Getting a good night’s rest can be challenging

Bedtime - Re-establish bedtime and mealtime routines before school starts. Prepare your children for this change by talking to them about the benefits of these routines to help them be well-rested and not overwhelmed by all the activities.

Getting into bed 30 minutes earlier than usual can allow for a rested, peaceful night.  Can you read to your children during this time, or can they read to themselves if they are older?  Try to make bedtime as relaxed as possible.  Or could this be a time when your child can tell you all about their day at school? Spending a little quiet time with Mom or Dad may also help with some of the bedtime resistance. This goes for teenagers as well as the younger kids.

What about EMF at night?

Put your WiFi on a timer. A lamp timer can be plugged into the socket, and then you plug the WiFi into the timer. Turn off the WiFi at night and have it come on in the morning using the timer. WiFi at night can disrupt normal development in children and the restoration process in adults.

Turn off cell phones and computers three hours before bed. Studies have shown that electromagnetic radiation stimulation disrupts sleep. Turning these things off prior to going to bed allows the nervous systems to calm down and promotes better sleep. If a computer is in the room, turn it off at night.

Protect yourself and your children from sources of electromagnetic radiation at school. Schools are filled with Wi-Fi and other sources of EMF pollution, which can affect performance and behavior and even be a factor in ADD/ADHD and autism.

Reduce cell phone usage - Children’s brains are VERY sensitive as they develop! It’s been shown that a 2-minute conversation on a cell phone will disrupt attention for up to 2 hours for children 10 years old or younger.  Using their phone at any point during the school day can lower their performance!!

If your child is very young, we strongly recommend using their cell phone only for emergencies – or the quick call to be picked up by a parent. Suggest they text you instead of calling you. At least the phone will be farther from their head.

What tools will help?

Lower the EMF Impact with Aulterra Stickers and/or using the phone pouches.

For WiFi at School: Get them a Level 1 or 2 Shieldand have them loop it around a belt loop and keep it in a pocket all day. Or pin it into a pocket.  If they are too young, keep it within 3 feet of their bed at night, and it will maintain the protective “cocoon” all day while they are in school.

Teenagers are especially sensitive to energy and may benefit more from a Level 2 or Level 3 Shield. The Level 3 Shield is strong enough to handle 5G and will accompany them into adulthood, college, and life.

Focusing Shields—If your child (or you) is dealing with ADD or ADD/ADHD, we have an ADD/ADHD Shield designed to keep the wearer focused on the task at hand. Many parents have tried this with their children, with excellent results.(Note: with our 90-day money-back guarantee, you have nothing to lose. We offer photo consultations if you’re unsure which Shield to get or your child has special issues.)

Should you be concerned about EMF and WiFi? imageNationwide Children’s Hospital physicians have shown an increasing trend for children and teens to experience more headaches when they return to school in the fall. It can be tough, as a parent, to figure out if the headache is real or just a reaction to going back to school, wanting to extend summer just a bit.

Experts speculate that the problems could be due to improper hydration and long periods on the computer in addition to stress. Other factors may include lack of sleep, caffeine, soft drinks, insufficient exercise, and missing meals. Read more

We feel a couple of other factors could also be at play in your child’s headaches.

Many children are more sensitive and intuitive and find that constant exposure to others (classmates, teachers, etc.) can cause additional stress on their systems.  Read more about Indigo, Crystal, and Highly Sensitive Children.

They are now surrounded by much stronger WiFi signals than at home, in addition to the radiation and signals coming from the computers and phones of everyone around them. The increase in radiation from their home environment can be substantial enough to throw an already sensitive system into complete chaos, causing headaches, anxiety attacks, and many other problems.

Wearing a BioElectric Shield has helped numerous children, teens, and young adults (and their parents and teachers). The Shield reduces the impact of electromagnetic radiation from all the sources around us, AND deflects the stress and fear of other people. Read also Going to School Can be Extremely Difficult for Children who are ADD, ADHD and/or Highly Sensitive.

Here’s another article by Dr. Glen Depke that may be helpful. It discusses food sensitivities, blown-out adrenals, stress, and sleep schedules……

If you’re the teacher - Read these 5 Stress Reduction Hacks.

Quiz-How Sensitive Are You to EMF OR other people’s energy and stress? Take one of our quizzes and get tips to make your and your children’s lives easier and recommendations for the best level of EMF and energy protection.

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