Boy Finds Reading Easier with a Shield - EMF sensitive instead of ADD

Imagine finding out your son is EMF-sensitive instead of ADD.
There are a lot of kids today who are being diagnosed with ADD or learning disorders. However, upon further inspection, parents find out that their real problem is simply that they are EMF-sensitive instead of ADD. The other energies around them are causing ADD symptoms and a lack of concentration. They can focus once the “static” is gone, and behavioral issues often improve. Here is one of those stories. I’ve met Jess, and he falls into the Indigo or Crystal children’s sensitivity category.
This is an EXCERPT from the Dolphin Empowerment Newsletterwritten by one of our distributors - and the parent of a bright child who had trouble concentrating when sitting in front of a computer.
Issue 103
Debbie “Takara” Shelor’s free online newsletter is designed to help you become the magnificent being you are inside and gracefully handle whatever changes and opportunities life may bring.
In addition to the newsletter, Takara sends a special message every few weeks with another gift, information about a product she feels you might enjoy, or a special discount on products or services made available exclusively to her subscribers.
Sometimes We Forget What We Already Know
I homeschool my 10-year-old son, Jess. We’ve been doing most of his schoolwork online. He has been struggling with reading. Every time we sit in front of the computer to do the schoolwork, he gets really distracted, even twitchy.
It may not be ADD or ADHD, but technology and being EMF-sensitive instead of ADD.
He was in the living room reading something without a problem, and I thought, “Why does he have so much trouble online?” Then, it occurred to me that maybe he is as sensitive to electromagnetics as I am.
I happened to have a brand new BioElectric Shield still in the box. I put it on my son. The difference was like night and day. Reading has gone fabulously ever since he started wearing the Shield. His overall mood - not just school-related - has improved significantly. Even he can’t believe how “well these things work.” I’m kicking myself for not realizing it sooner.
I shared this story with AnnaMariah “Carolyn” Nau, one of my good friends from the BioElectric Shield Company. This was her reply:
“This is one of those shoemaker’s kids’ stories. Most people don’t think about their kids needing Shields. However, we keep finding that even more of them DO and benefit on many levels. We’ve had quite a few parents find out that their fidgety kids weren’t ADD after all, but they were EMF-sensitive instead of ADD. They’re often thrilled to find out that a BioShield instead of drugs or therapy can change everything.
Imagine life without all the chatter and noise of technology.
Just imagine how different you feel when suddenly all the chatter and noise goes away….putting on a Shield is pretty much like that; the chatter and noise from computers, cell phones, and other people go away, leaving you in this nice space of peace. Many of our customers have been stunned to discover that they are EMF-sensitive instead of ADD. Boy, my mood increases a lot when I have my Shield on. Well done. Love and hugs,” AnnaMariah
Take our Quiz for a Shield Recommendation
Our quiz takes only a few minutes and will Recommend the best Level based on overall EMF Exposure and Risk and ADD/ADHD or focusing issues.
Read more articles about* ADD/ADHD*
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