10 Tips to Support and Protect Your Body while Flying

10 Tips to Support and Protect Your Body while Flying

10 Tips to Support and Protect Your Body While Flying

If you support and protect your body while flying or traveling you’ll be in much mood and condition. If you’re like most of us, you travel on airplanes at least once a year, possibly far more frequently! Flying is stressful and your body can use additional support when you must fly.

You can beat some of the hazards of airline travel with these tips.

Reduce EMF radiation, stress, and jet lag whenever you fly. Enjoy your trip!


1 - Avoid the airport walk-through scanners

Full-body scanners (“naked scanners”) are being used in close to 70 airports in the US. These full-body backscatter X-ray scanners use ionizing radiation, a known cumulative health hazard. Children, pregnant women, and the elderly are susceptible to the type of DNA damage caused by ionizing radiation. My advice – opt-out and protect your body from the possible damage from a scanner.

2 - Shield your entire body with a BioElectric Shield when you fly

The further you get from the Earth’s surface, the less protection you have from cosmic radiation. Additional EMF exposure comes from cockpit computers, the jet engine, electronic sensors, electrical wiring in the cabin, static electricity from the fuselage, e-readers, iPads, and WiFi, which is now available on many planes. You can also use an EMF protective blanket on your lap or an EMF protection laptop pad.

3 - Wear EMF protective clothing

You don’t have to buy special clothing. You can use a fabric rinse designed to impregnate your clothing with a layer of invisible but effective radiation shielding particles. Yes, when you wash these clothes, you’ll have to use the rinse again, but it’s a great way to add a layer of EMF protection during your flight. Turn your clothing into EMF clothing. 

4 - Sit as far away from the front of the plane as you can

Avoid radiation from the cockpit and the jet engines. Being on an airplane exposes you to more radiation than a chest x-ray.

5 - Avoid the seats with TV Screens in the headrest

If you want to avoid seats that have TV screens in the headrest, see if you can sit in the back row. You may still have one in front of you, but al least you won’t have one right next to your head. The back row is as far away from the cockpit as you can get without being outside the plane on the wing!

6 - International Flight – Reset your Watch & Catch a Nap

Before you fly, reset your watch to the time of your destination country. When it’s nighttime there, take some melatonin so you can go to sleep or at least begin to reset your biological clock. The BioElectric Shield also helps with this reset.

7 - Hydrate!

Drink plenty of water before and during the flight. Your body will handle any EMFs better if it’s hydrated! Avoid carbonated drinks and alcohol, they dehydrate you.

8 - Prepare your Immune System


Eat probiotic-rich foods for days before you travel. Prepare your body to deal with the stress of travel and the EMF environment the plane creates. Good examples are sauerkraut and kefir. Bring your own protein-rich snacks for long flights. Skip eating on short flights.

9 - Work with Time

Avoid last-minute stressors so you aren’t rushing to do anything before you travel. Be well rested before you fly – another way to counter the EMF & stress on a plane.

10 - Local Immune Boost


Dab some lip gloss on your lips and on the inside and edge of your nostrils. The stickiness will grab the germs and block them from entering your airways. Once off the plane, blow your nose.

Protect yourself during air travel and all the time

Get Personal Energy Protection and Balance - Order a BioElectric Shield today!

Upgrade: If you already have a Level 1 or 2 Shield, you might consider upgrading to a Higher Level for more balance and protection with airport scanners and Wi-Fi on the planes most people feel much better with stronger protection. If you’ve missed the 3 year upgrade window, you can turn your old Shield into a Room Shield.

Shield wearers report less jet lag, more energy and concentration, and more energy. Get a Shield today and be protected 24/7 including on any flying you’ll do in the future, both local and international flights create stress on your body.


Travel Tips for HSPs, Empaths, and everyone else


Travel can be alternately exhausting, frustrating, and energizing. Even things out with our travel tips. Let’s face it, travel can be extremely stressful for everyone. If you’re an HSP or empath it can be even more trying. Airports, Crowded planes, jet lag, strange surroundings, figuring out where to go and what to do, time schedules

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