5G Smart Meters Cell Phones Wifi | Page 3

Are 5G Phones the Same as 5G Wireless? Are they safe?

Are 5G Phones the Same as 5G Wireless? Are they safe?

5G Phones and 5G Wireless Refer to Two Different Technologies Both 5G phones and 5G WiFi are used in wireless communications, but this is the ONLY thing they have in common. What’s important to know? What is 5G Cellular? We get many phone calls from customers wondering if their 5G...

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AirPod Radiation May Be Frying Your Brain

AirPod Radiation May Be Frying Your Brain

I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t put a microwave next to your head. I am right, aren’t I? Well, I hate to be the bearer of more bad news but using an AirPod or any other wireless, Bluetooth headset, or holding the phone to your ear is about the same -...

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Using Your Phone as an Alarm Clock can be Dangerous

Using Your Phone as an Alarm Clock can be Dangerous

Using your phone as an alarm clock can be dangerous? Do you keep your cell phone near your bedside at night? Many people do, but using your phone as an alarm clock could pose an inherent danger to your health, even while you sleep. Young people are the most likely...

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Is Your Smart Phone Distracting You?

Is Your Smart Phone Distracting You?

Is Your Smart Phone Distracting You? Do you have a Sense of Wholeness and Life Satisfaction? Everyone I know loves the idea of “peace of mind”. And even better, a feeling of wholeness as we go through our busy days. But it’s possible technology is disrupting that and it’s time...

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Why does Dr. Martin Pall warn 5G is Stupidest Idea In the History of the World?

Why does Dr. Martin Pall warn 5G is Stupidest Idea In the History of the World?

“5G is the Stupidest Idea In the History of the World” “Putting in tens of millions of 5G antennae without a single biological test of safety has got to be about the stupidest idea anyone has had in the history of the world.”  Dr. Martin Pall Dr. Martin Pall, Professor...

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Marketing or Propaganda - What's the truth about 5G?

Marketing or Propaganda - What's the truth about 5G?

The Crowd is Smiling Propaganda is everywhere, and sadly, we don’t even seem to notice. We just nod and smile and don’t question the truth about 5G propaganda or whether we should be concerned. I, AnnaMariah, attended a talk recently. The speaker was Oregon Congressman Greg Walden, chairman of the...

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How are You Sleeping - Bright Night-time Light & EMF Affects Your Sleep

How are You Sleeping - Bright Night-time Light & EMF Affects Your Sleep

Are you having trouble sleeping soundly all night? Is it possible that light is affecting your sleep patterns? Did you know that exposure to the bright light from your phone and tablet screens can affect your internal body clock - which then affects your sleep? The body has a circadian...

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Laptop EMF Destroys Sperm - the good ole days are gone

Laptop EMF Destroys Sperm - the good ole days are gone

The Good Ole Days When Men Were not Sitting at Starbucks zapping their Sperm Research Study from the BioInitiative 2012 Report Summarizes a Sperm Study The news from the research front is that Laptop EMF Destroys Sperm and sperm are fondly remembering the “good ole days” when young men did...

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Cell Phone Cancer Warning - Heart & Brain Tumors Double

Cell Phone Cancer Warning - Heart & Brain Tumors Double

Researchers from the National Toxicology Program of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services have uncovered new evidence about the links between cell phone radiation and cancerous tumors – links so strong that they decided to release their preliminary results before the entire study was completed. In a long-term...

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Brain Drain and your Smartphone - How to be Safe

Brain Drain and your Smartphone - How to be Safe

Smartphone Use can be Addictive Did you know your smartphone can affect your brain? We call this brain drain or brain fog, I’m sure you’ve felt it.  According to Dr. Karen Smith, California Department of Public Health, about 95% of Americans own a cell phone. Kids get their first phone...

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Believe it - See the WiFi Around You

Believe it - See the WiFi Around You

See the WiFi That Surrounds You! Since WiFi is normally invisible, somehow it doesn’t seem dangerous to our bodies, right? Now you can see what’s been invisible until recently. Normally you can’t see it, you can’t hear it and in most cases, you can’t feel it until you’re already sick...

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5G, Smart Meters Affect the Heart & Trigger Mysterious Symptoms

5G, Smart Meters Affect the Heart & Trigger Mysterious Symptoms

What happens to your Heart when a Smart Meter is close by? Warren Woodward asked the question “Do smart meters affect the heart?” and set up a live EKG demonstration and videotaped it to prove what actually happens to a healthy heart when “hit” with the signal from the Smart...

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