Are you EMFing or just Ungrounded and Off-Center?

Are you feeling unbalanced, emotional, spacy, or unfocused even more than usual? How can you tell if it’s coming from EMF, Wifi, and our technology, or if you’re ungrounded or off-center?
Is EMFing an Expletive?
A long-time customer reported feeling especially spacy, foggy-headed, and unable to focus on getting things done.
She asked me, “Am I EMing? Oh, no, I didn’t mean to make that sound like a swear word! But then, maybe it should be.”
We laughed, then focused on determining several things as I asked questions.
Technology - No new technology had been added recently, including a new phone, computer, WiFi, 5G network in the neighborhood, smart meter, or anything else new, including appliances.
BioElectric Shield – She had fully charged her Level 3 BioElectric Shield just a few days earlier, which is the correct level for her needs.
Life Situation or general chaos? I asked, “Does the way you’re feeling make sense in your life right now?
Is there something going on that could be throwing you off balance?
She answered with an instant, “Yes, of course.” She’s in an area that has a lot of unrest at the moment. There were even some shootings and a lot of political turmoil and demonstrations.
I “tuned in” and sensed that she was reacting to this unrest around her, throwing her off-center and leaving her ungrounded.
I suggested that she be in nature because that’s a great way of grounding. I also sent her a recent blog post. Click here to read blog
How can you know if you’re EMFing or ungrounded?
It is hard to tell the difference between grounded and EMFing because many of the symptoms are the same.
The similarities include
Tiredness, fatigue, or just a general feeling of unwellness or malaise. Being “spaced out,” light-headed, or dizzy. Difficulty focusing or concentrating, or feeling ADD/ADHD Being clumsy Anxiety or fearfulness Lack of motivation Inability to get things done Sleep issues Feeling jumpy or restless Frustration or irritability Feeling like your brain is foggy Forgetfulness Losing track of conversations
As you can see, many factors are common in both situations, EMF overload and emotional overload, or reaction to chaotic energy.
Ask yourself the above questions and see if you get an answer.
**If you DON’T have a Shield,take our quiz **for a personal recommendation.
If you DO have a Shield and are still experiencing issues
Try Grounding - Use the techniques in the blog below. The Shield helps you be more centered and grounded and deflects the EMF and chaotic energies. However, sometimes require a little more awareness and effort on your part. Take the Quiz - find out if you have the correct level of Shield Charge Shield - If you have the right Level Shield, ensure it’s fully charged. If you don’t have the correct level – check out our Pathways to ProtectionSend two photos, one with the Shield, and one without. It’s possible that you’re Shield isn’t fully charged, or perhaps you’re extra sensitive or have something else going on. Our consultant can give some feedback that may be of help.
Practice Grounding for Centeredness and Happiness
When you’re grounded, you generally can feel that you can handle life and what comes at you. It may not always be perfect, but you can find your way through to positive actions or points of view – even happiness.
We hope that you can stop EMFing and stay grounded and centered regardless of the chaotic energies and frequencies swirling around you.
Improve your Happiness by being Grounded & Present in your body
Improve your Happiness by being Grounded & Present in your body
Does your world feel crazy, out of control, or even chaotic? You’re not alone. This seems to be a common state of being these days. Sadly, not being grounded and feeling spaced out makes dealing with the current situation even more difficult, leaving you sad, stressed, depressed, hopeless, and unsure of what to do next.
Fear and Anxiety are Bombarding You – How are they Affecting Your life?
The increasing impact of fear and anxiety on your life may surprise you Fear and anxiety are all around you. You feel it when you watch the news, of course. How can you not? Everything seems to be chaotic.
Are you experiencing Zoom Fatigue?](/blog/zoom-fatigue-is-real-how-to-zoom-back-into-your-life/)
Zoom Fatigue is real, and it’s not just Zoom. It’s all the virtual platforms, including FaceTime, Skype, Google Hangouts, etc.
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