22 Tips to Reduce EMF in Your Home or Office

22 Tips to Reduce EMF in Your Home or Office

Reducing EMF in your home and work can improve your health now and in the future. EMF is now listed as a possible carcinogen by the World Health Organization The BioInitiative Working Group reviewed 1800 studies citing health risks, DNA damage, and other unsettling effects of prolonged exposure to EMF. Electrosmog is a term that refers to the magnetic, electric, radio (microwave), ground current, and high-frequency radiation is that it is mostly invisible until great damage is done.

Electrosensitivity usually happens gradually.

**Most ESs start as healthy working citizens, and through chronic and acute exposures to electric radiation, they became electrically sensitive with little warning. Their message: it could be you next. **ES people have difficulty finding a safe place in our wireless age.

Symptoms include but aren’t limited to fatigue, brain fog and focusing issues like ADD/ADHD, headaches, burning sensations, tingling, heart arrhythmia, migraines, severe depression, chronic insomnia, anxiety, stress, mood fluctuations, frustration, mysterious symptoms, even life-threatening seizures, and heart attacks. Too often, you write these symptoms off as a long list of other symptoms that get written off as “I’m getting older,” “It’s just stress,” “not enough sleep,” etc.”.

Wouldn’t it be a relief to know that the symptoms may be alleviated by changing some things in your home or office and/or wearing an EMF Protection BioElectric Shield? If you haven’t already done so,take our Quiz for an Assessment of your EMF exposure and Risk and a Recommendation for the best level of protection for your needs.


22 Tips to Reduce EMF Radiation in your Home or Office

Note to our readers: Not everyone will want to implement ALL of these suggestions, but if you are experiencing any of the above issues or know you are electromagnetically hyper-sensitive, follow as many of these suggestions as you want - and see what happens.

Call us so we can help you prevent or reverse the sensitivity. The best results are a combination of steps to reduce EMF exposure and multi-layer protection, starting with a BioElectric Shield to protect you 24/7 and then moving on to cell phone protection, some of the Home and Room Protection solutions, especially the Satic units, for dealing with the Dirty Electricity and issues discussed in item #11.

Electrosensitivity usually happens gradually; the effects, like those of smoking and other toxins, are gradual and cumulative. Most ESs start as healthy working citizens, and through chronic and acute exposures to electric radiation, they become electrically sensitive with little warning.** Don’t wait until you’re sick. Pay attention to the early warning signs and take action to protect yourself and reduce your exposure.**


A **BioElectric Shield ** deflects and neutralizes the EMF and other people’s energy and stress, attacking you from all sides. This protection allows your body to relax, restore, and rejuvenate. PARTNER WITH NATURE

Rise with the sun and go to bed early. This way, you can maximize daylight and avoid using artificial lighting whenever possible.

If you go outside every morning, exposure to natural daylight will stimulate your brain, hormones, and entire body. Your day will improve by giving your body a dose of daylight, particularly sunlight. During the day, go outside as often as possible! When you are outside, your energy field can expand and cleanse from built-up electronic energies. You might even schedule a once-a-day time to be outside. If you have a dog, you can make sure you take a daily walk. Even if you don’t have a dog, you can take yourself for a walk! GET BETTER SLEEP BY CLEARING YOUR BEDROOM OF ALL ELECTRONICS

If you are experiencing sleep problems, you may react to too much EMF in your bedroom.

Several studies correlate higher levels of EMF radiation with poor sleep. In 2010 and 2012, two similar studies found that employees of high voltage substations need more time to fall asleep and that their sleep quality was worse than the control group.

A study from Pub Med found that EMF radiation disrupts melatonin levels. Melatonin signals your pineal gland, which controls your sleep-wake cycles. You may have tried taking melatonin supplements to help you sleep better since adequate melatonin signals your brain to relax and go to sleep!

Your bedroom: Purge your bedroom of all electronics. If you need an alarm clock, get a plug-in clock and place it five feet from the head of your bed. A BioElectric Room Shield will reduce EMF radiation. Users report a feeling of calm and better sleep.

Stop using screens 2 hours before bedtime - Evening Activities Make a Difference:

Research shows that blue light from our screens on any device is stimulating.  It’s reported that using blue-blocker glasses will also assist in keeping the pineal gland observing the natural light of an evening, thus producing the melatonin your pineal gland requires to signal your body it’s time for sleep.  However, my personal experience says differently. If I must use a screen, I turn the brightness down as far as possible. The blue light coming off a cell phone, or the vibrations or dings on your phone will also disrupt your sleep if the phone is left in the bedroom. This is another reason why no electronics should stay in the bedroom at night. ** WIFI**

Turn off Wi-Fi at night. You can do this with a simple wall-mounted timer. Then, plug in the Wi-Fi unit. Set the timer to go off at bedtime and come on in the morning. If there is a power outage, you will have to reset your timer. If you are extremely sensitive, hardwire your electronics. Bedrooms - purge them of electronics. If you need a plug-in alarm clock, place it at least 5 feet from the bed, and remove any cell phones, laptops, tablets, etc. from your bedroom. If you are exceptionally sensitive, you could unplug your bedside lamp just before you go to sleep - or have a  Satic Whole Home Line conditioner installed so that the electrical wiring in your home has minimal EMF.

CHOOSE NON-WIFI AREAS: Avoid areas with wireless networking (WiFi) - internet cafes, airports, etc. sources: 8, 9 However, since this is impossible these days, we recommend wearing personal energy protection, such as the BioElectric Shield to protect you at all times. KEEP YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM STRONG. Choose a nutrient-rich organic diet, 8 hours of sleep, moderate exercise, and plenty of fresh air and sun. Wearing a BioElectric Shield will help boost your immune system. (The link is to see how it does this for you) GROUND LAPTOPS AND COMPUTERS: This reduces the electricity running through your body when touching them. See the Video of How to do this

Use Shielding on laptops and tablets](/categories/shield-your-electronics/). ELIMINATE OR PLACE EMF PROTECTION ON CORDLESS DECT PHONES AND BABY MONITORS. **All cordless technology emits a constant electromagnetic signal even when not in use. If you must use them, **use a room Shield in the room where both the monitor and base units reside.** **USE EMF PROTECTION STRATEGIES WITH YOUR CELL PHONE: Use airplane mode when your phone is not in use. Text instead of calling. Do not hold the phone up to your head. Use a speakerphone and put your phone in an EMF anti-radiation pouch. Or use Radiation Free earbuds . Make sure cell phones are turned off when not in use and avoid using them inside a car. When you do use cell phones, use speakerphone and appropriate shielding devices, and keep more than 2 feet from your body when not in use. Read our Ultimate Cell phone Safety tips SMART METERS—Don’t let them be installed, or if it’s too late, try to get them removed and go back to the analog meters. If this isn’t possible, place a Room Shield on the inside wall across from the outside wall where the Smart Meter is installed.   ELIMINATE DIRTY ELECTRICITY FROM ELECTRONICS OR HOME WIRING - To reduce dirty electricity in your home’s wiring, install the Whole Home Satic Unitor Portable Satic Line ConditionerPlugs. PRACTICE A CHEMICAL-FREE LIFESTYLE: When you reduce your total body burden of toxins by replacing all personal care and home-cleaning products with chemical-free versions, wearing organic clothing, and using organic bedding, you make it easier for your immune system to deal with unavoidable toxins, including EMFs. In your own home, you have a choice of what to clean with—and it can be non-toxic! WEAR SHOES WITH A SOLE MADE FROM NATURAL MATERIALS (like undyed leather), walk barefoot on the beach or earth, or hug a tree - these all may help you release excess EMFs into the earth and ground your body. ** SMALL APPLIANCES**

Unplug electrical appliances when not in use. Avoid using small appliances like hair dryers, microwave ovens, electric toothbrushes, electric blankets, heating pads, baby monitors, and other electric products. You may want to use a toaster oven rather than the large regular oven when possible. Avoid appliances with variable speeds: Fans, heaters, front-loading washing machines, and some furnaces.

“SMART” appliances: Many, if not all, appliances made since 2009 have computerized technology and are constantly putting out EMF. If you have a choice, choose “dumb” appliances. You can help reduce the EMF in kitchens, media rooms, bedrooms etc, by using a Room Shield.  REPLACE DIMMER SWITCHES WITH REGULAR SWITCHES to eliminate high-frequency radiation, or “dirty electricity,” that can be hidden in your home’s electrical wiring. LIGHTING—LOW-VOLTAGE HALOGEN AND FLUORESCENT LIGHTING (including the currently popular energy-efficient compact fluorescent lighting). Fluorescent lighting has been shown to cause migraines10 and contains mercury, a hazardous material that can create huge health and environmental problems. One company makes a lead-shielded light and a non-flicker bulb: Ott Technology. USE LCD COMPUTERS AND TV SCREENS—AVOID PLASMA TVS. Keep computer use to a minimum and keep it unplugged when not in use. BUYING OR BUILDING A NEW HOME? **If you are buying or building your own home, choose a home at least 5 miles from the nearest microwave or cell phone tower, high-tension power line, or other radio and TV transmitters. Check for future and existing cell tower sites—design with as much natural lighting as possible so that you are less dependent on artificial lighting. For added protection against radio and cell phone waves, use low-e coatings on windows.8 **WHERE IS YOUR BREAKER BOX OR SOLAR INVERTER? **Locate the electrical power panel, solar inverters (if you are using active solar), clothes dryer, hot water heater, and any other large electric appliance at least 20 feet from living/sleeping areas. The routing of any dedicated circuits for computer and other electronics should be kept away from critical areas like the bedroom. Install a Satic  Whole Home Unit. Provide a dedicated circuit for the refrigerator so that you can turn off other breakers at night if desired, except for the fridge.8  You can also hang a room Shield in the room where your power panel or Solar inverters are stored. **REDUCE YOUR TIME ONLINE: **Your body will appreciate if if you give yourself some time offline. Go for a walk, read a book, play games - remember some of the things you enjoyed BE (before the internet) **WHAT IS YOUR EMF EXPOSURE LEVEL? **You may not know how much EMF you are being exposed to. You **can take our free EMF Protection quiz** to find out. At the end of the quiz, follow the link to get a free recommendation for what level of protection would fit best for you exposure level. **PERSONAL ENERGY PROTECTION OPTIONS: Want to explore personal energy protection options? imageShort List of How you can help yourself

Get EMF Protection

Keep cell phone and portable phone use to a minimum

Eat organic

Get enough sleep at night (6-8 hours)

Spend time in nature regularly

Exercise regularly

Read over our list of tips above


1 Geoffrey Lean, “EU watchdog calls for urgent action on Wi-Fi radiation,” The Independent, September 16, 2007, (http://environment.independent.co.u…) .

2 The BioInitiative Working Group, “BioInitiative Report: A Rationale for a Biologically-based Public Exposure Standard for Electromagnetic Fields (ELF and RF),” BioInitiative, August 31, 2007,/blog/emf-dangers-research//121-bioinitiative-report-on-emf-radiation-effects-and-recommendations-

3 Zafrir Rinat, “Knesset bans placing cellular antennas on residential buildings,” Haaretz, October 24, 2007, .) .

4 “Lloyd’s preparing for personal injury related to cell phone use,” Canadian Underwriter, October 22, 2007, .) .

5 Lennart Hardell, Michael Carlberg, Fredrik Söderqvist, Kjell Hansson Mild, L. Lloyd Morgan, “Long-term use of cellular phones and brain tumours: increased risk associated with use for >=10 years,” Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 2007;64:626-632 (http://oem.bmj.com/cgi/content/full…) .

6 “Wireless Quick Facts,” CTIA, The Wireless Association, June 2007, (http://www.ctia.org/media/industry_…) .

7 Julie Genser with Melinda Honn and Greg Conrad, “Safer Construction Tips for the Environmentally Sensitive,” September 2007,

8 Maria Tzavaras, “Tips to have less EMFs in your home,” Toronto Community News, November 27, 2007, (Article no longer available).

9 “Low-energy bulbs ‘cause migraine’,” BBC News, January 2, 2008, .) .

Julie Genser is a graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN) in NYC and is certified in permaculture and ecovillage design. She has a Bachelor’s degree in Design and Environmental Analysis from Cornell University. Julie is also the founder and director of www.PlanetThrive.com , a grassroots community for personal wellness that aims to empower those healing from environmental illnesses with the information, resources, and support necessary to create change in their world.

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