BioElectric Shield Calmed Erratic Heart

BioElectric Shield Calmed Erratic Heart

BioElectric Shield Calmed Erratic Heart

I just got off the phone with a woman in Canada who has been suffering extreme heart palpitations for the last 11 years. She reported happily that the BioElectric Shield calmed her erratic heart. She’s been to countless doctors and tried drugs, meditation, homeopathic remedies, and many other things to bring her erratic heart back in line - all with no results. Until now…

Last week, she got a Level 3 Shield and felt a lot of relief after just a few days. She’s an empath and highly sensitive to EMF, making a Level 3 Shield a perfect choice. She gave her new Shield a workout—two sporting events and an evening of dancing—and came through them with flying colors; her erratic heart was calm.If you know someone with heart palpitations or other mysterious, hard-to-diagnose physical or even emotional issues, do them a favor and let them know about BioShield. We guarantee we’ll return their money if the Shield doesn’t help. Our track record is pretty good—in over 80% of cases, the Shield has made a noticeable difference, sometimes completely changing a life.

If you have a similar issue or know someone who does, now is a great time to try a Shield and find relief.


Take a Quiz to Choose the best level of protection for you or your child.

Take a Quiz to Choose your most efficient Level of Protection.

Take our Quiz for a Shield Recommendation

EMF Quiz assesses your overall exposure and risk from EMF and gives you a Shield recommendation based on your answers.

The HSP / Empath Quiz responds with detailed information on your sensitivity to stress and other people’s energy. Unlike most quizzes, it doesn’t just say, “Yep, you’re sensitive.” It gives you scores in 4 specific areas of sensitivity and provides much information and tips on how this shows up in your life and, best of all, what you can do about it.

Contact us for a consultation Quote from Elmdea B. on Facebook after she took the quiz

“I know that a good many of my friends here on FB are Highly Sensitive People. AnnaMariah Nau and Ellen Koronet have put together a well-crafted, comprehensive, and helpful quiz to help people discover if they are highly sensitive and in what areas. It confirmed what I’ve known, although one was much stronger than I had thought. (It’s one of those “but isn’t everyone?” things). They also offer solid, concrete suggestions about what you can do to help you work with (and not be overwhelmed by) the various sensitivities. I’ve known both women for quite a few years, and I respect them, personally and professionally. Please note: this is NOT a dratted FB data mining thing.”

Browse Personal Shields90-day money-back guarantee, you have no risk and everything to gain.

Note: Some comments about Shield Levels are old before Smart meters, WiFi everywhere, and 5G. We recommend Level 3 Shields where possible. If that’s not in the budget or for a child, go to a level 2 Shield. The lower levels of Shield do protect you from much of the EMF out there but may be subtle, and any changes may be below your level of awareness. An upgrade may be a good idea if you are still experiencing EMF.

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EMF Hypersensitivity is not well-known by most doctors – they may offer you anti-anxiety medication, thinking you are just stressed out.

The World Health Organization recently recommended that Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity be included in the International Classification of Diseases. (ICD). EMF Sensitivity has been classified as a disease in the US and Europe. Read Report

Prolonged exposure to EMF can have detrimental cumulative effects.



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