Best EMF Protection Products 2023

Best EMF Protection Products 2023

Best EMF Protection Products

How do you determine the best EMF products for your needs?  There are three “best EMF protection” categories to consider: best EMF products to shield your body, best EMF products to shield your electronic devices, and best EMF products to shield spaces and places, i.e., your vehicle and your home space.

Our company has been in business selling the best electromagnetic radiation protection products since 1991. We have learned that layering your protection, starting with your body first produces the BEST results.

Since 2016, we have been providing free EMF exposure and risk quizzes to help you determine exactly how much protection you need by your responses.

EMF protection starts with protecting your whole body

What is more important than how you FEEL every day?  If you don’t feel well, mentally sharp, and filled with energy, something is off. It might just be your reaction to the increasing level of EMF pollution that we ALL are exposed to. 5G is no joke. Smart meters can wipe someone out. New stronger Wi-Fi routers can trigger headaches. 5G routers and towers are making many people sick. Read more about some of the effects of EMF exposure and electrosensitivity.

Our mission is to help you and your family feel absolutely great. We’ve found that shielding from EMF radiation using the very BEST EMF products produces the results you want and deserve. Our solutions may appear to be a bit more costly initially, but when you go for the best EMF products out there, you absolutely get what you pay for. We’ve chosen the BEST EMF products available today. That’s all you’ll see on our site. We simply don’t carry the rest. We hope we’ve saved you some work in sorting out this complex topic.

And by the way, I, Virginia Brown co-founder of the company, have been an Occupational Therapist since 1974. The mission of the entire profession is to “make doing possible”. This means bringing back function and joy to someone after some kind of debilitating event. Most people only find out what an OT is if they have a child with a learning or physical handicap, or end up needing rehab from a stroke or some other physical issue. But, the mission is the same for OTs, “return function and satisfaction to a person’s life.”

In more than 30 years of providing EMF protection for thousands of people, I’ve seen that EMF radiation can debilitate you quickly, going from healthy and energized, to exhausted, brain-fogged, and suffering from a long list of mysterious symptoms. I’ve spoken to more than 20,000 people about this issue. I wrote this article to save you time. We’ve found the best EMF protection products and will tell you about them now. Tip 1.  EMF Protection for Your Body How much EMF protection do you need? How sensitive are you? You need protection from electronics and the EMF radiation that exists in your everyday environment.

The very best EMF protection starts with Full Body Protection, a BioElectric Shield  Sure, it’s great to get EMF protection for your cell phone, but seriously, do you think this is protecting you from the ocean of WiFi that surrounds you 24/7? We’re sorry to say, it’s just not enough and may be affecting you in ways that you’re writing off as stress or age. Many people experience huge changes in their health and well-being when they are well-protected.

In other blogs, we’ve detailed the health hazards of this kind of constant exposure. It’s VERY hard to grasp that EMF is an issue. It’s invisible. Odorless. and doesn’t affect most people immediately. The damage is normally cumulative over a long period of time. You literally have no idea something is going on until… well, you don’t feel well, and suddenly it’s bad enough that you’re making an appointment to see a doctor.

For some people, the effects of a Smart Meter, 5G tower, or a more powerful router can seem to be immediate and sudden. But it’s actually just the final straw that tips everything over. Read more in HAS A TRIGGER EVENT CAUSED YOUR SUDDEN ILLNESS?

Are you more susceptible to the effects of electromagnetic radiation frequencies than others? This may be due to environmental factors, such as how much time you spend working with electronic devices like laptops or smartphones, or an increase in the amount of your electromagnetic exposure.

Are you Experiencing any of these symptoms?

ADD/Difficulty focusing?

Brain fog – Memory issues?

Sleep issues, Anxiety, irritability, or Depression?

Chronic Fatigue?

Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity?

Sensitivity to Other People’s Energy?

The BioInitiative Report has detailed over 1,800 studies that have shown that EMF radiation can cause any of these symptoms – and more, all the way to cancer and a dysfunctional immune system. Protection from EMF radiation is key to health!

If you are very sensitive to EMF radiation, a different approach is suggested. If you are impacted by your own home Wi-Fi, by using your phone, or being in places like Starbucks that offer Wi-Fi, it’s time to consider full-body protection.


The first step in getting full body protection is to find out what level of protection you need. There are two quizzes available for you. Both are free to take.

If you have 5G in your neighborhood or you are extremely impacted by the effects of EMF, we highly recommend a Level 3 Shield.  Easy-to-use-questionnaires Understanding your risks and exposures is the first step to protecting yourself and your family from EMF. We’ve made it easy to start on the path to safety with two easy-to-use questionnaires that you can fill out yourself at home.

Take the EMF Quiz - Is your exposure to EMF affecting you?

Our EMF Quiz takes into account your lifestyle, habits, and environment to determine your overall exposure risk to the radiation effects of electronic devices and wireless systems. You’ll answer simple questions about your age, geographic location, work habits, and daily home activities to assess what level of protection you may need and how to find the right solution for your health and safety.

Be sure to click “Send my Results” when you finish.

Do you use a cell phone, laptop, or tablet or have Wi-Fi, a Smart Meter, or 5G in your area?

Do you live in a city of over 35,000 people?

Do you have 5G or Smart meters in your area?

Do you get headaches, foggy brain, ADD, anxiety, or other physical problems?

Are you exposed to some form of Wi-Fi for more than 6 hours a day?

Is your Wi-Fi on 24/7?

Have you noticed any symptoms that you didn’t have before the increased saturation of EMF in your life?

Based on your answers, you’ll find out what level of protection you need along with recommendations on how to best preserve and enhance your personal energy.

TIP 2: EMF protection for shielding your electronics

Some EMF protection products are more expensive than others. Where does it make sense for you to begin to invest in protecting yourself from EMF? image


**The least expensive EMF protection is protection for your electronics. **

However, keep in mind, that this is reducing EMF on only those devices, not all the other EMF producing sources. We still highly recommend a personal BioElectric Shield first.

Specifically, if you get an EMF protection anti-radiation case for your cell phone, this is something that is very inexpensive. Even adding EMF protection earbuds will keep this protection cost quite low. We suggest adding this type of protection to the devices and technology that you use the most, especially your cell phone and tablets.

Some examples of budget EMF protection include:

5G SYB Cell Phone Case

5G SYB Radiation Free Earbuds or an

SYB Pocket Protector (Mainly for men -f you keep your phone in your upper pocket or pant’s pocket)

5G EMF Protection Earbud adaptor (like your earbuds - just add this adaptor to make it radiation-free)

Aulterra EMF Neutralizers - go directly on your phone to reduce radiation


EMF Protection Flex-Shields - peel-off sticky sheet that, when placed on any surface, provides EMF protection (phones, tablets)

EMF protection wristband for an iWatch or Fitbit

EMF blocker laptop or notebook pads (Keep radiation from the bottom of the device from entering your pelvis)

Click here to view all the products for EMF Protection for Electronics


Tip 3. Use EMF Products for spaces and places in your life.

Inside Your Vehicle - Do you have a Smart Car?

imageHow many hours a day do you spend in your vehicle?

Does it have Bluetooth hands-free capabilities? An electronic dashboard and ignition? If so, you and all passengers are being exposed to additional EMF radiation whenever you are in the vehicle!

Read more about the safety issues resulting from your Smart Car.

An easy EMF protection solution is the BioElectric Auto Shield. The all-silver premium style will handle 5G more effectively than the standard brass model. (Brass is shown in photo)

Attach it snugly to your rearview mirror. It constantly breaks up and redirects EMF radiation out of the vehicle.

Inside Your Home

image Inside your home EMF radiation comes from wiring, any electronic devices (computers, TVs, tablets, cell phones), Wi-Fi routers, Nest and Alexa-type systems, nearby appliances (refrigerators, washing machines), and anything else you are using that plugs in or has a battery.

Protect yourself from the sources of EMF radiation in your home

Wiring comes from power poles that do NOT deliver clean powercausing dirty electricity.

If you are sensitive to electromagnetic radiation, cleaning up your home’s electricity is a step you can take to reduce your exposure to radiation. Electromagnetic radiation is created whenever you use electricity in your home.

All homes have dirty electricity unless someone has corrected it.

Dirty electricity is created when either your wiring or your electronics create a spike of energy in your electrical circuit.

The spike, also called dirty electricity or harmonics, creates large amounts of Electromagnetic Radiation.

Both the plug-ins and the in-line units reduce your exposure to radiation by flattening the spikes, thus eliminating dirty electricity. Your home will FEEL different as electricity flows CLEANLY through your home, electronics, and appliances.

Clear the Dirty Electricity with plug-in or Wire-in Solutions


To address this issue, you can get the Satic Whole Home Line Conditioner or Plug-In units. The Whole Home unit is installed next to your breaker panel. The dirty electricity from your power pole enters this line conditioner. The spikes and surges are flattened, resulting in clean electricity that is then delivered to your breaker panel. If you use the plug-in units, they are placed in two locations, one in an A circuit room, and one in a B circuit room. Every time electricity flows through those plug-ins, the spikes are flattened, delivering clean electricity each time the current flows through the plug. These plug-ins are used in areas of less than 1600sq. feet, and can also be used for specific areas such as a home theater or heat pump location.


Room Shields - Clear and neutralize EMF coming from outside and inside your rooms.

If you have certain areas you wish to protect, an easy solution is to place a** Premium Room Shield** in that one room. They cover an area that is 30 feet in every direction from wherever the Room Shield is placed. Popular spaces include your home office, the bedroom, or the media/great room. Any room with electronics in it (like computers or TVs) is a good candidate for a Room Shield.

EMF Outside Your Home

If you have a cell tower close by, consider the above whole home protection, personal protection, and room protection in some combination.

Smart Meter Protection can make a big difference

If you have a Smart Meter installed, it is wise to place the in the room where the Smart Meter is located on the outside wall especially important if the meter is near your bedroom.

There is also an EMF protection picture frame liner that can be used directly behind the back of the smart meter. We advise both items given the fact that Smart Meters send out tiny bursts anywhere from 10,000 - 60,000 times per day (Data from Pacific, Power, and Gas)

Click here to view all the products for EMF Protection for Home, Office, and Auto


**No matter what type of product you choose, remember no single product can provide 100% protection from EMFs. **(although Levels 3-5 BioElectric Shields can come close)

You benefit by taking steps to reduce your overall exposure and consider what protection is best for you in the areas we discussed.

In considering these factors, you should be able to find the perfect EMF protection products for your needs.

We understand you probably can’t do it all at once. ADD your EMF protection one product at a time, as your budget allows.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions. [email protected] or 541-201-8878 PT

Thanks for reading!

But by using one of the many available EMF protection products, you can help minimize the potential health risks associated with EMFs. So don’t wait - choose the product that’s right for you and start protecting yourself today!

Protect Your Health From EMFs – Electromagnetic Fields image

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