7 Things You Can Do to Protect Yourself from WiFi Radiation

7 Things You Can Do to Protect Yourself from WiFi Radiation

Protect yourself from WiFi radiation to improve your overall health and well-being. There are three different levels of EMF radiation protection: whole-body protection, electronics protection, and home and office protection. The level of protection that is needed depends upon your lifestyle and sensitivity to your EMF radiation.

Wi-Fi and EMF may be causing problems without your awareness of the cause.

Common symptoms include but aren’t limited to:

Headaches, difficulty focusing, memory issues, feeling like you have the flu, severe fatigue, poor sleep at night, high susceptibility to infection, ringing in the ears, difficulty thinking, and feeling like your brain is foggy.

More symptoms include anxiety and tension, restlessness, behavioral issues, nausea, mood swings, depression, and inability to heal from a viral, bacterial, or parasitic infection. Read more about some of the effects of Wi-fi and EMF Radiation exposure.

One: Get a Full Body EMF Protection Pendant


The best protection for your body that you can get is a pendant that will significantly reduce the radiation regardless of where you are - at home or out in public.

Many EMF protection pendants are on the market these days, and it can be hard to know which one is right for you. Do your research before buying, and make sure the company has a good reputation. The BioElectric Shield Co. has been in business since 1990, and our research is robust. Hundreds of testimonials support the claims of the manufacturer. Our Overall rating from product reviews is 4.8

Take a Quiz to assess your exposure and risk levels and guide you to the correct level of protection. Learn about the WiFi Protection BioElectric Shield. Immediate difference wearing my BioElectric Shield Pendant!

I received my BioElectric Shield a few days ago and immediately put it on. Within seconds I felt a wave of relaxation and relief wash over me and calm my nervous system. It was as if someone waved a magic wand. I felt my energy become more balanced and harmonized. I feel less effected by the frequencies being emitted from a nearby cell phone tower and other sources, and find that I am thinking more clearly. I am excited to see the improvements over time. I** recommend the BioElectric Shield to EVERYONE, even if you’re not aware of the effects EMFs are having on you. I am truly grateful for this discovery!  Level 3 Shield Review by Noel**

Two: Turn Off Your WiFi at Night

Turn off your WiFi router at night. If you can, turn your router off overnight and all your additional Wireless devices that have a wireless option, such as laptops and smartphones.

We recommend using an electric timer so you don’t have to worry about manually turning off your Wi-Fi every night. Your body does all of its rest and recovery while you sleep. This is why protecting your body from any interference from EMF radiation at night is so important.

Use a hard-wired computer if you need to use the Internet when your router is off. Most people determine the latest time they will need WiFi and set their timer to go off when they typically go to bed. This is a level of EMF protection we recommend to all of our clients. It’s easy, it’s cheap and it will improve your sleep health.

Three: Clear the Bedroom of WiFi Connected Electronics

**Step one: **Your bedroom is a special place for rest and relaxation. It should not be used as an office, so clear the room from all electronic devices emitting WiFi or screens. This includes your laptop, cell phone, and tablet device. Even if you keep these items in airplane mode while not being used, they emit EMF radiation as long as they are turned on.

A simple plug-in or battery-operated clock will have little or no WiFi radiation if you need an alarm clock. Step Two: Add an EMF Protection Room Shield to Your Bedroom. Even if you turn off your Wi-Fi at night, your neighbors probably haven’t. You can go to your Wi-Fi settings on any of your devices and see how many available networks there are in your local area. In the current age of convenience, the chances are very high that there will always be Wi-Fi in your area that you cannot control.

Clear room with EMF Protection Room Shield to protect yourself from WiFi and other EMF radiation.


Once you have cleared out the electronics, the second line of defense is to put an EMF Protection Room Shieldin the bedroom to protect you from your neighbor’s WiFi. Many people do not realize that your body conducts “rest and repair” functions while you sleep. This is when your immune system can work diligently to keep you healthy. However, if it is fully or even partly occupied protecting your body from EMF radiation, it can not do its job effectively. A safe, WiFi-protected environment is key to a refreshing night’s sleep.

Four: Reduce Radiation From Your WiFi Connected Electronics

# 1 - WiFi Radiation Protection for Your Cellphone

Cellphones use WiFi to operate. Thus, they emit EMF radiation anytime they are turned on. Your phone uses a WiFi signal to transmit voice and visual data. Minimize cell phone use by keeping it in airplane mode when receiving incoming calls and texts only.image

SYB WiFi Radiation protection cell phone caseis a padded phone cover that deflects 99% of EMF radiation away from your head and body (based on research findings). If you are using a protective case, you can easily switch to the padded SYB case without worrying if you drop your phone! Flexible protection - dial the number, slip your phone back in the pouch, and then use the speakerphone for the conversation.

#2 WiFi Radiation Protection Earbuds

There’s also an option of using WiFi Radiation-Free Earbuds instead of holding your phone up to your head all day long when you make calls - if you’re going to be on the phone for long periods, especially if you are a teenager or young adult. The wire stops safely from your ears, carrying the sound through a flexible plastic tube to your ear. These radiation-free earbuds use air conduction to transmit sound without emitting any EMF radiation.

#3 WiFi Radiation Protection for Tablets and Notebooksimage

To protect your pelvic area from the WiFi-EMF radiation associated with your tablet or notebook, you have 3 options:

Always use the device on a table, not directly on your lap

or place a WiFi EMF protection Laptop/Notebook pad under your device. This prevents 99% of the radiation from infusing your pelvic area. (The battery of the devices is on the bottom of the device, and the battery is the main culprit for creating the radiation).

or place a WiFi EMF Protection blanket on your lap.

**Special Use: **


Women can place the blanket over their bellies during pregnancy, thus protecting their fetuses from unwantedimage radiation from any source. (Great gift for family/friend who is pregnant!)

After the baby is born, it can be used as a baby blanket.

Other uses

It can also be a dog blanket

Cover a computer tower.

Five: Protect Yourself from WiFi-Enabled Smart Meter Radiation


The smart meter radiation you are exposed to at home is a type of cell tower radiation that affects everyone in your house. The wireless smart meters that utility companies have been installing on the outside of homes do not just transmit data about energy usage from inside your household’s water heater or stove - they also send out pulsed signals every few seconds that generate WiFi radiation each time they pulse.

Ecologist writer, Lynne Wycherley, reports that they emit as many as 14,000 short bursts of intense microwave radiation a day, which can disrupt cellular electrochemistry and cause health symptoms that include poor sleep, migraines, tinnitus, insomnia, dizziness, anxiety, chest pain, palpitations, and memory loss. (2)

WiFi Protection strategies include a simple anti-radiation cover for the back of the Smart Meter (located inside your home on the wall opposite the Smart Meter), a Premium Room Shield, or, for the electromagnetically hypersensitive, a full-on WiFi radiation protection paint.

Six: Up Your WiFi Protection with Your Diet

The final step is to ensure you are doing everything possible on the outside and inside of your body to protect yourself from EMF radiation. A balanced diet full of healthy, organic foods will help keep you balanced (homeostasis). In contrast, a poor diet that includes processed sugars and chemicals can create imbalances, leaving you more vulnerable to radiation damage.3

Some foods high in antioxidants (vitamins A, C, and E) will help to protect your cells from WiFi radiation, including berries, dark leafy greens, cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, and cauliflower, tomatoes, garlic, ginger, turmeric, and omega-rich fish oils. Herbs like lavender, peppermint, and chamomile have also been proven to protect the body from EMFs. Drinking plenty of water is important as well.

Incorporating these strategies into your daily life will protect yourself against Wi-Fi radiation exposure damage! image

Seven: Take a 20-Minute Walk Every Day

A 20-minute walk around your neighborhood will give you a lot of benefits. It gets you out in nature, which is good for the mind and body. The fresh air, sunshine, and exercise can rejuvenate your body from everyday stresses. Taking a break from electronics also helps. The walk will help you to “ground” yourself and feel more connected to the earth. It’s a good way to start or end your day and can be a time for reflection. Being out in nature is one of the best things you can do for your health!

If you would like more information about protection from Wi-Fi Radiation, please get in touch with us:  [email protected]; 1-541-201-8878 or visit the website: www.bioelectricshield.com

Although the price may seem a little steep, this purchase was worth every penny. I spend a lot of time at a computer and before purchasing the Shield, I would always be very sleepy towards the end of my work day. After purchasing and wearing the shield, I no longer get drowsy at my computer and I feel much more alert! Level 3 Shield review by Nalij


1.     BioInitiative Report: BioInitiative 2012 (updated 2014-2020), A rationale for Biologically-based Exposure Standards for Low-Intensity Electromagnetic Radiation. https://bioinitiative.org/

2.     Smart Meters and cell damage from pulsed em radiation-our health at risk? Lynne Wycherley   11th April 2017 https://theecologist.org/2017/apr/11/smart-meters-and-cell-damage-pulsed-em-radiation-our-health-risk

3.     Understanding Antioxidants, Harvard Health Publishing, January 31, 2019 https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/understanding-antioxidants image

Products for People with Electromagnetic Sensitivity – ES – EHS

Products we Recommend for the Highly Sensitive Person (HSP – empath) or those with Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EMS) How do you know if you are Electrosensitive? Products for people with electromagnetic sensitivity can reduce energy drains and the impact of EMF, WiFi, and all our technology as well as other people’s energy.

Photo Credit - WiFi Photo 93451257 © Nmedia   Dreamstime.com
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